The Crown Letter — Mai


Dessin, film, installations, photographie...

The Crown Letter — Mai

Passé : 16 mai → 16 juin 2021

Manuela Morgaine

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Esther Shalev-Gerz, Les Invalides, 2021 Photographie Manuela Morgaine & The Crown Letter

Assan S. is an artist. Assan is like a brother for me. Assan had an accident and was amputated six months ago. My mother is my mother. My mother is a virus survivor. Assan makes today his first exhibition at the Invalides, in Paris. In this precise place, his first exhibition since losing his leg. I see him for the first time with his prosthesis, there, at the Invalides. He’s the one supporting my mother, he’s the one missing a leg. This is the best life lesson that I can receive. The sense of Care.

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Katja Stuke

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Katja Stuke, New Moon, from Moon over Konohana, 2021 Photographie Katja Stuke & The Crown Letter

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Natacha Nisic
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Natacha Nisic, Silence, 2021 Photographie Natacha Nisic & The Crown Letter

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Liza Dimbleby

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Liza Dimbleby, Letter from Glasgow: PAUSE, 2021 Photographie Liza Dimbleby & The Crown Letter

I have barely entered the city centre for a year, since I shut up my studio last March. This city exaggerates a separation between the centre and the outlying areas at the best of times, ruptured at the north and west by a large motorway, an abandoned ring road that never achieved full circle. Entire neighbourhoods were excavated and now caverns of underpasses and motorway bridges must be broached to cross from the land of leafy parks and University where I live to the downtown city proper. The centre is laid out on a grid, with high tenements that block the light, empty lots and sudden mirrored high rises like parts of New York, or Chicago. This year I have worked at home. I have avoided the studio and have not been taking trains, the concert halls are shut, so I have no reason to go into the centre, and I fear it. I picture silent streets, deserted buildings, peopled only by junkies, scavenging emptiness.

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Luise Schröder

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Luise Schroeder, Navigation, 2021 Collage photographique Luise Schroeder & The Crown Letter

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Catherine Radosa

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Catherine Radosa, Campagne de Paris, paysage triangulaire, 2021 Still d’un film en cours (2018 — 2021) dans le triangle de Gonesse — Vidéo Catherine Radosa & The Crown Letter

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SE Barnet

Spring from SEBARNET on Vimeo.

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Ivana Vollaro

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Ivana Vollaro, Time is just a representation, 2021 Photographie Ivana Vollaro & The Crown Letter

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Dettie Flynn

Peut encore devenir aussi dangereux que les variantes from Dettie Flynn on Vimeo.

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Esther Shalev-Gerz

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Esther Shalev-Gerz, In construction, 2021 Photographie Esther Shalev-Gerz & The Crown Letter

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Sudha Padjama Francis

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Ruth Maclennan

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Divers / misc Zoom in Divers / misc Zoom out

The Crown letter est un projet virtuel, alimenté de nouveaux contenus tous les mardis


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