Smile Forever — Olivier Metzger
Past: June 1 → July 27, 2013
The gallery present a new exhition from Olivier Metzger. Between a new kind of documentary and fictional narrative, we follow a complex and endearing character who leads us to her favourite haunts, now become scenery, in Europe or on the other side of the Atlantic.
Bertrand Grimont Gallery
Olivier Metzger — Nightshot
Past: November 7, 2009 → January 15, 2010
Olivier Metzger retient de ses errances suburbaines quelques halos aléatoires, quelques rencontres incongrues ou signes phosphorescents. De ses longs travellings à l’attention flottante, le photographe nous livre des « plans » sans raccord autre que son intuition.
Bertrand Grimont Gallery