
Mixed media
MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne
Revenir vers le futur
Past: June 1, 2021 → April 3, 2022
Pour inaugurer la série de manifestations prévues pour les 30 + 1an du centre d’art, l’eac. se prête au jeu de l’échange de collection et fait le choix d’ouvrir les salles de la donation Albers-Honegger à la collection Lambert qui a fêté, en 2020, son 20e anniversaire.

Drawing, graphic design, installation...
Espace de l'Art Concret
Elle rit — Une exposition Lab’Bel au Palais de Tokyo
Past: November 26 → December 26, 2021
Lab’Bel was created in the spring of 2010 with the aim of supporting contemporary creation. The activities of this think-tank or laboratory, which favours innovation and a certain sense of mischievousness, are divided between the creation of a collection, and the production of exhibitions and artistic events both in F…

Mixed media
Le parti de la Peinture — Nouvelle sélection d’œuvres
Past: February 20 → August 26, 2019
The Fondation Louis Vuitton displays a new selection of 70 works from the collection and gathers 23 international artists from the 1960s to the present day around one main theme : painting.

Installation, painting, mixed media
Louis Vuitton
Daniel Buren, Camille Henrot, Anish Kapoor, Lee Ufan, Claude Lévêque, Ugo Rondinone — Exposition collective
Past: March 3 → May 3, 2017
La galerie kamel mennour présente un accrochage collectif des artistes Daniel Buren, Camille Henrot, Anish Kapoor, Lee Ufan, Claude Lévêque, Ugo Rondinone dans son nouvel espace, au 28 avenue Matignon, 75008 Paris.

Installation, painting, sculpture...
Kamel Mennour Gallery
La Grande Galerie du Foot
Past: June 5 → July 10, 2016
Football has been an iconographic theme across the 20th century and a theme found with a number of contemporary artists. Having become a truly mass phenomenon, a global issue, an economic industry and hot bed of world capitalism, the world of football finds itself logically treated in critical or ironic fashion.

Drawing, installation, sculpture...
La Villette
Follia Continua ! — Les 25 ans de Galleria Continua
Past: September 26 → November 22, 2015
Centquatre-Paris invites the Galleria Continua to celebrate 25 years of artistic madness. The exhibition will tackle themes close the hearts of the artists and gallery: relationships between people, their place in a globalized world, but also their dreams, sense of humour and beyond.

Architecture, urban art, design...
Le Centquatre-Paris
Avec et sans peinture — Exposition des œuvres de la collection
Past: February 15, 2014 → July 5, 2015
“Avec et sans peinture” (“With and without painting”) reveals the diversity of contemporary painting by grouping works according to common themes. In total, over 130 works by over 60 artists of different generations employing several techniques will mark the course of the exhibition and enter in dialogue over the course of the year.

Magiciens de la terre — Retour sur une exposition légendaire
Past: July 2 → September 15, 2014
Magiciens de la terre was one of the exhibitions that revolutionised the 20th century international art scene. At the very beginning of a globalisation not yet acknowledged as such, through its unprecedented invitation to contemporary artists from every continent, the exhibition can now be seen as a seminal moment in the globalising of contemporary art.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Get Hold of This Space — La carte de l’art conceptuel au Canada — 2ème partie
Past: May 20 → September 5, 2014
Major exhibition on conceptual art as it developed in Canada, from the East Coast to West Coast but also in the Arctic Circle, between 1960 and 1980, “Get Hold of This Space” is a fresh new look at the diversity of contemporary art in Canada as well as at the various centres and out-of-the-way places where it was made.

Installation, photography, sound - music...
Centre culturel canadien
Lettre B — Livres d’artistes et éditions limitées
Past: May 2 → 22, 2014
As part of a cycle of exhibitions on art books and limited editions, which began in January 2014, the Eva Meyer gallery presents a second event focusing on artists whose second names began with the letter ‘B’, from the beginning of the 20th century up until today.

Mixed media
Eva Meyer Gallery
Get Hold of This Space — La carte de l’art conceptuel au Canada — 1ère partie
Past: February 7 → April 25, 2014
Comprising works and archival documents from major museums, artists’ personal archives and private collections, this exhibition takes a fresh look at the diversity of Canadian contemporary art as well as the various centres and far flung places from where it originated.

Installation, photography, video
Centre culturel canadien
Azzedine Alaïa
Past: September 28, 2013 → January 28, 2014
On the occasion of the reopening exhibition of the Galliera museum, the dresses by couturier Azzedine Alaïa will be placed at the Musée d’art Moderne de la Ville de Paris alongside the works of Daniel Buren and Henri Mattisse, creating dialog between visual arts and the applied arts, and breaking down the boundaries between art and fashion.

Painting, mixed media
Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris
B.A.B.E — The Best Artists Books and Editors
Past: September 20 → October 26, 2013
Pour B.A.B.E, les livres seront intégrés dans un dispositif reprenant la structure d’une molécule d’ADN, les livres formeront eux-mêmes cette structure en forme de double-hélice droite. Dans l’espace d’exposition des écrans présenteront des vidéos où l’on découvre l’intérieur de ces livres.

Drawing, installation, painting...
Spheres 2012
Past: October 20, 2012 → March 20, 2013
Le projet « Sphères » réunit plusieurs galeries internationales guidées par la volonté d’unir leurs énergies autour d’une expérience inédite et commune d’exposition au sein du Moulin. Depuis son inauguration à Boissy-le-Châtel en 2007, Le Moulin a confirmé sa volonté d’investir des territoires inattendus et d’y accueillir des artistes d’envergure internationale.

Installation, new media, painting...
Galleria Continua / Le Moulin
A Stone Left Unturned — Group show curated by Simon Castets
Past: February 1 → March 9, 2013
Starting in the early 1970s, Yvon Lambert was the first one to introduce conceptual art and minimal art in France. It is in this precise dynamic that the exhibition establishes itself: not only pursuing the conversation both through contrasts and echoes between these two seminal movements, but also highlighting their present resonance in contemporary art.

Mixed media
Yvon Lambert Gallery
Daniel Buren — Vitrage pour Sainte-Marie
Past: June 30 → September 23, 2012
Après « En Enfilade », une œuvre in situ réalisée lors de l’ouverture de Galleria Continua / Le Moulin en 2007, la galerie invite de nouveau l’artiste français à inaugurer son nouvel espace, le Moulin de Sainte-Marie.

Mixed media
Galleria Continua / Le Moulin
Monumenta 2012 — Daniel Buren
Past: May 10 → June 12, 2012
Every year, Monumenta invites an internationally-renowned contemporary artist to produce a monumental work for display in the Grand Palais. Daniel Buren, one of France’s greatest artists, will be rising to this challenge during the fifth Monumenta event.

Grand Palais – La nef
Spheres 2011
Past: October 22, 2011 → May 6, 2012
Née du désir d’une exposition commune et fédératrice, Sphères est un projet porté par la complicité de plusieurs galeries d’art contemporain à dimension internationale, réunies au Moulin, ancienne friche industrielle s’élevant aux abords d’une rivière de la région parisienne.

Galleria Continua / Le Moulin
Robert Barry — Taking your Time
Past: February 18 → May 5, 2012
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 goes the title of Niele Toroni’s book. As it seems our time is running out, let’s take our time. Take a cushion, a book and consult the book on a cushion. mfc-michèle didier gallery takes this great opportunity to present all the artist’s productions made to this date by the publisher.

Mixed media
Michèle didier Gallery
La ronde
Past: June 12 → September 25, 2011
L’exposition se fonde sur un postulat formulé par Allan Kaprow : « La ligne entre l’art et la vie devrait être aussi fluide et peut-être même aussi vague que possible ». Si cette confusion affirmée de l’art et de la vie a pu agir comme un précepte en art, elle a aussi généré une fluidité de relation entre acteurs et spectateurs.

La Ferme du Buisson
Anarchisme sans adjectif — Sur le travail de Christopher D’Arcangelo
Past: June 19 → July 30, 2011
« Lorsque je déclare que je suis un anarchiste, je dois aussi déclarer que je ne suis pas un anarchiste, pour rester en accord avec l’idée (…) d’anarchisme. Longue vie à l’anarchisme. » Entre 1975 et 1979, l’artiste nord-américain a développé une pratique artistique remarquable pour sa radicalité et sa portée critique à l’égard du rôle de l’artiste.

Performance, photography, sound - music...
CAC Brétigny
Daniel Buren & Alberto Giacometti, Œuvres contemporaines — 1964-1966
Past: April 29 → July 24, 2010
Juxtaposing the work of two artists sometimes leaves few alternatives apart from forming either a dialogue (searching for the affinity, the complementary nature of the works, or the complicity between them) or a disparity (highlighting the differences). All the more so when one of them is no longer with us.

Painting, sculpture
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Daniel Buren
Architecture, urban art, installation, painting, sculpture
French artist born in 1938 in Boulogne-Billancourt, France.
- Themes
- Abstraction, architecture