Christopher Anderson — Son

Christopher Anderson
Past: February 14 → April 14, 2012
“These images were not intentional. I did not set out to make this body of work. These photographs are an organic response to an experience that is at the same time the most unique and the most universal of experiences: the birth of a child. The photographs that resulted from that response are simple pictures of my family made during the first two years of my son’s life. At the same time that I was experiencing the intense joy of new life, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. It’s fair to say that I found myself reflecting on obvious themes of life and death. Through my son, my role as the son took on new meaning and my senses were hypertuned to the evidence of my own life passing. Then these photographs just sort of happened. They are a record of love and a reflection on the seasonal nature of life.”
Christopher Anderson, January 2012.
This exhibition presents this very personal work of Christopher Anderson accross a selection of about fifteen prints that record his intimate life with his wife and son.
With this series Christopher Anderson comes back to color photography after Capitolio, a wonderful black and white corpus about the upheavals of contemporary Caracas, Venezuela.
Christopher is also well known for his work on politics, war and other news.
Born in 1970 in Canada, he is a Magnum Photographer since 2010.
The artist
Christopher Anderson