Adieu tristesse, désir, ennui, appétit, plaisir


Film, photography, sculpture, mixed media...

Adieu tristesse, désir, ennui, appétit, plaisir

Past: February 22 → April 19, 2014

Goodbye Sadness, Desire, Lassitude, Appetite, Pleasure is the follow-up to the exhibition whose near-identical title began with Hello, the two bookending a season devoted to ‘forms of affects’. The first of them brought together individual authorial stances in works giving access to a single subject through a (sometimes radically solipsistic) first-person discourse. In this new exhibition, by contrast, the artist involves other people, raising the issue of defining oneself in relation to others in terms of common and even provisionally shared affects.

The exhibition testifies to different styles of address, to the ways an artist transmits and receives, acts and reacts, with all the doubts, negotiations and renunciations — as well as the accelerations and shifts — associated with any collective exploration.

Founded on exchange, their artistic processes must necessarily be explained, but many of the exchanges are silent, hinging on gesture and subconscious languages which, while sometimes generating incomprehension, often ultimately turn out to be productive. This exhibition is devoted to artists who, once they open up their practice to others, control and let go at the same time; and for whom the artwork is the outcome of a process of negotiation, with all the indeterminacy this implies for better and for worse.

  • One Family of Objects Event Saturday, March 8, 2014 6 PM → 7 PM

    A reading of extracts from the monographic catalogue of artist Jiri Skala.

  • Visite de l’atelier-résidence et visite de l’exposition Event Saturday, March 22, 2014 3:30 PM → 5 PM

    Avec Nicolas Momein, artiste et Émilie Renard, directrice
    de La Galerie. Dans le cadre d’Open Your Art, l’art contemporain dans le Nord-
    Est parisien, par le comité du tourisme de Seine-Saint-Denis
    Tarif 6 €. Réservation nécessaire.

  • Table ronde Quand voir c’est sentir et donc déjà savoir Lecture Saturday, April 5, 2014 3:30 PM → 5 PM

    Table ronde sur les méthodes d’apprentissage communes aux champs de l’art et de l’enseignement scolaire expérimental.

    Avec Thibault Brébant (artiste, intervenant à La Galerie), Pascale Gadon (fondatrice du projet le Pac’Bô, école d’art en milieu rural), Yvette Servin (enseignante de la pédagogie Freinet en établissements publics à Paris, de 1947 à 1978).

93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom in 93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom out

1 rue Jean-Jaurès

93130 Noisy-le-Sec

T. 01 49 42 67 17

Official website

Opening hours

Wednesday – Saturday, 2 PM – 6 PM
Saturday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Fermeture les jours fériés

Admission fee

Free entrance

Venue schedule

The artists

  • Åbäke
  • Benjamin Swaim
  • Nicolas Momein
  • Jiří Skála
  • Johan Van Der Keuken
  • Lola Gonzàlez
  • Ruth Buchanan & Andreas Müller
  • James R. Murphy