
Mixed media
Marcelle Alix Gallery

Mixed media
Marcelle Alix Gallery

joie — Majd Abdel Hamid, Diane Cescutti, Hessie, Teresa Lanceta, Liz Magor, Ernesto Sartori, Mira Schor, Suzanne Silver
Past: September 5 → October 5
“ I remember when women wore jabots on their blouses. Sometimes these jabots were quite ornate and were taken off when the blouse was sent to the laundry. Then you would find the jabots in drawers and hanging from belt racks like little creatures that hibernated when they didn’t have anything to be attached to. ” Pat…

Mixed media
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Ernesto Sartori — Scaffalando
Past: May 24 → July 20
Ernesto Sartori continues his experiments with paintings which he makes while thinking of “planet-forms” or erasers rounded by wear. He envisions them as smooth and, to achieve this, he sands the wooden support to round it off. He imagines a 90° vision or, in any case, a geometry that is, as always, unconventional, wi…

Marcelle Alix Gallery
Mira Schor — Margin of Safety
Past: March 14 → May 18
The second exhibition of an artist at the gallery brings with it a different joy than the first, which is entirely attached to the excitement of discovery. Today, it is more about reactivating the experience of visual pleasure and testing once again the thoughts and feelings that came along when in contact with the wo…

Marcelle Alix Gallery
Jean-Charles de Quillacq — Les poulains deviennent des chevaux
Past: January 11 → March 9
_“I was a piece of factory for eternity.” Georges Navel, Travaux [Works], Gallimard, 1995, p.108_
How can one rediscover desire when its very mechanics are monopolized by capitalism? Where can our desire still intrude in the plethora of poetic, pornographic, intellectual, psychological, promotional, and political o…

Mixed media
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Laura Lamiel — Ursule
Past: October 15 → December 22, 2023
Throughout our ten-year collaboration with Laura Lamiel, I have gone through a number of interpretations about the relationship between her work and art history. I have alternately associated her practice with eccentric minimalism or visual Tropicália brought back to Europe, for her trips to Brazil seemed to have dete…

Installation, sculpture
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Armineh Negahdari — parfois un peu beaucoup
Past: September 7 → October 7, 2023
Armineh Negahdari and Lola Gonzalèz express very directly what they feel. What they have in common is the precious time they spend listening to themselves, with the aim of seeing themselves and the world as it is, rather than as we would like to see it. With Armineh, this desire to connect deeply with life involves in…

Painting, mixed media, video
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Donna Gottschalk — Ce qui fait une vie
Past: April 6 → May 20, 2023
In 2019, we invited American photographer and lesbian feminist activist Donna Gottschalk to take part in the exhibition “de l’amitié” that we conceived to celebrate the place given to our shared imaginaries in the gallery and to extend a lover’s discourse in charge of accompanying forms created for and with others. Wi…

Marcelle Alix Gallery
Jean-Charles de Quillacq — Autofonction
Past: May 16 → July 25, 2020
Les mots de ce texte rédigé avant le confinement accompagnent chacun de nos gestes alors que nous manipulons et déplaçons dans nos espaces les œuvres de Jean-Charles de Quillacq. L’autofonction n’est plus seulement le système fermé que les sculptures privilégient et prennent en charge pour nous.

Mixed media
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Liz Magor — Xhilaration
Past: September 5 → October 26, 2019
Liz Magor’s pieces do not fight against time, they translate peaceful affects and explore the separation of things yet with a possible link.

Installation, photography, sculpture...
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Marie Cool Fabio Balducci — Spiaggiamento
Past: September 14 → October 28, 2017
L’œuvre de Marie Cool Fabio Balducci est superbement aphone. Qui peut savoir comment fonctionnent deux personnes occupées en permanence à partager leur intensité extrême à travers l’acte de créer ? De cette intensité naît une étrange chaîne de visions qui oscillent entre le secret et une éventuelle révélation.

Marcelle Alix Gallery
Laura Lamiel — Un ange en filigrane
Past: February 9 → April 1, 2017
Dans le recueil « Printemps noir » d’Henry Miller se trouve une courte nouvelle, « Je porte un ange en filigrane ! », que Laura Lamiel a annexé récemment à sa bibliothèque. Ce texte a vite trouvé sa place dans nos dernières conversations autour des œuvres que nous souhaitions montrer. Cette exposition est une totalité organisée de façon à inclure le dynamisme d’un processus créatif qui toujours trouve de nouvelles possibilités pour observer une réalité se faire et se défaire sans trêve.

Installation, photography, mixed media
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet — Nadine, Michel & Michel
Past: February 1 → March 15, 2014
Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet, aware that they are of how public speech is forthwith theatrical, and how a simple accessory can facilitate time travel, the performances quickly filled their role in the preparation — or extension — of films, exquisitely D.I.Y., that they have been directing for the past few years, and whose genre relentlessly wavers.

Marcelle Alix Gallery
Révolte Logique, part II — Slave to Art
Past: November 21, 2013 → January 18, 2014
At one point during our conversation, he had said jokingly, “Ah, but I have power over you?” Without thinking, I had answered, “No, you don’t, because I would never show you my work” — Adrian Piper, Pontus Hulten’s Slave to Art, 1982.

Drawing, installation, painting...
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Ian Kiaer
Past: September 12 → November 9, 2013
Ian Kiaer develops a model of a work laid bare, rehabilitating and breaking in its own way the notion of enjoyment. His personal field lies on the questions submitted to cultural considerations decoded time after time by the critics, moving on to the personal expression of a certain illegibility, capable of apprehending the spectator.

Architecture, installation
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Ernesto Sartori — Quand deux deviennent un
Past: March 1 → April 22, 2013
The exhibition When two become one gives Ernesto Sartori the possibility to affirm his position as an author. Motivated by what we could call a logical revolt, he coalesces the rationality of the calculations of prospective architecture with the narrative chaos of a fanciful universe.

Painting, sculpture, mixed media
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Marie Voignier — Les Chasseurs
Past: January 10 → February 23, 2013
Marie Voignier’s films reveal a flitting sensation that acts inside uncomplicated boundaries, which falls in with "Cinéma du Réel": the film director let herself go with the flow and shows that she is the first spectator. The heart of the film remains hidden, one static shot after the other — CB.

Film, photography
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Charlotte Moth — Villa Surprise
Past: September 13 → November 3, 2012
The exhibition _Villa Surprise_ gathers different works made from similar principles of connections and juxtapositions. They pursue a discussion about the complex relations in-between photography and sculpture. The works in the exhibition contribute to tighten those bonds and to define the parts played by the different media that the artist uses.

Architecture, photography, mixed media...
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Varda Caivano, Marie Cool Fabio Balducci — Is resistance Useless ?
Past: February 2 → March 31, 2012
The reader will have to negotiate with a non-exhaustive series of figures that we use as projection spaces when approaching the works of Marie Cool Fabio Balducci and Varda Caivano. The beautiful opacity of their respective work has made us wish to describe nuances.

Film, installation, painting
Marcelle Alix Gallery
A Minor Sense of Didacticism — Mathieu K. Abonnenc
Past: May 28 → July 30, 2011
By gathering together the muzzled actors and actresses of History, by participating to the writing of a common memory through exhibitions, translations of seminal texts, projections of forgotten films or reconstitutions of scattered archives, Abonnenc takes over the legacy of Fanon and of the nonaligned.

Mixed media, video
Marcelle Alix Gallery
La caverne du dragon ou l’enfouissement — Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet
Past: September 9 → October 30, 2010
The continued research of the artists led them to the underground passages and Gothic Novels, hence the artwork showcased in the gallery — an archeological display cabinet, film clips, a new method of inventory in a basement, a special-edition book — are all objects meant to spark our interest in the artists’ activity of collecting…

Mixed media
Marcelle Alix Gallery
Nuit Blanche 2010
Past: Saturday, October 2, 2010
Under the artistic directorship of Martin Bethenod, the 9th Nuit Blanche focuses on the contemporary plastic arts in all their diverse forms. Emphasising the synergy between a work, a venue and the audience, the event has attracted works from international artists across a variety of genres.

Urban art, drawing, installation...
Multiple venues
20 Paris 20
20 Paris 20
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment