
Mixed media
Espace Art Absolument
Un monde à votre image — Bourse Révélations Emerige 2020
Past: October 16 → November 14, 2020
Avec Olivier Antoine, fondateur de la galerie Art:Concept, le comité de sélection de la Bourse Révélations Emerige a retenu cette année onze artistes, sept femmes et quatre hommes. Influencée comme chaque année par le regard du galeriste invité, cette nouvelle édition offre une place forte à l’image et particulièrement à la peinture.

Mixed media
Villa Emerige
Collisions — Exposition collective proposée par Amélie Adamo
Past: September 19 → October 27, 2017
In the era of multimedia and the continuous flow of images, contemporary art has spontaneously become hybrid, blending, borrowing, and freely transforming the many facets of a pluralistic culture. The works in the Galerie Catherine Putman play on the collision of motifs from various sources and bring together diverse formal styles.

Drawing, print
Catherine Putman Gallery
Papiers dessinés
Past: June 27 → July 25, 2015
The Galerie Da-End presents a summer group exhibition featuring works on paper by French and international artists. Though an ensemble of various techniques ranging from lead mine to oxidized bronze, the innumerable possibilities of expression of drawing freely affirm themselves.

Da-End Gallery
Cabinet Da-End 05
Past: February 28 → May 2, 2015
The Galerie Da-End gathers an ensemble of recent and ancient artworks, fruit from the labours of 30 artists, in order to constitute a contemporary showcase of curiosities. The gallery space once more becomes the setting for our discoveries and immerses the visitor in a both poetic and troubling world ruled by the artists’ imagination.

Ceramic, collage, drawing...
Da-End Gallery
Marceŀla Barceló — Terrains/vagues
Past: September 19 → November 1, 2014
On the occasion of the “Terrains/vagues” exhibition, the artist Marceŀla Barceló presents a series of recent works representing suffering creatures and individuals. To the underlying psychic tensions respond real physical wounds, as so many threatening symbols of the dreadful influence of mankind on its peers and Nature.

Drawing, painting, mixed media
Da-End Gallery
Cabinet Da-End 04
Past: March 20 → May 24, 2014
The Galerie Da-End revives the tradition of these “ Rooms of Wonders ” by proposing a collective exhibition. Much like the original cabinets of curiosities were reproductions of the world in miniature, the Cabinet Da-End IV indexes the numerous faces of today’s creation in the microcosm of the gallery space.

Ceramic, drawing, new media...
Da-End Gallery
Cabinet Da-End 03
Past: May 21 → July 20, 2013
For its third season, Galerie Da-End has invited over thirty artists to create a contemporary “cabinet de curiosités” with a floral theme. Blossoming in this distinctive place, the flowers seem to probe our ability to rethink mankind and above all, to explore its less appealing side. In this case specifically to “extract beauty from evil”.

Ceramic, collage, drawing...
Da-End Gallery
Cabinet Da-End 03 — Nouvel Accrochage
Past: June 22 → July 20, 2013
For its third season, Galerie Da-End has invited over thirty artists to create a contemporary “cabinet de curiosités” with a floral theme. Blossoming in this distinctive place, the flowers seem to probe our ability to rethink mankind and above all, to explore its less appealing side. In this case specifically to “extract beauty from evil”.

Jewellery, ceramic, collage...
Da-End Gallery
Marcella Barceló
Collage, drawing, installation, painting, mixed media
Spanish artist born in 1992 in Palma de Majorque, Spain.
- Localisation
- Paris, France
- Website
- Official website