Yesn’t II
Past: December 2, 2020 → January 30, 2021
When we talk about the abolition of binarism, we’re mostly talking about gender. But it has also been shown and discussed that non-binarism — in theory and in action — has implications far beyond these considerations: ontological, economic, logical and linguistic, amongst others.
Installation, painting, photography...
Sultana Gallery
Popó de Paris
Past: June 9 → July 28, 2012
In the 19th Century Baudelaire described Paris from its more scatological side. For the Romantics this was a new way to
paint the modern landscape of their city. They were more interested in the absence of light, the wonder of the night, the
occult, and life after death.
Edgar Alain Poe narrated Paris from America,…
Painting, sculpture, video
Sultana Gallery
Sally Ross — Recent Paintings
Past: April 26 → June 2, 2012
Sally Ross explores the fertile, imaginative potential of conventional painting genres and the picturesque. She translates and transforms pastoral scenes, portrait or animal studies into works that are obsessively filled with intricate, painterly detail, a curious mass of greens and endless marks on the canvas.
Sultana Gallery
Unwritten (sculptures)
Past: March 17 → April 21, 2012
Unwritten (sculptures) s’intéresse au rapport que la sculpture et sa pratique entretiennent avec l’écrit, la littérature ou les textes, et montre comment les artistes investissent par des voies diverses ces notions pour fabriquer un langage visuel qui se situe entre apparition et disparition, dévoilement et dévoiement de l’immédiatété sémantique.
Installation, sculpture, sound - music...
Sultana Gallery
Comme une solidarité opérationnelle
Past: October 15 → December 17, 2011
L’exposition dont le titre est détourné du titre de l’exposition monographique de la Collection Yoon-ja et Paul Devautour de 1994 est aussi l’occasion de placer dans un contexte actuel des œuvres des années 1990 pour les (re) découvrir aujourd’hui et se rendre compte de leur impact sur les jeunes générations d’artistes.
Collage, drawing, installation...
Sultana Gallery
Gavin Perry — I Believe in Jim Jones
Past: September 10 → October 8, 2011
Jim Jones était un pasteur évangéliste connu pour la façon dont il a manipulé ses adeptes, tel un gourou de secte, pour les entraîner dans un acte ultime de foi. En employant le procédé du culte de la personnalité, il parvint à leur faire ingérer un cocktail empoisonné à base de cyanure de potassium, tuant au final une vaste majorité de sa congrégation .
Drawing, installation, sculpture
Sultana Gallery
Jacin Giordano — Damage
Past: June 9 → July 23, 2011
There is the old trope of the painter in his studio, agonizing in silence, waiting for a flash of inspiration — that stroke of genius that will provide the next excuse to pour his guts out on the canvas. And then there are the makers of “critical painting” — neat conceptualists who arrive on the scene equipped with premeditated stances.
Painting, sculpture
Sultana Gallery
Beatriz Monteavaro — Date with the night
Past: May 7 → June 6, 2011
Betty and I are sitting in a bar. The setting is imprecise. Maybe it’s our usual dive in Little Haiti in Miami or a more rarefied place in Paris. She’s just finished her set. I’m supposed to be writing something for her upcoming exhibition, for the new body of works that extends the on-going narrative concoction of pulp culture.
Drawing, sculpture
Sultana Gallery
Bettina Samson — Fedor Poligus — Les preuves du feu
Past: February 26 → April 30, 2011
Bettina Samson develops a practice that is complex like a mosaic whose forms are often sourced from a non-linear history the artist likes to document: resulting in a dense and whole ensemble whose elements respond to each other like unpredictable intimations.
Photography, sculpture
Sultana Gallery
Olivier Millagou — Big Wednesday
Past: January 8 → February 26, 2011
James Cook was a British navigator who made several expeditions in the Pacific. The voyage that he took between 1776 and 1779 was his last. He explored firstly the Kerguelen Islands, then he made a stopover in New Zealand. Captain James Cook then headed north, but on the 19 January 1778, he finally changed course.
Drawing, painting, sculpture
Sultana Gallery
Chansons de geste
Past: October 30 → December 18, 2010
Il serait pertinent de parler des possibles pluriels, historiques et plastiques, que pourraient augurer le titre de cette exposition. Il y sera bien sûr question d’actions d’éclat accomplies et de leurs formes narrées ; mais la valeur précise de cet éclat variera à l’aune de qui voudra l’étiquetter.
Installation, painting, photography...
Sultana Gallery
Arnaud Maguet — Spleen le Jeune
Past: September 4 → October 23, 2010
Using very diversified means, Arnaud Maguet questions the basic aspects of the 1950’s to 1970’s subculture. He starts with music (rock’n’roll, punk, krautrock, hip-hop, free jazz, psychedelic and experimental music…), then goes on to Kenneth Anger’s or Andy Warhol’s experimental films, D.I.Y. graphics, underground literature, popular films.
Sculpture, mixed media
Sultana Gallery