ailleurs… ou plus loin


Mixed media

ailleurs… ou plus loin

Past: June 17, 2020 → January 3, 2021

Frac centre val de loire ailleurs expoosition arm200311 65 grid Focus — Ailleurs… ou plus loin, FRAC Centre — Val de Loire Le Frac Centre Val de Loire présente jusqu'au 03 janvier 2021 une exposition d'envergure et ambitieuse autour des vicissitudes de l'errance et de l'exil qui questionne les identités et les désirs, les images et représentations de corps mobiles déterminés pourtant par leur emplacement.

With the exhibition ailleurs… ou plus loin, the Frac Centre-Val de Loire pursues its exploration of the notion of wandering. This eternal quest for the self and others, for the real world and dreams leads to the same uncertain result, or even to an illusion, but always in the vicinity of a truth.

Departing elsewhere, to find oneself. And others. Departing elsewhere to escape monotony and routine. To experience something that evades predictions and dominion, without taking the measure of the distance travelled and the time spent. Here, it is a question of traversing time or space, of a quest for the self as well as a discovery of the Other, the desire for elsewhere, the pursuit of the remote acting as transformative, initiatory processes that will spawn a new world, similar and yet so different from the one left behind.

And so we waver between the fear of no longer recognising our next of kin or that of having been forgotten by them. Besides which, there is the memory of the self. When we return, we are always young, the land we once left has not watched us grow older, has kept nothing of our doubts, loves, and tears. It retains only the memory of our arrogant, crazy youth, convinced that we would conquer the world. So! How do we set down our old bones in a place where there is no longer any memory of us? The question is abyssal, and only art will venture for us into these depths.

Has elsewhere become too close today or has it disappeared? We set out to reach it and laugh at ourselves, at the idiots we are for believing that it is far away. When it is actually further than that. It is beyond hope, beyond freedom, beyond justice, beyond love, beyond living, beyond truth. But it would seem, according to some, that “beyond” is precisely where an artwork resides.

Elsewhere escapes, just as it brings into existence; it is both fleeing and discovery. And just a handful of words, images, sounds, or scents will allow the experience of an elsewhere to be captured by fragments while loss and oblivion to be exorcised from it.


Daphné Bengoa
Deborah Benzaquen
Sophie Calle
Klaus Gartler & Helmut Rieder
Sonia Gassemi
Jochen Gerz
André Guiboux
Mouna Jemal Siala
Oum Kalthoum
Brigitte Mahlknecht
Manthey Kula
Naziha Mestaoui
Giovanna Silva
Lawrence Weiner

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88 rue du Colombier (entrée boulevard Rocheplatte)

45000 Orléans

T. 02 38 62 52 00

Official website

Opening hours

Wednesday – Sunday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Nocturne jusqu’à 20h chaque 1er jeudi du mois — Fermeture exceptionnelle : 25 décembre, 1er janvier, 1er mai — Fermeture anticipée à 16h les 24 et 31 décembre

Admission fee

Entrée gratuite pour toutes les expositions, visites commentées payantes

The artists

  • Sophie Calle
  • Lawrence Weiner
  • Jochen Gerz
  • Naziha Mestaoui
  • Daphné Bengoa
  • Deborah Benzaquen
  • Klaus Gartler & Helmut Rieder
  • Sonia Gassemi
  • André Guiboux
  • Mouna Jemal Siala
And 4 others…