Contre-allées — Une proposition d’Alain Bublex
Past: November 3 → December 23, 2017
Alain Bublex had the idea to present various mediums (videos, sculptures, paintings, drawings, etc.) with his own works all within a site-specific installation. Creating a distortion of the walls in the gallery; improving the maze feeling of the 33 rue de Seine gallery space.

Installation, painting, sculpture...
Galerie G-P & N Vallois
La collection Thea Westreich Wagner et Ethan Wagner
Past: June 10, 2016 → February 6, 2017
This exhibition devoted to the collection of Thea Westreich Wagner and Ethan Wagner pays tribute to the philanthropy of this couple of collectors from New York. They have promised over 850 works as a donation: 350 to the Centre Pompidou Foundation and 500 to the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Past: April 23 → May 23, 2015
Happy 90th Mr Odermatt!
Galerie Vallois is dedicating this fun exhibition to the Swiss brigadier who came to fame thanks to Harald Szeeman at the 2001 Venice Biennial, with a novel selection from his famous series “Accidents”.

Photography, mixed media, video
Galerie G-P & N Vallois
Exquisite Corpse
Past: March 22 → May 11, 2013
“Exquisite Corpse”, sequel to the exhibition “Cadavre Exquis” shown at the Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois in 2003, offers a selection of works inspired by the famous Surrealist game: original Surrealist exquisite corpses opposite contemporary works that embody the same spirit of transgression and freedom.

Collage, drawing, painting...
Galerie G-P & N Vallois
Keith Tyson — Contemporary Grotesques
Past: June 10 → July 30, 2011
Le travail de Keith Tyson met en place un univers d’images, de dessins, de sculptures, d’objets et de machines qui semblent aléatoires et infinies. Celles-ci participent d’une exploration méthodique de l’ensemble des connaissances théoriques et pratiques du monde, dans le dessein utopique et poétique de cerner la façon dont les choses adviennent.

Galerie G-P & N Vallois
Keith Tyson