Histoires vraies
Past: February 4 → September 17, 2023
This new group exhibition brings together works by some forty artists and several generations. Continuing the exploration of the construction of the Subject, pursued in our temporary exhibitions since 2005, ‘True Stories’ follows on from the group exhibition ‘Lignes de vies — une exposition de légendes’ (2019) which e…

Mixed media
MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne
La Page manquante — Exposition collective dirigée par Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil
Past: March 5 → 14, 2021
À la faveur de sa Saison Fractale_Visions Parallaxes — paramétrée par la valeur heuristique du désordre et de la dynamique de la théorie du chaos, le Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles/Paris vous convie à une itération — en mode belgo-français — du projet La Page manquante, implémenté par Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil en 2019. Pour ce second opus, des basé.e.s en Wallonie, à Bruxelles et en France y sont convié.e.s.

Publishing, mixed media
Centre Wallonie–Bruxelles
Sur nos murs — Traces, mémoire et résistance
Past: July 9 → 26, 2020
Cet été jusqu’au 25 juillet, la galerie Les filles du calvaire vous présente l’exposition « Sur nos murs : traces, mémoire et résistance » réunissant huit artistes de la galerie : Katrien de Blauwer, Paz Corona, Kenny Dunkan, Laura Henno, Todd Hido, Thomas Lévy-Lasne, SMITH et Edouard Wolton.

Lithography / engraving, photography, sculpture...
Les filles du calvaire Gallery
SMITH (cellule Cosmiel x Diplomates x Akira Rabelais) — Désidération : Prologue
Past: October 26 → November 23, 2019
Photographer, filmmaker and visual artist, SMITH explores the thought and practice of transition, mutation, hybridisation and in-between periods in his artistic and theoretical work. Transition of gender and state, plasticity, atomic and biotechnological metamorphoses, dream work, cosmic strolls and transmutations have punctuated his work and research for the past ten years.

Photography, sound - music, video
Les filles du calvaire Gallery
Filigranes @ Filles du Calvaire — 30 ans d’édition
Past: June 29 → July 27, 2019
Galerie Les filles du calvaire celebrates “30 ans d’édition de Filigranes”. Filigranes’ Editions pursue an original and audacious path for specializing in photo-graphic and artist publishing. The editorial choices go from well-known authors to first books. Filigranes published more than six hundred and fifty titles.

Les filles du calvaire Gallery
Les Femmes s’en Mêlent revisited — Facts and Fantaisies
Past: February 1 → 25, 2017
We all remember the rock heroines from the 70’s such as Patti Smith, Blondie and Kate Bush, as well as their more underground versions the Slits, Siouxsie… They embody the unique atmosphere of a radical era, which inspired a multitude of today’s female figures, most of them being presented during the LFSM festival.

Painting, photography, sound - music...
Les filles du calvaire Gallery
Best off the wall on the gallery wall
Past: July 2 → 30, 2016
This project comes from a desire to materialize the collaboration between Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire and the photography book-magazine “OFF the wall” over a summer exhibition. It will also be the opportunity to hold a group show on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the gallery and the last issues of the magazine.

Les filles du calvaire Gallery
Smith — Spectrographies & Traum
Past: February 5 → 27, 2016
Dorothée Smith projette ses visions microbiologiques dans la voûte céleste. Elle s’appuie sur l’homonymie entre « Traum » (« rêve » en allemand) et « trauma » pour décrire la nosographie d’une psychose créatrice, dont les symptômes incluent trouble du sommeil, éveil halluciné et choc psychologique.

Les filles du calvaire Gallery
Echanges de vues
Past: December 4, 2015 → January 16, 2016
L’art se nourrit de correspondances, de chambres d’écho, d’influences, revendiquées ou pas. Chaque année, depuis 2013, Olympus revitalise ce dialogue éternel en proposant à trois grands noms de la photographie contemporaine de parrainer trois jeunes diplômés de l’École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie d’Arles.

Les filles du calvaire Gallery
Avers et revers sensible
Past: November 8, 2014 → January 10, 2015
The exhibition juxtaposes the contemporary photographers Antoine d’Agata, Dieter Appelt, Roger Ballen, Blanca Casas Brullet, Anne Mandelbaum, David Nebreda, Catherine Rebois, Andres Serrano, Dorothée Smith and Patrick Tosani. Each in their own way explores the dimensions of the perceptible and its photographic visual representation.

Installation, photography
Topographie de l’art
La femme d’à côté
Past: January 25 → February 22, 2014
This exhibition evokes a theatre where women play all the possible roles from the direction through the action itself. The stage varies: the interior of a bourgeois villa, the rooms of an abandoned house where stories seep out of walls and furniture, or within an artist’s or a photographer’s studio.

Drawing, painting, photography...
Les filles du calvaire Gallery
Gabriel Jones invite 11 artistes à exposer leurs œuvres dans son atelier
Past: April 15 → 28, 2012
Gabriel Jones invited 11 artists to exhibit their work in his Montmartre studio, at the Cite Internationale des Arts de Paris. The works, some photographs, some drawings and a sound installation, are collected and presented within his workspace, suggesting a close relationship between visitors and art.

Drawing, installation, photography...
Hear us marching up slowly : Dorothée Smith
Past: January 27 → February 25, 2012
The gallery presents the first solo exhibition by Dorothée Smith in Paris. This young French artist explores the matter of gender and transgender. She does this through her various photography series and her video installation, C19H28O2 (Agnès), which are to be shown at the gallery.

Mixed media
Les filles du calvaire Gallery
Dance, film, installation, new media, performance, photography, sculpture, mixed media, video
Artist born Bogdan Chthulu Smith in 1985 in Paris, France.
- Website
- Official website
- Themes
- Adolescence, architecture bionique, autoportrait, chaos, cinéma expérimental, corps, cosmogonies, cosmos, danse, empreinte, féminisme, fiction, humain, humanoïde, hybrides, identité, identité sexuelle, imaginaire , interactif, littérature, manifeste, métamorphose, mondes, mythes, narration, nostalgie, nucléaire, paradoxes, paysage, paysages industriels, photographie aérienne, post-moderne, science, science fiction, subculture, surveillance, texte, transgression, voyage