Alter Nauseam — Week-end de performances, concerts, installations et projections

Alter Nauseam
Week-end de performances, concerts, installations et projections
Past: January 24 → 25, 2015
A weekend of performances, concerts, installations and projections in collaboration with ‘les Instants Chavirés de Montreuil’, as part of the Tania Mouraud exhibition, involving new experimental electronic music.
Alter Nauseam — Samedi 24 janvier 2015 Event Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 12 PM
Une journée pour poursuivre la programmation de concerts et de performances autour des écrits théoriques, les revues spécialisées Volume, Optical Sound, Tacet, Revue & Corrigée sont invitées au MAC/VAL.
Alter Nauseam — Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 Event Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 12 PM
As part of the continuing program of concerts and performances concerning theoretical essays, the specialist magazines Volume, Optical Sound, Tacet and
Revue & Corrigée are invited to MAC.VAL.
Opening hours
Every day except Monday, 11 AM – 6 PM
Admission fee
Full rate €5.00 — Concessions €2,5
Entrée gratuite pour tous les premiers dimanches de chaque mois
Venue schedule
The artists
Jérome Fino
Marcus Schmickler
F.S Hoffmeier
Yann Leguay
PÔm Bouvier B
Michel Guillet