The Maison d’Art Bernard Anthonioz is a recent contemporary art center, created in 2006 by the Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques. It is situated in Nogent-Sur-Marne in the foundation’s property, gathering together the Maison Nationale des Artistes — a retirement home for elderly artists — and two complexes of artist studios — The Hameau and the studios Guy Loë.
The Maison d’Art Bernard Anthonioz aims to promote and diffuse the contemporary creation and to support the emergence of new experimental projects. It organizes five exhibitions per year, monographic or collective, in which ones are produced and presented works of many artists from all over the world. The programming favors two mediums, the photography and the graphism, but keeping an eye on other disciplines which interrogate the relation to the world and to the contemporary society, to the history and the memory (such as the territory), to give new perspectives.
Indeed, transmission and education are essential values in the project of the Maison d’Art Bernard Anthonioz, which aims to give access to everyone to the contemporary creation. Thus, since its opening, many actions have been realized to establish partnerships with closed organizations, schools, social associations, local tourism institutes and so on; in order to have an impact on the local perspective but also on the regional one.
Also involved in production, diffusion and mediation topics for all kind of audiences, the Maison d’Art Bernard Anthonioz is an active member of the TRAM network since 2010 and participates to many of its actions and talks.
Opening hours
Monday, Wednesday – Friday, 1 PM – 6 PM
Saturday & Sunday, noon – 6 PM
Fermé les jours fériés — Ouvert durant les congés scolaires — Fermeture exceptionnelle à 16h les samedis 24 et 31 décembre, fermée le dimanche 2 janvier 2022.
Admission fee
Free entrance