Alter Nauseam — Dimanche 25 janvier 2015
Installation, performance, sound - music, video

© Jérôme Fino
Alter Nauseam
Dimanche 25 janvier 2015
Past: Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 12 PM
As part of the continuing program of concerts and performances concerning theoretical essays, the specialist magazines Volume, Optical Sound, Tacet and
Revue & Corrigée are invited to MAC.VAL.
94 Val-de-Marne
94 Val-de-Marne
Opening hours
Every day except Monday, 11 AM – 6 PM
Admission fee
Full rate €5.00 — Concessions €2,5
Entrée gratuite pour tous les premiers dimanches de chaque mois
Venue schedule
The artists
Jérome Fino
Marcus Schmickler
F.S Hoffmeier
Yann Leguay
PÔm Bouvier B
Michel Guillet