Pierre Clément — Transcom primitive
Pierre Clément
Transcom primitive
Past: October 22, 2015 → January 16, 2016
Pierre Clément’s practice articulates around esthetic, cultural and political forms which emerged with Internet. Sampling of forms and materials, Pierre Clément explores their potentialities and the symbolic power of images and manufactured objects: satellite dish, symbol of a certain telecommunication; Plexiglas imbricated with some clay, printed images making the focus on textures (mud, clay). XPO gallery proposes an assembly made by several works produced on this occasion . Each of these works is a subtle composition questioning the sculptural potential of the image.
Ecstatic journey in new fields of consciousness questionning the more ”unconfessed” and ”subterranean” visions as shamanism, esotericism and countercultures, Pierre Clément reveals a mystical part of the empirical knowledges and interpenetrates the domains of communication with new technologies and human and occult sciences. It’s in this double movement between seduction and repulsion that his works sabotage and disturb our conformist and normative ways of seeing. Through these gestures that question sculpture, design, and technology, Clément reveals the flaws of a system in which error would no longer be human, thereby giving each of these forms an alternate history filled with fictions and new symbols.
Opening Thursday, October 22, 2015 6 PM → 10 PM
Lecture Tuesday, November 10, 2015 6 PM → 9 PM
Rencontre avec l’artiste Pierre Clément et Manuela de Barros, maîtresse de conférences en art contemporain et philosophie à Paris 8 et auteure de Magie et Technologie aux Éditions Supernova et Marianne Derrien, commissaire de l’exposition. Quel regard portons-nous sur les technologies ? Trois regards vont se confronter afin de discuter cette question et de recontextualiser, tant le rapport corps et machines, la fabrication de croyances et des cultes que la force d’anticipation de l’art. Il s’agira aussi à cette occasion de revenir sur un ensemble de termes et de notions qui seront abordés dans un contexte spécifique, celui de l’exposition Transcom Primitive.
Opening hours
Wednesday – Saturday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment