The Crown Letter — Novembre


Collage, dessin, film, nouveaux médias...

The Crown Letter — Novembre

Passé : 4 novembre → 1 décembre 2020

Sarah Naqvi

How does one say queen in Islam from Sarah Naqvi on Vimeo.

“In collaboration with Sophie Soobramanien and Hibotep Video 2020”

“The film, titled How does one say ‘queen’ in Islam invokes formative childhood memories in a surreal surrender of self to unrecognised forces of time and space. I begin with decisive women who have moulded my own surroundings and memories but, more broadly, I am concerned with how women have acquired agency and control tactically, by working against social hierarchies and, personally, I revisit those times when, during my childhood, women mould, change, even police, society. I imagine the archetypical ‘auntie next door’ whose business is everyone else’s, and the role she plays in the lives around her which is amplified through a larger context. Although her power is marginal, multiplied it becomes very real.”


Kyoko Kasuya

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Kyoko Kasuya, Sans titre, 0 Kyoko Kasuya & The Crown Letter

“It seems like everything goes back to “ normal ”. Time is chasing after us since the beginning of September. I didn’t find even a little time to look at the sky. Last Saturday evening, I hopped on the last train heading to the méditerranéen coast. Nobody was in my wagon. I just came across the moment.”

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Ruth Maclennan

Saint Terre from Ruth Maclennan on Vimeo.

“Saint Terre

When we walk, we naturally go to the fields and woods: what would become of us, if we walked only in a garden or a mall?

Henry David Thoreau

The current campaign to stop the building of a train line — known as High Speed 2 or HS2 — through ancient English woodland, to connect cities that are already connected by train lines, reminds me of the destruction of woodland by developers who built on the beach next to Walden Pond in Concord Massachusetts. This was where Henry David Thoreau lived for a while in a hut he built himself. I grew up hearing about this story. A legal case was brought against the developers and failed, was appealed and won. The developers were obliged to remove the buildings and restore the habitat as far as possible to its original ‘natural beauty’. Judge Cutter who wrote the decision was my grandfather.

This time the government is behind the building of the unnecessary tain line. Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Middlesex. John E. NICKOLS et al.

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Luise Schröder

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Schröder Luise, Sans titre, 2020 Collage Luise Schröder & The Crown Letter

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Ivana Vollaro
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Ivana Vollaro, Louvre Hotel, 2020 Photographie Ivana Vollaro & The Crown Letter

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Manuela Morgaine

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Manuela Morgaine, OCCHIO Grotte naturelle du Circeo, Italie., 2003 Photogramm du film CAVE CANEM Manuela Morgaine & The Crown Letter

CAVE CANEM — Beware of the dog —  this inscription can be found at the entrance to the ancient residences of Pompeii. In Italy OCCHIO, literally EYE indicates an imminent danger from which you must protect yourself. First day of the second confinement in Paris, in an epidemic time out of control, mixed with the terror of knives at the throats of the innocent, the impression that the Plague threatens our humanity. This Open Eye remains a refuge and the guarantor of our resistance.”

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SE Barnet

Politics of Salmon from SEBarnet on Vimeo.

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Natacha Nisic
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Natacha Nisic, Taming Fear, 2020 Photogramme Natacha Nisic & The Crown Letter

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Katja Stuke

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Katja Stuke, O.T. from: Moon over Konohana, 2020 Impression pigment — 140 × 100 cm Katja Stuke & The Crown Letter

 »Moon over Konohana« the title of an exhibition by German photographer Katja Stuke and japanese poet and photographer Henguchi Yoshinori, opening in Cologne at Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln (The Japan Foundation) on Nov. 6, 2020. The exhibition was developed in the context of a dialogue between the two artists from Apr. to Sept. 2020. »Inspiration« show links to several music-videos, historic photographs and illustrations, images, artworks and books, which came up during this dialogue. It all started with this photograph by Katja Stuke: «Moon over Konohana«.

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Anne Dubos

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Anne Dubos, Traverser l’Europe par temps de Covid, 2020 Photographie Anne Dubos & The Crown Letter

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Ana Mendes

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Ana Mendes, Single Double, 2020 Tampon, encre sur papier — 297 × 210 mm Ana Mendes & The Crown Letter

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