Anne Le Troter


Mixed media

Anne Le Troter

Past: February 3 → May 8, 2017

Winner of the Salon de Montrouge 2016

Palais de Tokyo is presenting the first solo show by Anne Le Troter in an art centre in Paris. In an original piece, chiming with current events, the artist explores the form and malleability of spoken language, with the dimension of real litany, as used by phone surveyors in polling institutes.

Curator: Claire Moulène

16 Trocadéro Zoom in 16 Trocadéro Zoom out

13, av. du Président Wilson

75016 Paris

T. 01 81 97 35 88

Alma – Marceau

Opening hours

Every day except Tuesday, noon – midnight
Closed on tuesday

Admission fee

Full rate €12.00 — Concessions €9.00

Free admission under 18 years-old, job seekers, those in receipt of income support…

The artist

From the same artist