Exposition potentielle — Une proposition de Gabriel Jones
Past: March 13 → April 18, 2015
A glimmer from afar — The isosceles lock in relief, its core the twinkling lake — A prey to the threat: gently walking on the bushy banks, then proceeding in the hold and yet — Sudden — Certain — The fall — Towards the abysses the palms are shaking, a brilliant pink.

Drawing, photography, sound - music...
Perception Park Gallery
Anarcheologies : Hypotheses of a Lost Fragment
Past: January 9 → 31, 2015
The constellation of artworks included in “Anarcheologies” pose a question: what happens if the object-fragment itself is lost? Deprived of their usual functionality, a map, an archive, a score, a catalogue, a portrait, a film, or a journey all become an anarchic gesture. Each work proposes a hypothesis of a lost fragment.

Installation, sound - music, video
Perceptions successives
Past: November 12 → December 7, 2013
Conçue comme un carnet de recherches à ciel ouvert, Perceptions Successives met en relation des œuvres qui habitent l’espace, celui-ci étant appréhendé comme un lieu de travail et de connexions possibles entre différents objets. Nous sommes ici dans un atelier, pièce à vivre pour l’artiste qui y dépose ses trouvailles, ses idées, ses tentatives et autres essais.

Jeune Création
Jeune création — Edition 2012
Past: November 4 → 11, 2012
Jeune Création, an international exhibition of contemporary art, is unveiling the original projects of around 60 young French and overseas artists, centred around an artistic program described as perspicacious, experimental and audacious. Paintings, sculptures, photos, drawings, videos and installations all compete for space at the Écuries du Centquatre.

Drawing, painting, photography...
Le Centquatre-Paris
Brainbow, une proposition de Bertrand Grimont et Le Châlet
Past: May 30 → July 13, 2012
What is extraordinary about neurones is that they are essentials to us and yet go beyond our senses. The Brainbow imagery system makes neuronal connections visible : they appear as pixels, color dots that nothing but piling up and looking from a distance can reveal as a consistent whole.

Collage, installation, photography...
Bertrand Grimont Gallery
Gabriel Jones invite 11 artistes à exposer leurs œuvres dans son atelier
Past: April 15 → 28, 2012
Gabriel Jones invited 11 artists to exhibit their work in his Montmartre studio, at the Cite Internationale des Arts de Paris. The works, some photographs, some drawings and a sound installation, are collected and presented within his workspace, suggesting a close relationship between visitors and art.

Drawing, installation, photography...
Une proposition de Gabriel Jones
Past: February 11 → 25, 2012
Gabriel Jones invited 8 artists to exhibit their work in his Montmartre studio, at the Cite Internationale des Arts de Paris. The works are collected and presented within his workspace, suggesting a close relationship between visitors and art.

Mixed media
Inside Studio E1 Gallery
Gabriel Jones
Collage, drawing, painting, photography, screen-printing, mixed media, video
Canadian artist born in 1973 in Montréal, Canada.
- Localisation
- Paris, France et New York, USA
- Website
- Themes
- Abstraction, absurde, actualité, archéologie, cartographie, chaos, cinéma, conceptuel, condition humaine, consommation, contestation féministe, contextuel, cosmos, culture populaire, détournement, voyeurisme