Guy Yanai — Love of Beginnings
Past: March 16 → April 29, 2017
Un village à flanc de montagne, une cuisine sur le toit d’un immeuble, une leçon de piano dispensée à un enfant. Guy Yanai propose ici un travail pictural plein de candeur.

Galerie Derouillon
Cause The Grass Don’t Grow And The Sky Ain’t Blue
Past: July 7 → September 24, 2016
This show brings together artists who call into question those systems that in art set out a hierarchy of materials and urban zones. These artists have set up their studios in the suburbs, by choice or for financial concerns. Their surroundings are often at the very core of their artistic practice.

Ceramic, drawing, installation...
Praz-Delavallade Gallery
Bisou Magique — Curated by Yundler Brondino Verlag
Past: May 19 → June 25, 2016
“Oh, those Greeks! They knew how to live. What is required is to stop courageously at the surface, the fold, the skin, to adore appearance, to believe in forms, tones, words, in the whole Olympus of appearance. Those Greeks were superficial— out of profundity!” — Friedrich Nietzsche

Painting, photography, sculpture
Galerie Derouillon
Exposition Collective
Past: September 5 → 26, 2015
La galerie fête ses trois ans et réunit à cette occasion les artistes français et internationaux qu’elle soutient depuis sa création

Mixed media
Galerie Derouillon
Past: November 13 → December 20, 2014
Diary features 10 new paintings, created at the Villa Lena Foundation this fall specifically for this occasion. The ten works can be considered as Yanai’s most personal and intimate work to date. “Sad things in happy colors” as he has recently stated. Moments of subtle tragedies, rejection, loneliness, and foreign alienation dominate the show.

Galerie Derouillon