
Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Dislocations — Exposition collective
Past: February 16 → June 30
At a time when international geopolitical developments are a palimpsest of times and spaces in crisis, The “Dislocations” exhibition brings together fifteen artists from different generations and backgrounds (Afghanistan, France, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Myanmar, Palestine, Syria and Ukraine) whose work is marked o…

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Laura Lamiel — Vous les entendez ?
Past: June 16 → September 10, 2023
Rather introspective than retrospective, her solo exhibition Vous les entendez ? at the Palais de Tokyo brings together a collection of existing pieces and new productions to present the different facets of her work: from painting to installation by way of photography, video and her prolific drawing practice. Criss-cr…

Palais de Tokyo
Marie-Claire Messouma Manlanbien — L’être, l’autre et l’entre
Past: June 16 → September 10, 2023
Marie-Claire Messouma Manlanbien’s work is infused with the various cultures that make up her identity. Of Guadeloupean and Ivorian heritage, she discovered manual craft techniques from a young age alongside her mother and her grand-mother. She grew up in Ivory Coast until the 2004 civil war, when she returned to Fran…

Palais de Tokyo
Femme Vie Liberté — En soutien au peuple iranien
Past: March 8 → August 10, 2023
#ZanZendegiAzadi, #FemmeVieLiberté, depuis cinq mois ces mots sont synonymes de lutte et d’espoir pour les Iraniennes et Iraniens qui se battent pour leur liberté et pour leurs droits, au prix de leur vie et de celle de leurs proches.

Lithography / engraving
Multiple venues
Past: February 17 → May 14, 2023
Exposé·es: people did not choose to be exposed to a virus, an illness, an epidemic. Exposé·es: people did choose to be exposed in order to make visible this virus, this illness, this epidemic. Amongst these people were artists. Amongst these viruses, these illnesses, was HIV/AIDS, which caused the deadliest epidemic…

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Miriam Cahn — Ma pensée sérielle
Past: February 17 → May 14, 2023
Miriam Cahn imagines new material incarnations of that which disturbs us, confronting us with that which we would prefer to ignore: here it looks us straight in the eye, in a bodily confrontation from which we cannot escape.

Palais de Tokyo
Cyprien Gaillard — HUMPTY \ DUMPTY
Past: October 19, 2022 → January 8, 2023
HUMPTY \ DUMPTY, projet inédit de Cyprien Gaillard, est une exposition en deux chapitres, présentés au même moment au Palais de Tokyo et à Lafayette Anticipations. C’est autour d’une réflexion sur le temps, ses traces, ses effets, et les relations que l’humain noue avec lui, que l’artiste a imaginé cette proposition.

Mixed media
Lafayette Anticipations Palais de Tokyo
Shéhérazade la nuit — Minia Biabiany, Miguel Gomes, Ho Tzu Nyen, Pedro Neves Marques, Lieko Shiga, Ana Vaz
Past: October 19, 2022 → January 8, 2023
Oh happy audience, it is said that in a world gripped by multiple crises, artists write fictions inspired by the realities in which they live. These fictions are seen as critical tools for emancipation in the face of the many systems of oppression and exploitation that still constitute the matrix through which we act …

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Minia Biabiany — difé
Past: October 19, 2022 → January 8, 2023
bq. “In my practice, weaving brings up the question of entangled narratives. It is a question of putting into words and nourishing an imaginary in which telling one’s story holds a paradoxical place: at once liberated and aggressive, at once feared and silenced.” — Minia Biabiany
In her work, Minia Biabiany questio…

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Guillaume Leblon — Parade
Past: October 19, 2022 → January 8, 2023
Parade is Guillaume Leblon’s first retrospective exhibition in Paris. For the occasion, he has designed a display that unfolds both inside and outside the Palais de Tokyo, including onto the esplanade that overlooks the Seine. As a sculptor, Guillaume Leblon does not conceive objects to be looked at, but rather seeks …

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Livia Melzi — Tupi or Not Tupi
Past: October 19 → November 27, 2022
Livia Melzi offers a visual investigation of the representation of Tupinambá cloaks originally used in anthropophagic rituals by the Tupi warrior tribes who lived along the Brazilian coast. In doing so, she sheds light on the discourses constructed around these objects, which are today relegated to the reserves of Eur…

Installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Sarah Maldoror — Cinéma Tricontinental
Past: November 26, 2021 → March 20, 2022
Conçue comme un paysage de films qui superpose les histoires et les géographies, l’exposition collective Sarah Maldoror : Cinéma tricontinental est l’occasion de faire découvrir l’œuvre d’une cinéaste à la production révolutionnaire et décoloniale, résolument anti-raciste et irrévérencieuse.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Carte blanche à Anne Imhof — Natures mortes
Past: May 22 → October 24, 2021
Palais de Tokyo invited Anne Imhof to realise an exhibition occupying all its spaces in the spring of 2021. This project continues a series of Cartes Blanches, beginning with Philippe Parreno in 2013 and followed by Tino Sehgal (2016), Camille Henrot (2017) and Tomàs Saraceno (2018) thereafter.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Past: October 23, 2020 → January 3, 2021
The worldwide experience of lockdown and the adoption of social and physical distancing have made us reconsider the idea that our bodies are sealed units. Did we forget how porous we actually are?

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Plein soleil 2020 — L’été des centres d’art
Past: June 2 → September 30, 2020
Comme chaque année, d.c.a propose Plein Soleil, l’agenda des expositions d’été des centres d’art contemporain. Du 2 juin au 30 septembre 2020, Plein Soleil invite les publics à visiter plus d’une cinquantaine d’expositions dans les centres d’art partout en France, afin de découvrir la richesse et le foisonnement de l’art en train de se faire, dans le champ des arts visuels.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Ulla von Brandenburg — Le milieu est bleu
Past: June 15 → September 13, 2020
For this new exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo, Ulla von Brandenburg has imagined a total, evolving project, inspired from the theatre, as well as its imaginary and conventions.

Installation, sculpture, mixed media...
Palais de Tokyo
Notre monde brûle
Past: June 15 → September 13, 2020
The exhibition Our World is Burning offers a fully political view of international contemporary creation seen from the Gulf, where wars and diplomatic tensions have constantly determined the history of the early 21st century.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Futur, ancien, fugitif — Une scène française
Past: October 16, 2019 → January 5, 2020
The exhibition Future, Former, Fugitive, devoted to “a French scene” is based on an open conception of territorial placement — bringing together artists born in France and abroad, living in France or elsewhere, linked provisionally or lastingly to this country.

Ceramic, collage, drawing...
Palais de Tokyo
L’esprit commence et finit au bout des doigts — 20 ans d’engagement pour l’intelligence de la main
Past: October 16 → November 10, 2019
For one month, the Palais de Tokyo will host the various métiers d’art that have been rewarded and supported by the Fondation Bettencourt Schueller for the last twenty years, without trying to hierarchize the works or the crafts displayed.

Drawing, installation, sculpture
Palais de Tokyo
Alt+R, Alternative Réalité — Exposition des lauréats Audi Talents
Past: June 21 → July 14, 2019
Audi talents ambition is to accompany emergent artists during the production of their projects and the conception of an exhibition. All of the works, presented for the first time as part of this exhibition, were produced thanks to the support of this programme.

Installation, new media, sculpture
Palais de Tokyo
Theaster Gates — Amalgam
Past: February 20 → May 12, 2019
In an astonishingly short space of time, Chicago-based artist Theaster Gates has incubated compelling new models for legacy building, social transformation, and making art.

Ceramic, performance, sculpture...
Palais de Tokyo
Julien Creuzet
Past: February 20 → May 12, 2019
Julien Creuzet is a visual artist, video-maker, performer and poet. Via environments made up of composite series, he explores different cultural heritages by organising passageways between imaginaries of elsewhere, the social realities of here and now, and forgotten minority histories.

Performance, poetry, mixed media...
Palais de Tokyo
Angelica Mesiti — Quand faire c’est dire
Past: February 20 → May 12, 2019
Angelica Mesiti has been developing research into non-verbal communication. Her ambitious video installations, both the fruition of long-term explorations and chance encounters, explore the potentialities of language.

Installation, performance, video
Palais de Tokyo
Julius von Bismarck — Die Mimik der Téthys
Past: February 20 → May 12, 2019
Inspired by the figure of Tethys — a sea goddess in Greek mythology, the daughter of the sky (Ouranos) and of the earth (Gaia) — Julius von Bismarck has conceived the original project “Die Mimik der Tethys” (the expressions of Tethys), for which he has moved the oceans.

Installation, sculpture, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Franck Scurti — More is Less
Past: February 20 → May 12, 2019
With this original project, Franck Scurti is extending his stroll through art history and the signs of daily life.

Installation, painting, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Louis-Cyprien Rials, avec Ramon Film Productions
Past: February 20 → May 12, 2019
The Middle East, unrecognised countries, radioactive or forbidden zones seen as “unintentional natural parks” are all territories that Louis-Cyprien Rials has explored or inhabited.

Mixed media, video
Palais de Tokyo
Paris Ass Book Fair — 2019
Past: April 5 → 7, 2019
Paris Ass Book Fair is an international fair that brings together publishers of artist’s books and fanzines, booksellers, and artists who approach print as a medium in its own right.

Publishing, graphic design, lithography / engraving
Palais de Tokyo
La voix libérée — Poésie sonore
Past: Friday, March 22, 2019
La poésie phonétique puis sonore a toujours représenté dans le XXe siècle un acte d’émancipation. Quitte à abandonner parfois la sémantique, les avant-gardes en ont fait le fer de lance de leur lutte contre les systèmes, les croyances et les dogmes. Que reste-t-il aujourd’hui de ces luttes héroïques ?

Poetry, sound - music, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
On Air — Carte Blanche à Tomás Saraceno
Past: October 17, 2018 → January 6, 2019
The exhibition ON AIR is an ecosystem in becoming, hosting emergent choreographies and polyphonies across human and non-human universes, where artworks reveal the common, fragile and ephemeral rhythms and trajectories between these worlds. As a hybrid ecosystem, ON AIR is made of a myriad presences, both animate and inanimate, that meet and cohabit within it.

Architecture, design, installation...
Palais de Tokyo
Saison Discorde, Fille de la Nuit — Les œuvres in-situ — Anémochories
Past: February 16 → September 9, 2018
Les conflits font les siècles : la plus grande boucherie ouvrait le XXe, les tours du World Trade Center abattues le XXIe. Les conflits s’incarnent dans notre chair et dans l’art depuis toujours.

Installation, painting, sculpture...
Palais de Tokyo
Anita Molinero — Bouche-moi ce trou
Past: February 16 → September 9, 2018
Deployed in the air, above the landing of Palais de Tokyo’s main staircase and its surrounding space, the installation conceived by Anita Molinero is made up of a large sculpture of burnt polyfoam, a kind of fossilised planet or spaceship with hesitant technology.

Installation, sculpture
Palais de Tokyo
Nina Chanel Abney — Hot to Trot. Not.
Past: February 16 → September 9, 2018
Nina Chanel Abney sometimes moves her pictorial practice from her studio to public spaces by painting immense murals on city walls. For her first commission by a French institution, Abney will take over a series of walls integral to the architecture of Palais de Tokyo and transform them into in situ frescoes.

Installation, painting
Palais de Tokyo
Daiga Grantina — Toll
Past: February 16 → September 9, 2018
Daiga Grantina has created a vast sculpture from a range of materials with varying qualities: hard and soft, transparent and opaque. Blended together in a strange and colourful landscape, each one of these materials has a role of its own in this organism that is playful, furious, confused, and a little ‘toll’ (the German term meaning ‘mad’ or ‘astounding’ which lends Grantina’s work its title).

Installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Enfance — Encore un jour banane pour le poisson-rêve
Past: June 22 → September 9, 2018
How are the sense of wonder, the capacity to invent worlds, but also childhood fears and anxieties, constructed and become determined, in different contexts? The exhibition Another banana day for the dream-fish, after the modified title of a story by J.D. Salinger, tries to provide an answer by making us travel from everyday, intimate territories to fantasy worlds, through a series of fragments of an identity in permanent construction.

Installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Laure Prouvost — Ring, Sing and Drink for Trespassing
Past: June 22 → September 9, 2018
For her first solo show in a Parisian institution, Laure Prouvost presents “Ring, Sing and Drink for Trespassing”; an exhibition manifesting as an escape that is both psychological and geographical.

Installation, sculpture, mixed media...
Palais de Tokyo
Bronwyn Katz — A Silent Line, Lives Here
Past: June 22 → September 9, 2018
As a multi-disciplinary artist, Bronwyn Katz produces installations, sculptures, videos and performances. In her installations and sculptures, she tries to put together a collective history and memory linked to the spaces and objects around them.

Installation, sculpture, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Julieta García Vazquez — Union des poètes et des boulangers
Past: June 22 → September 9, 2018
The Argentinian artist Julieta García Vazquez develops group projects answering to specific contexts, be they social, urbanistic or environmental. She imagines actions and collaborations that waver between the need to answer to a situation and the possibility to let poetry and utopias emerge.

Urban art, installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Chroniques Parallèles — Exposition des lauréats Audi talents 2017
Past: June 22 → July 14, 2018
The exhibition Parallel Chronicles presents the four projects of the Audi talents 2017 award winners.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Toguna — Le lieu de tous les savoirs
Past: February 16 → May 15, 2018
Lieu de convivialité et de partage, le Toguna est un écrin propice à la concentration et à la contemplation. Le Toguna a été imaginé comme un grand paysage à arpenter, à visiter, qui interroge notre rapport à la transmission en débordant de la forme classique de l’amphithéâtre.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Saison Discorde, Fille de la Nuit — Les Expositions
Past: February 16 → May 13, 2018
Les conflits font les siècles : la plus grande boucherie ouvrait le XXe, les tours du World Trade Center abattues le XXIe. Les conflits s’incarnent dans notre chair et dans l’art depuis toujours. Jean-Jacques Lebel, Kader Attia, Neïl Beloufa, Marianne Mispelaëre ou encore Massinissa Selmani… Ils évoquent la guerre, les conflits, les révoltes au Palais de Tokyo.

Drawing, installation, painting...
Palais de Tokyo
Neïl Beloufa — L’Ennemi de mon ennemi
Past: February 16 → May 13, 2018
L’Ennemi de mon ennemi is a project by Neïl Beloufa, commissioned by Palais de Tokyo. It consists of a scenographic dispositive that represents a chaotic and fragmented vision of the ways in which history is written and in which power is legitimized in the contemporary era.

Film, installation, new media...
Palais de Tokyo
Kader Attia & Jean-Jacques Lebel — L’Un et l’Autre
Past: February 16 → May 13, 2018
L’Un et l’Autre [One and the Other] is not an exhibition but a research laboratory. It is the result of an exchange of our perspectives, of a partnership underpinned by our deep friendship. We present here a selection of our work linked to the major questions of our civilization.

Installation, photography, sculpture...
Palais de Tokyo
DAIMYO — Seigneurs de la guerre au Japon — Par George Henry Longly
Past: February 16 → May 13, 2018
Palais de Tokyo, in partnership for the first time with the Musée national des arts asiatiques — Guimet, presents an exceptional collection of artefacts that belonged to a powerful caste of governors who reigned in Japan between the 12th and 19th centuries: the daimyo.

Jewellery, sculpture
Palais de Tokyo
Massinissa Selmani — Ce qui coule n’a pas de fin
Past: February 16 → May 13, 2018
For his exhibition at Palais de Tokyo, Massinissa Selmani has followed in the footsteps of Louise Michel in Algeria and New Caledonia, where this legendary figure of anarchism was deported from 1873 to 1880, after the defeat of the Paris Commune.

Drawing, installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Marianne Mispelaëre — On vit qu’il n’y avait plus rien à voir
Past: February 16 → May 13, 2018
Winner of the Grand Prix at the 62nd Salon de Montrouge, Marianne Mispelaëre observes, produces and reproduces with concise, simple, and precise gestures inspired by current social phenomena. In her drawings, she deploys energy, gestures, media and signs.

Palais de Tokyo
Saison Discorde, Fille de la Nuit — Façade du Palais de Tokyo
Past: February 15 → 22, 2018
Pendant la saison Discorde, Fille de la nuit, Bertrand Dezoteux transforme la façade du Palais de Tokyo en un territoire mouvant grâce à la technique du mapping vidéo

Installation, new media, mixed media...
Palais de Tokyo
Rencontre avec Kader Attia et Jean-Jacques Lebel — Saison Discorde, Fille de la Nuit
Past: Thursday, February 22, 2018 8:30 PM → 7 PM
During the exhibition The One and the Other at the Palais de Tokyo, a round table is organized in the new space called Toguna with Kader Attia and Jean-Jacques Lebel accompanied by anthropologists or historians. This round table allows to activate the dialogue around this exhibition designed as a research laboratory.

Days are Dogs — Carte blanche à Camille Henrot
Past: October 18, 2017 → January 7, 2018
Palais de Tokyo is delighted to offer French-born international artist Camille Henrot (b. 1978 in Paris, lives in New York) its third Carte Blanche exhibition.

Installation, mixed media, video
Palais de Tokyo
We Dream Under the Same Sky — L’art se mobilise pour les réfugiés
Past: September 16 → 21, 2017
In September 2017, We Dream Under the Same Sky is a week of cultural and civic programming at Palais de Tokyo, followed by an auction by Christie’s at the Gallery Azzedine Alaïa to benefit 5 NGOs that welcome, care for and integrate refugees who have arrived in France after their migration.

Installation, painting, photography...
Palais de Tokyo
Emmanuelle Lainé
Past: February 3 → September 10, 2017
It is now the turn of the French artist Emmanuelle Lainé to occupy the lair of Le Païpe with a massive trompe-l’oeil. With the participation of the photographer André Morin,Emmanuelle Lainé will produce a life-sized, freeze-frame image, to be subsequently staged in a scene saturated with heightened or prepared objects.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Taloi Havini — Résidente Pavillon Neuflize OBC 2017
Past: June 14 → September 10, 2017
Taloi Havini’s artistic and curatorial practice centers on the deconstruction of the politics of location, and the transmission of Indigenous Knowledge Systems.

Palais de Tokyo
Hayoun Kwon — Lauréate 2015 du Prix Découverte des Amis du Palais de Tokyo
Past: June 14 → September 10, 2017
Hayoun Kwon’s work is based on seeing narrative as a construction of individual and collective memory, through a staging of stories which she has been told, and situations she has experienced or imagined.

New media, mixed media, video
Palais de Tokyo
Gareth Nyandoro — Résident 2017 SAM Art Projects
Past: June 14 → September 10, 2017
For his first solo show in France, Gareth Nyandoro conceives an immersive installation inspired by the urban Parisian space. Both graphic and sculptural, his works on paper are deployed down to the floor and reproduce the ephemeral constructions in public spaces.

Installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Le Rêve des formes — Exposition collective
Past: June 14 → September 10, 2017
The exhibition “The Dream of Forms”, presented for the twentieth anniversary of Le Fresnoy school, has been conceived as an imaginary landscape, a monstrous garden with perishable forms growing in it, as well as germinating surfaces, protuberant organisms and flat figures.

New media, mixed media, video
Palais de Tokyo
Past: June 14 → September 10, 2017
In summer 2017, Palais de Tokyo will be staging “Dioramas”, an exhibition that explores the diorama as an unexpected source of inspiration for contemporary art. At the crossroads of art, cinema and theater, this cross-disciplinary exhibition is the first large survey to recontextualize the diorama with a renewed approach.

Lithography / engraving, new media, photography
Palais de Tokyo
Abraham Poincheval
Past: February 3 → May 8, 2017
During his solo performances, Abraham Poincheval pushes back his physical and mental limits. As with the giant bottle, inside which Abraham Poincheval is going up the river Rhône against its current, the exhibition will bring together several habitations in which, or on which, he has lived for several days.

Performance, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Taro Izumi — Pan
Past: February 3 → May 8, 2017
In Japan, Taro Izumi is a singular artist. He has developed a world which is expressed in installations, sculptures and videos, whose appearance processes are associated with accidents, play or perturbation.

Palais de Tokyo
Mel O’Callaghan — Dangerous on-the-way
Past: February 3 → May 8, 2017
Pour son exposition personnelle au Palais de Tokyo, Mel O’Callaghan s’est rendue dans le nord-est de Bornéo afin d’assister à la récolte traditionnelle de nids d’oiseaux, un rituel particulièrement périlleux réalisé deux fois par an par les populations Orang Sungai à plus de 120 mètres de haut.

Performance, sculpture, video
Palais de Tokyo
Anne Le Troter
Past: February 3 → May 8, 2017
Palais de Tokyo is presenting the first solo show by Anne Le Troter in an art centre in Paris. In an original piece, chiming with current events, the artist explores the form and malleability of spoken language, with the dimension of real litany, as used by phone surveyors in polling institutes.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Dorian Gaudin — Rites and Aftermath
Past: February 3 → May 8, 2017
Dorian Gaudin appreciates the play of correspondences connecting or separating various elements, from a jet engine to a minimal sculpture, or butchered meat to a mechanical organ. His works are often animated by their own, sometimes chaotic motion, thus bringing together unity and fragmentation, or centrifugal and centripetal forces.

Palais de Tokyo
Emmanuel Saulnier — Black Dancing
Past: February 3 → May 8, 2017
Emmanuel Saulnier has been developing an essentially sculptural body of work, in a constant dialogue with the practice of drawing. Even though glass is his preferred material, the artist explores the potential of matter in the broadest sense. His work confronts such issues as collective memories, presence and disappearance.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Sous le regard de machines pleines d’amour et de grâce
Past: February 3 → May 8, 2017
Conceived according to an open pathway made up of different ‘affective zones’, “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” brings together several artists who examine the impact of the market economy and new technologies on the production of our emotions and their representations.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Do Disturb
Past: April 21 → 23, 2017
For its 3rd edition, the festival DO DISTURB is once again putting Palais de Tokyo into a state of effervescence, by day and night, on April 21, 22 and 23. The programme of this edition features over 40 propositions at the crossroads of dance, performance, theatre and music.

Tino Sehgal
Past: October 12 → December 18, 2016
For this show, which is as radical as it is intense, and whose main materials will be human, in a metamorphosed Palais de Tokyo, Tino Sehgal is presenting his works alongside pieces by other artists he has chosen to invite.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Michel Houellebecq — Rester vivant
Past: June 23 → September 11, 2016
This show is a scenario, leading visitors through the writer’s obsessions. Made up of sounds, photographs, installations and films he has conceived, as well as the presence of several guest artists, it will offer an immersion into the world and mind of the protean creator who is Michel Houellebecq.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Mika Rottenberg — Installations vidéos
Past: June 22 → September 11, 2016
With their captivating tales, in which reality seems to be warped into fiction, and whose fantasy and humour are rivalled only by their strangeness, Mika Rottenberg’s videos are screened in installations which act as showcases, while extending their universes.

Installation, video
Palais de Tokyo
Marguerite Humeau — FOXP2
Past: June 23 → September 11, 2016
Myths, speculations and fantasies are at the heart of Marguerite Humeau’s artwork. For the Palais de Tokyo, the artist has produced an entire series of new work for the project; a physical and sensory experience at the crossroads between research and fiction.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
David Ryan & Jérôme Joy — Nothing at All — Modes Idiorythmiques de la Coexistence
Past: June 23 → September 11, 2016
The artists Jérôme Joy and David Ryan question the reality of the world with the poetic licence that has characterised their approach since their first collaboration. Through drawing, video or sound and musical creation, the artists combine autobiographical and fictional elements to explore the notion of coexistence.

Drawing, sound - music, video
Palais de Tokyo
Dineo Seshee Bopape — SAM Art Projects
Past: June 23 → September 11, 2016
Dineo Seshee Bopape explores with her installation the subjective question of affects by bringing together videos and depictions of pieces focused on the body engulfed by emotion in personal and in socio political contexts.

Palais de Tokyo
Clément Cogitore — L’intervalle de résonance
Past: July 13 → September 11, 2016
The starting point of the video installation devised by Cogitore is based on two unexplained phenomena having physical origins: the supposed perception of sounds emitted by the Northern Lights, and the appearance of a mysterious luminous object in Alaska.

Installation, video
Palais de Tokyo
INDISCIPLINE @ Palais de Tokyo — Bruxelles, capitale plurielle et artistique, se dévoile à Paris
Past: September 3 → 4, 2016
Over a weekend, more than 30 artists, comprising visual artists, performers, choreographers and video makers based in Brussels, are invited to the Palais de Tokyo. Coming from around 15 different countries, these artists are presenting works from diverse crossover disciplines, pushing a number of our cultural boundaries.

INDISCIPLINE, le programme — Dimanche 4 septembre
Past: Sunday, September 4, 2016
Découvrez le programme du dimanche 4 septembre. Venez rencontrer de nouveaux artistes, assister à de nouvelles performances, et retrouvez les installations présentes le temps du week-end au Palais de Tokyo.

INDISCIPLINE, le programme — Samedi 3 septembre
Past: Saturday, September 3, 2016
Découvrez le programme de la première journée du festival Indiscipline au Palais de Tokyo. De midi à minuit, les chorégraphes et autres artistes investissent l’espace avec des performances, des films, des installations vidéos ou encore de la danse.

Ayoung Kim — En résidence
Past: June 23 → August 29, 2016
The immersive sound installation that Ayoung Kim presents at Palais de Tokyo takes root in the basement of the Palais Garnier — specifically in the depths of its famous underground “lake” — which she uses to stage a long forgotten mythical flood.

Installation, sound - music
Palais de Tokyo
Choices Paris — Collectors weekend
Past: May 21 → 22, 2016
Throughout 2 days, CHOICES presents a program encompassing almost 40 Parisian galleries and a collective exhibition which is this year being held at the Palais de Tokyo. In the program: openings, performances, meetings with the artists, gallery staff and curators.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Choices Paris — NextLevel Galerie
Past: May 21 → 22, 2016
San Francisco-based artist John Chiara (born in 1971) pushes the boundaries of the photographic medium through his choice of process and the mastery of its possibilities. His approach is distinguished by its incredible physicality and recalls the early days of the medium when artists dealt with heavy, awkward equipment and endured long exposure and development times. Chiara’s giant cameras, which he designed and built himself, are transported to locations on a flatbed trailer to produce one-of-a-kind large-scale prints. The design of the cameras, which is much like daguerreotype box cameras, allows the artist to simultaneously shoot and perform his darkroom work while images are recorded directly onto oversized photosensitive paper (not film). This process, which Chiara first discovered as a student in 1999, invites anomalies in his final prints and adds to the mystery and lyricism of his pictures.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Jean-Michel Alberola — L’aventure des détails
Past: February 19 → May 16, 2016
Political, poetic, committed and profound, Jean-Michel Alberola’s oeuvre is a geography rather than a history, a panorama that allows him to act artistically on reality, feelings and the state of the world, through paintings, neon lights, films, texts, objects, installations, sculptures, murals, publications and tracts.

Installation, painting, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Sara Favriau — La redite en somme, ne s’amuse pas de sa répétition singulière
Past: February 19 → May 16, 2016
Winner of the Prix Découverte des Amis du Palais de Tokyo in 2014, Sara Favriau deploys a monumental, poetic sculpture, made of cleats of sculpted wood, assembled into cabin-containers, in which several artists have been invited to exhibit.

Palais de Tokyo
Florian et Michael Quistrebert — The Light of the Light
Past: February 19 → May 16, 2016
Palais de Tokyo is presenting the first large-scale monographic show of Florian and Michael Quistrebert. This duo of brothers, is producing a set of new works for this occasion. Mingling colours, light, mass and illusions, the Quistreberts play with visitors’ minds and visions, drawing perceptions toward other dimensions.

Palais de Tokyo
Prix Jean-François Prat
Past: April 14 → 17, 2016
Pendant 4 jours, la peinture contemporaine sera mise à l’honneur au Palais de Tokyo, à l’occasion du 5ème Prix Jean-François Prat. Les œuvres de tous les finalistes du prix, soit 14 artistes émergents de 9 nationalités, seront présentées dans une exposition exceptionnelle en accès libre.

DO DISTURB ! — Performance, danse, cirque, design...
Past: April 8 → 10, 2016
The programme of this year’s edition is set to feature more than 50 experimental projects, where circus arts, performance arts, dance, design, fashion and sound will intermingle. It will present new creations, showcase performances in Europe for the first time, as well as revisit others especially for the event.

Charlie Le Mindu — Charliewood
Past: March 17 → April 9, 2016
One year after the exhibition ’Le Bord des Mondes’ (the edge of the worlds), the creator and ’hair-dresser’ Charlie Le Mindu is authoring at the Palais de Tokyo a multi-disciplinary creation mixing music, dance, video and performance. The work concerns the dizzying possibilities of the metamorphosis of the human body.

Dance, performance, video
Palais de Tokyo
Ugo Rondinone — I Love John Giorno
Past: October 21, 2015 → January 10, 2016
“Ugo Rondidone : I ♥ John Giorno” is the first retrospective of the life and work of the American poet John Giorno, a key figure of the American underground scene of the 1960s. The exhibition is conceived by Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone as a work in its own right.

Painting, performance, sound - music...
Palais de Tokyo
Ragnar Kjartansson — Seul celui qui connaît le désir
Past: October 21, 2015 → January 10, 2016
Ragnar Kjartansson’s singular work is a cross between performance and cinema, sculpture and opera, plein air painting and music. In a poetic and surprising manner, the exhibition portrays everyday desires, longing for the transcendent, blurring the boundary between mundane and sublime.

Palais de Tokyo
Mélanie Matranga — 反复 [fanfu]
Past: October 21, 2015 → January 10, 2016
Mélanie Matranga combines signs that reflect upon interiority with elements linked to social attitudes and habits. Her exhibition articulates several environments, several moments, through an ambitious set of works and architectural elements : two large mezzanines, paper lights and loudspeakers, photographic prints and drawings that cover several walls.

Drawing, sculpture, video
Palais de Tokyo
Mathis Collins — Dry French
Past: October 21 → November 22, 2015
Mathis Collins has developed a practice mixing sculpture, performance and poetry, in which he stages himself as a poetic and political figure. For this show, Mathis Collins has reproduced an artist’s studio on the terrace of a café, for the creation of works made up of sculptures and photographs.

Palais de Tokyo
Céleste Boursier-Mougenot — acquaalta
Past: June 24 → September 13, 2015
Céleste Boursier-Mougenot creates a lakeside landscape which leads visitors into an experience, at once tactile, visual and auditory, which changes their perception of the space. As they move across this flooded space, visitors enter a stream of images which set the scene for an imaginary journey, a voyage through their own psyche.

Installation, sound - music, video
Palais de Tokyo
Patrick Neu
Past: June 24 → September 13, 2015
For 30 years, Patrick Neu has been developing his skill away from the limelight. With each work, he turns traditional technique on its head and embarks on new experiments which he continues for as long as necessary. He works with materials not often found in the world of art : bee wings, soot on glass, crystal, wax, Chinese ink sculpture..

Drawing, lithography / engraving
Palais de Tokyo
Korakrit Arunanondchai — Painting with history in a room full of people with funny names III
Past: June 24 → September 13, 2015
Palais de Tokyo invited Thai artist Korakrit Arunanondchai to design, for the first time in France, a total environment which will bring together a collection of works. Inspired by his travels between New York and Bangkok, his work immerses the viewer in a kitschy syncretism, fusing religions, popular music and icons from mass consumption.

Film, painting, sculpture
Palais de Tokyo
Tianzhuo Chen
Past: June 24 → September 13, 2015
Tianzhuo Chen uses a colourful, grotesque and kitsch imagery, dominated by direct references to drugs, LGBT hip hop, the London rave scene, Japanese Butoh, voguing in New York and the fashion world, to forge an intimate connection between his works and the collapse of moral attitudes and beliefs we see around us.

Drawing, installation, painting...
Palais de Tokyo
Jesper Just
Past: June 24 → September 13, 2015
In his film work, Jesper Just links images of an exceptional quality to sounds and music, which play a decisive role in the film, to ask questions about feelings and human relations, desire, gender, identity. For the exhibition, Jesper Just has created a new installation which combines multiple videos, music and a spatial intervention.

Installation, sound - music, video
Palais de Tokyo
Hospitalités n°5
Past: May 30 → July 5, 2015
For every two years since 2007, Hospitalités has invited the public from the Paris region, whether amateur or connoisseur, to experience original journeys in all those venues taking part; in 2015, visitors will have the luck of exploring the region, each Saturday and each Sunday, from the 30th of May to the 5th of July.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Hospitalités — Week-end du 27 & 28 juin
Past: June 27 → 28, 2015
On Saturday there will be a trip which begins at the Rentilly chateau, recently metamorphosed by Xavier Veilhan, before continuing at the outbuildings of the Conbault chateau, which houses the CPIF.
On Sunday, Céleste Boursier-Mougenot will metamorphose the spaces of the Palais de Tokyo with sound. The atmosphere will be dreamlike at the abbaye de Maubuisson et Synesthésie.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Le bord des mondes
Past: February 18 → May 17, 2015
Answering Marcel Duchamp’s question: “Can one make works of art which are not ’of art’?”, the exhibition “At the Edge of the Worlds" explores the many fields of artistic creation and welcomes creative people from outside of the art world whose work would seem to belong to it through its depth, its beauty and its singularity.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Takis — Champs magnétiques
Past: February 18 → May 17, 2015
The Palais de Tokyo continues its exploration into the interstices between art and the sciences by paying tribute to the great sculptor and inventor Takis who will turn 90 in 2015. The first person to “send a man into space,” six months before Yuri Gagarin, during a famous performance, and a major figure in post-war art.

Palais de Tokyo
Bouchra Khalili — Foreign Office
Past: February 18 → May 17, 2015
Through her various artistic propositions, Bouchra Khalili, winner of the SAM Prize for contemporary art 2013, associates subjectivity and collective history in order to question the complex relationships between colonial and postcolonial History, contemporary migrations, its geographies and stories and the imaginary that result from it.

Palais de Tokyo
L’Usage des formes
Past: March 20 → May 17, 2015
The program “The Use of Form” brings together professionals from the worlds of art, design, the visual arts and architecture to discuss the tool and the technical instrument. The exhibition proposes an exploration of the mechanisms of human ingenuity and the passionate relationship that exists between a creator and his tools.

Architecture, design
Palais de Tokyo
Archipel secret
Past: March 27 → May 17, 2015
Through over 40 works, most specially created for the occasion, “Secret Archipelago” explores the ideas and practices of contemporary artists from South-East Asia. The exhibition is brought to you through various media, including installations, videos, sculptures, sound works and also performances

Installation, sculpture, sound - music
Palais de Tokyo
La Nuit européenne des musées, 2015
Past: Saturday, May 16, 2015 1 PM → 12 AM
For its 11th edition, the European night of the museums is offering the public an alternative approach to the museum environment, at night and through several events: spectacles, artistic installations, illuminated tours…

Film, new media, performance...
Multiple venues
Festival Do Disturb !
Past: April 10 → 12, 2015
For this first edition, Palais de Tokyo invited guest contributions from some of the world’s best-known art establishments like MoMA PS1 and the Tate Modern. Three days and two nights of discovery and celebration, offering an insight into the world and all contemporary forms of performing arts.

Past: October 20, 2014 → January 11, 2015
Inside offers visitors a passage to the interior of the self, for which the exhibition space serves as a metaphor. This immense odyssey, invites us to walk through two floors of the Palais de Tokyo that have been transformed by artists in such a way that, from one installation to the next, we remain constantly immersed in the works.

Palais de Tokyo
David Maljkovic — In Low Resolution
Past: October 20, 2014 → January 11, 2015
Palais de Tokyo invites one of the most important Croatian artists, David Maljković, who has chosen to confront us with a present that cannot be defined. He explores the effects of time — be it historical time, technical time, or the time of the work itself — and puts them into action.

Palais de Tokyo
Inside China — L’Intérieur du Géant
Past: October 20, 2014 → January 11, 2015
In the context of its international mission, the Palais de Tokyo chose curator Jo-ey Tang to travel to China and Southeast Asia. After a year of prospection, Inside China presents a selection of five Chinese artists in dialogue with three French artists including the renowned Nadar.

Palais de Tokyo
Canal + Xavier Veilhan — L’expo des 30 ans
Past: November 5 → 28, 2014
Because he was part of the generation for whom the emergence of CANAL+ was a major cultural event, the television channel has asked Xavier Veilhan to turn his artistic vision to the celebration of its 30th anniversary. For this occasion, the artist has imagined a work composed of an immense mural and a stage space at the Palais de Tokyo.

Palais de Tokyo
Shahryar Nashat — Lauréat du Prix Lafayette 2013
Past: October 20 → November 23, 2014
The work of Shahryar Nashat is made up of fragments in which elements of baroque, humor, sensuality and insolence are interwoven.His installations, which give prominence to video, incorporatephotography, sculpture and furniture while often questioning the magnetism of the art object, bringing into play equivalences between objects and bodies.

Palais de Tokyo
Jean-Marie Appriou — Les Modules — Fondation Pierre Bergé — Yves Saint Laurent
Past: October 20 → November 23, 2014
The experiments of Jean-Marie Appriou in ceramics and iron casting are the result of a unique technical relationship to the materials, enhanced by a network of cultural references (Pre-Raphaelites, pop music, artisanal craftsmanship, figure-skating, medieval mythologies, comic strips, etc.).

Palais de Tokyo
Enrique Ramirez — Les Modules — Fondation Pierre Bergé — Yves Saint Laurent
Past: October 20 → November 23, 2014
The films of Enrique Ramírez are often set against the backdrop of the sea. They explore travelling, exchanges between peoples of different countries and deal with political and social questions such as emigration (Horizon, Cruzar un muro) or the development of maritime trade in a globalized economy (Ocean).

Palais de Tokyo
L’état du ciel — Première partie
Past: February 14 → September 7, 2014
"L’état du ciel” is a homage to many artists, poets and philosophers reflections on the physical, moral and political factors that shape our world. Over the course of a season at the Palais de Tokyo, it will present over ten proposals or exhibitions centering on that theme.

Film, installation, mixed media...
Palais de Tokyo
L’état du ciel — Deuxième partie
Past: April 25 → September 7, 2014
“L’État du ciel — 2ème partie” has two huge and totally reinvested in the world of artist Thomas Hirschhorn and Hiroshi Sugimoto spaces. Three other interventions will be “in situ”. Finally, three modules of the Fondation Pierre Bergé — Yves Saint Laurent are revealed to the public.

Installation, new media, performance...
Palais de Tokyo
L’état du ciel — Troisième partie
Past: June 6 → September 7, 2014
“L’état du ciel — 3ème partie” displays monographic exhibitions of work by Ed Atkins, a troubling testament, and also Eduardo Basualdo, the Argentine artist of the massive meteorite, and artist collaborations around the central themes such as time or the fall.

Drawing, film, new media...
Palais de Tokyo
David Douard — Mo’Swallow
Past: February 14 → May 12, 2014
L’œuvre de David Douard s’exprime par des travaux qui combinent vidéos, sculptures, collages, sons, dessins et chefs-d’œuvre du passé greffés sur des installations interactives pour construire des récits allégoriques qui témoignent des relations infectieuses qui se nouent entre des mondes qui s’espéraient imperméables les uns aux autres.

Installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Robin McGinley — The Cages’s 33 1/3 project
Past: February 19 → 22, 2014
Robin McGinley pays homage to “33 1/3” (1969), a little-known work by John Cage. A dozen or so record decks occupy the space and hundreds of vinyl disks are made available to the public, giving them the chance to create their own musical ambiance by putting on whichever pieces they choose.

Film, installation, mixed media...
Palais de Tokyo
Béatrice Balcou — Untitled performance #2 (loop)
Past: February 19 → 22, 2014
Avec « Untitled Performance #2 (Loop) », l’artiste emballe et déballe des tableaux et objets d’art sans fin, tous les jours du festival, avec une précision non sans rappeler la cérémonie du thé traditionnelle japonaise.

Philippe Parreno — Anywhere, Anywhere Out of the World
Past: October 23, 2013 → January 12, 2014
In response to an invitation where he has been given carte blanche, PhilippeParreno devises a total exhibition driven by his dialogue with the architecture of the Petit Palais. This exhibition — and its unprecedented format — further establishes a French artist whose works, ideas, and approach exercise considerable influence and have incontrovertibly reshaped our idea of art.

Film, installation, sound - music
Palais de Tokyo
Nouvelles Vagues — 53 expositions dans tout Paris et au Palais de Tokyo
Past: June 21 → September 9, 2013
After “Cold Sun”, Palais de Tokyo, along with thirty galleries and art spaces throughout Paris, innovates once more to emphasize the emergence of the figure of the curator. At Palais de Tokyo, “Nouvelles vagues” (New Waves) is a large-scale event organized by 21 international young curators.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Hospitalités — Palais de Tokyo
Past: Sunday, June 2, 2013 at 6:15 PM
The journey through this exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo endeavours to make limits visible, to conjure intermediary spaces where the particular qualities of hospitality are made manifest. It’s very much this revelation of a ‘poetry of limits’ which will be the central theme, by means of the discovery of alternative spaces.

Soleil froid
Past: February 27 → May 20, 2013
After the Imagine the imaginary season which drew visitors along in the very wake of the invention of the work, the new Cold sun season at the Palais de Tokyo explores the surface of a strange world where, as Raymond Roussel talking about writing put it, “nothing real must enter”.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Imaginez l’imaginaire — Deuxième partie
Past: October 17, 2012 → February 11, 2013
As close as possible to the artist’s thinking, as close as possible to creation as it is taking shape, in the very wake of the invention of the artwork… the new season at the Palais de Tokyo, Imagine the Imaginary, brings together artists from different generations whose works demonstrate and sometimes describe the processes involved in their development.

Mixed media, video
Palais de Tokyo
Imaginez l’imaginaire
Past: October 17, 2012 → February 11, 2013
Pour sa première grande exposition monographique dans une institution française, Neïl Beloufa, jeune artiste très remarqué sur la scène internationale, propose un état des lieux de sa propre production, interrogeant, dans un décor, le rôle de l’artiste mais aussi la fonction des images, des figures et des mythes dans un monde médiatisé.

Mixed media, video
Palais de Tokyo
Damir Očko — The Kingdom of Glottis
Past: October 17, 2012 → February 11, 2013
Damir Očko est un artiste croate né en 1977, dans une période de transition politique majeure. Ces événements et ces drames à l’échelle individuelle, relatifs au passé, ont eu de profondes répercussions sur sa vision du monde. À sa manière, l’art de Damir Očko relève de cette Histoire.

Mixed media, video
Palais de Tokyo
Markus Schinwald
Past: October 17, 2012 → January 14, 2013
En préfiguration au théâtre mécanique infernal que Markus Schinwald conçoit dans la nef du CAPC musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux pour l’été 2013, le Palais de Tokyo invite l’artiste autrichien et Alexis Vaillant, à présenter la magnétite de cette aventure automatique.

Mixed media, video
Palais de Tokyo
Les Dérives de l’imaginaire — Exposition thématique
Past: September 28, 2012 → January 7, 2013
From idleness to work, from reverie to the object itself, the shift that comes from adapting, the hesitation before completion, Letting the Imagination Drift draws visitors into the very heart of the creative act.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Fabrice Hyber — Matières Premières
Past: September 28, 2012 → January 7, 2013
The exhibition is constructed as a mental landscape, organized around a certain number of modules. Visitors will be able to test prototypes of working objects or experience particular situations. In this “campsite of works” where artifice replaces nature and nature has been overcome, surrounded, the outside is brought in — F. Hyber

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Ryan Gander — Esperluette — Bibliothèque d’artiste
Past: September 28, 2012 → January 7, 2013
In Esperluette, a slide show of objects offers an open window on the artist’s mental landscape. Viewers are invited to recreate this “curious collection of things”. Metamorphosed in this way, the objects are given a new context, a stage, a real seeing machine, where all connections seem possible.

Palais de Tokyo
East side stories — Vidéos contemporaines croates
Past: September 28 → December 10, 2012
The artists question information associated with history, the heritage of modernist utopias, and develop art engaged with an extremely complex political and cultural reality. Moving images appear as a favoured means of defining new links with reality and undertaking an analysis of images from the past.

Film, video
Palais de Tokyo
Rencontres Internationales — Paris/ Berlin/ Madrid
Past: November 30 → December 8, 2012
Les Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid créent pendant 9 jours un espace de découverte et de réflexion entre nouveau cinéma et art contemporain. Plateforme unique en Europe notamment par sa dimension d’échanges entre les trois villes, les Rencontres Internationales proposent une ouverture rare sur la création audiovisuelle contemporaine et multimédia.

Jonathan Binet — Modules
Past: September 28 → November 19, 2012
I have devised my practice within the studio, as a place of experimentation and trial initiatives, a space where I establish my working principles. Sometimes it is necessary to adapt these principles, or at least to subsequently validate them in the exhibition area, subject to its specific physical and architectural features — Jonathan Binet.

Installation, painting
Palais de Tokyo
Remise du prix Grolsch du Off
Past: October 19 → 29, 2012
Vendredi 19 octobre au Palais de Tokyo, 200 journalistes, blogueurs et personnalités de l’art contemporain, étaient invités par GROLSCH, la marque de bière indépendante et créative, à la remise du prix Grolsch du Off.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Salon Light #9 — Artist’s book festival
Past: October 19 → 21, 2012
Every year, Cneai organises Salon Light, a salon dedicated to micro-edition and artists’ publications. With an international reputation, it has gathered more than 600 publishers in a period of 8 years. Cneai, through Salon Light, supports and promotes the dissemination of experimental publishers whose work covers the field of art and its frontiers.

Le prix Grolsch du Off — Edition 2012
Past: Friday, October 19, 2012
Pour la deuxième année consécutive, Grolsch, la marque de bière hollandaise arty, soutient la créativité et l’indépendance d’esprit sous la forme d’un prix dédié à la jeune création. Le prix sera remis le 19 octobre, au Palais de Tokyo. L’artiste lauréat sera récompensé avec une exposition au Palais de Tokyo en 2013.

Fernando Ortega — Une production de Sam Art Projects
Past: June 15 → September 3, 2012
Fernando Ortega offre une nouvelle lecture du Palais de Tokyo, inspirée des incidents ordinaires — de légères fuites d’eau qui s’écoulaient des plafonds — survenus pendant sa rénovation. Cette chute accidentelle devient le langage qui lui permet de perturber l’espace et de faire le lien entre des éléments tous réunis par l’eau.

Installation, photography, video
Palais de Tokyo
Alain Séchas — Sans cimaise et sans pantalon
Past: June 15 → September 3, 2012
Simultanément à la manifestation « Le Voyage à Nantes », parcours urbain de 8,5 km, le Palais de Tokyo accueille une étape de « Sans cimaise et sans pantalon », carte blanche confiée à l’artiste Alain Séchas qui puise dans les collections du musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes afin de les revisiter.

Painting, sculpture, video
Palais de Tokyo
Clémence Torres — Dans le vide, l’horizon disparaît
Past: June 15 → September 3, 2012
Clémence Torres s’approprie les matériaux de l’architecture, utilisant des éléments tels que miroir, verre et métal. Une esthétique à première vue très minimale, voire industrielle, faisant en réalité vivre aux visiteurs de véritables expériences sensibles et poétiques.

Palais de Tokyo
Le pavillon Neuflize OBC — Promotion 2011-2012
Past: June 15 → September 3, 2012
Les artistes du Pavillon Neuflize OBC investissent divers espaces en accès libre du Palais de Tokyo : chorégraphie d’idée ou volume de la Pléiade modifié, néon aux formes commandées par l’architecture sonore, icônes pop et disco envahissant des créations vidéo, collection de cartes postales de l’exposition universelle de 1937 ou diaporama.

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
La Triennale
Past: April 20 → August 26, 2012
As a large contemporary art event whose goal is to highlight current creation in the visual arts in France, La Triennale has become an incontrovertibly essential gathering, actively contributing to reinforce Paris’ position on the international art stage. In 2012, La Triennale constitutes the first major exhibition of the renovated Palais de Tokyo.

Installation, new media, painting...
Multiple venues
Warm up ! — Les coulisses d’une métamorphose
Past: April 12 → 13, 2012
As a preliminary to the opening on April 19 at 20.00, the Palais de Tokyo is partly opening up during 2 days and will offer 28 hours of events, concerts, performances, conferences and shows: an intense, fast-motion, hallucinatory glimpse of the energy that is going to be invested in the Palais de Tokyo over the next few years.

Carte blanche à John M. Armleder — All of the Above
Past: October 18 → December 31, 2011
As a way of mapping the artist’s brain, desires, and influences, offering carte blanche to an artist provides the opportunity to approach the creative process and the forging of aesthetic links from a novel angle. All of the Above is the rerun in reverse of “None of the Above”, an idiomatic expression.

Installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Reboot 9 — Creuser l’archive
Past: Thursday, December 15, 2011
It is understood that when a computer is rebooted, unlike when it is reset, this involves restarting it, while preserving the data memorized on it. Therefore it is only logical, in the context of our “Reboot” evenings, that Christophe Kihm has suggested we should archive the entire year’s sessions and provide a restoration of them in the form of projects.

Christian Andersson — From Lucy with love (Palais)
Past: October 7 → November 6, 2011
Sparse yet sophisticated, Christian Andersson’s installations play with appearances. in exploring the relationships between shadows and light, transparency and reflection, the artist creates true “perception traps.” Systematically, viewers are confronted with a mechanism that obstructs and diverts their preconceptions.

Installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Projet Spécial — Morag Keil
Past: October 7 → 30, 2011
Morag keil, the winner of the 2010 Prix Lafayette, is presenting an innovative installation at the Palais de Tokyo. The work of Morag keil is expressed in many different mediums, with installation, painting and film constituting a very personal formal language within which identity and how it is constructed are questioned.

Installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Reboot 7 — Reconstituer, une histoire de la musique enregistrée
Past: Friday, October 28, 2011 at 7 PM
in 2011, the Palais de Tokyo hosts Reboot, a research cluster organized by Christophe kihm that brings together artists and researchers on a monthly basis. These evenings use the presentation of several projects to explore how questions about contemporary creation are raised by new research fields.

Robin Meier & Ali Momeni — The Tragedy of the Commons
Past: July 8 → October 2, 2011
Robin Meier & Ali Momeni développent une pratique complexe où la science se mêle à une forme d’art hybride. En véritables éthologues, et en étroite collaboration avec scientifiques et laboratoires spécialisés, ils observent et manipulent le comportement de certaines espèces animales pour établir des dispositifs mécaniques.

Installation, mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Reboot 6 — jeu vidéo, aux bords de l’immersion
Past: Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 7 PM
Two antagonistic positions today prevent us from apprehending video game images in all their diversity: on the one hand, the establishment of a cause-effect relationship between the video-game state and a myriad of phenomena supposedly harmful to society ; on the other, the avantgardist affirmation of the video game as new art.

Olaf Breuning — The Art Freaks
Past: July 8 → September 18, 2011
L’œuvre hétéroclite d’Olaf Breuning puise dans les codes visuels de la culture de masse. Il mixe les origines, confronte les univers pour inventer une esthétique unique dans laquelle l’étrange se mêle à l’humour. Tout son art oscille ainsi entre le trouble et la distance.

Palais de Tokyo
Reboot #5 — Nous voulons des maquettes !
Past: Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 7 PM
La poétique de la miniature, la fascination des cartes et des trains électriques, ne doivent pas faire oublier qu’il existe des maquettes à l’échelle 1, aussi grandes et belles que ce qu’elles modélisent. Une soirée animée par Elie During, avec Marie-Ange Brayer, Eric Ellingsen, Jérôme Game, Aurélie Pétrel.

Alexandre Singh — La Critique de l’École des objets
Past: April 22 → June 19, 2011
Alexandre Singh examines the intellectual phenomena and commercial products of our consumer society through the lens of an ironic archaeology. His works consist of a blend of such diverse narratives genres as collage, the university lecture and Shakespearian drama.

Installation, sound - music
Palais de Tokyo
Reboot #3 — Virtualités du sport… potentialités de l’art
Past: Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 7 PM
Au cours de cette séance, on partira ici d’une hypothèse : qu’il y a autant de distance, et de rapport, entre ce qu’on entend traditionnellement par le mot « sport » et le sport contemporain qu’entre ce qu’on entend traditionnellement par le mot « art » et l’art contemporain.

Traces — Une installation d’Amos Gitaï
Past: February 5 → April 10, 2011
Avec une œuvre inaugurée voici près de trente ans, Amos Gitaï est salué dans le monde entier comme l’un des grands cinéastes de notre temps. Traversés par la question de l’identité et de l’exil, de la mémoire et de l’Histoire, ses films engagent une réflexion sur le passé et le présent, sur la nécessité de la transmission et sur le rôle de l’art.

Palais de Tokyo
Karsten Födinger — Cantilever
Past: February 18 → March 27, 2011
The ghostly artworks of Karsten Födinger sneak into a space in order to disturb it. The discrete nature of the works — shards of plaster and bits of concrete forgotten on the floor — conveys a subtle analysis of the space all the while instilling an eerie feeling, as if it was left unfinished.

Palais de Tokyo
João Onofre — Box sized Die featuring No Return
Past: Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 7 PM
Activated, the work offers an invisible show contained in a closed space. Only the residues of the sound vibrations attest to the inner power. João Onofre makes the experience of an animated static object palpable while depriving visitors of any visible spectacle.

Palais de Tokyo
Reboot #2 — Ontologies, au sujet de n’importe quoi
Past: Thursday, March 24, 2011 7 PM → 10 PM
This session’s goal is to reopen the cold case of the definition of art for one evening, and to restart, to “reboot” the system of practices and theories that enforce the usual boundaries between what is art and what isn’t. We might say the aesthetic markers have been lost.

Reboot #1 — Bonne et mauvaise exposition
Past: Thursday, February 24, 2011 7 PM → 10 PM
In the first Reboot, each guest will submit two exhibition proposals that could be shown in the Palais de Tokyo during its renovations. The goal is not to master the work site as an exhibition theme, but to respond to the following two questions through a pragmatic approach to the construction zone as an exhibition zone.

Fresh Hell — Carte blanche à Adam mcEwen
Past: October 20, 2010 → January 16, 2011
In the wake of Ugo Rondinone in 2008 and Jeremy Deller in 2009, Adam McEwen (British artist living in New York) hatches an extraordinary scheme and creates a dialogue between medieval sculpture and conceptual art, vaults and attempts to levitate, forgotten artists and those already blessed by history.

Installation, painting, photography...
Palais de Tokyo
Les jeudis de Fresh Hell — L’encyclopédie de la parole
Past: Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 7:30 PM
Depuis septembre 2007, l’Encyclopédie de la parole collecte toutes sortes d’enregistrements et propose des pièces sonores, des articles, des conférences, des installations, des ateliers, des pièces radiophoniques, une chorale, un jeu, un guide des événements de parole en Île-de-France, et un spectacle, Parlement.

Les Jeudis de Fresh Hell — Chto Delat
Past: Thursday, December 16, 2010 8 PM → 11 PM
Œuvrant entre art, théorie politique et activisme, le collectif russe Chto Delat fondé en 2003 à St Petersburg développe des projets vidéos, d’installations ou d’intervention dans l’espace urbain, utilisant des procédés de détournement ou de re-enactement, remettant en scène des textes de Bertolt Brecht ou des films de Jean-Luc Godard.

Les Jeudis de Fresh Hell — Quand l’art fabrique des idées
Past: Thursday, December 9, 2010 7:30 PM → 10:30 PM
Table ronde à l’occasion de la parution du numéro spécial de la revue Critique, A quoi pense l’art contemporain ? Direction d’ouvrage Elie During. Avec : Elie During / Jean-Baptiste Farkas / Laurent Jeanpierre / Elisabeth Lebovici / Julien Prévieux / David Zerbib.

Les Jeudis de Fresh Hell — Eliane Radigue
Past: Friday, November 26, 2010 7:30 PM → 10:30 PM
Au royaume du post-sérialisme et de la musique concrète, Eliane Radigue est une compositrice minimaliste dont l’œuvre a été presque entièrement élaborée depuis le début des années 1970 sur un synthétiseur. À l’ère de la musique impalpable, sa musique, ascétique mais généreuse, spirituelle mais non rituelle, dessine un espace de méditation.

Les Jeudis de Fresh Hell — The Crystal Ark
Past: Thursday, November 25, 2010 7:30 PM → 10:30 PM
The Crystal Ark est une collaboration qui rend un hypnotique et forcément vibrant hommage à deux visionnaires, Sun Ra et Lee Perry. Une Dream Machine Music sur des claviers homemade cousus mains pour la piste de danse, qui prend dans ses filets des transes de percussions sud-américaines, une pulsation techno berlinoise et des voix.

Les Jeudis de Fresh Hell — Psychotropies
Past: Thursday, November 11, 2010 7:30 PM → 9:30 PM
Afin d’analyser au plus près les effets de la mescaline et d’en observer les effets sur la créativité, Henri Michaux l’expérimente dès 1954. Ces expériences réalisées avec l’aide d’un médecin, sous l’angle d’une approche purement scientifique, ont pour but d’élargir le champ de la conscience et d’en retranscrire les états inexplorés.

Les Jeudis de Fresh Hell — Michel Auder Factory
Past: Thursday, November 4, 2010 7:30 PM → 10 PM
De l’expérimental au psychédélique, de la sphère intime à l’interprétation du monde, une sélection de films de Michel Auder, pionnier du video art. Avec Gallien Déjean.

Les Jeudis de Fresh Hell — Live Martin Creed
Past: Thursday, October 28, 2010 7:30 PM → 10 PM
Entre minimalisme et exubérance, une performance musicale de Martin Creed et son groupe.

Nuit Blanche 2010
Past: Saturday, October 2, 2010
Under the artistic directorship of Martin Bethenod, the 9th Nuit Blanche focuses on the contemporary plastic arts in all their diverse forms. Emphasising the synergy between a work, a venue and the audience, the event has attracted works from international artists across a variety of genres.

Urban art, drawing, installation...
Multiple venues
Dynasty — 1 exposition, 2 lieux, 40 artistes, 80 propositions
Past: June 11 → September 5, 2010
An exceptional collaboration between the Palais de Tokyo and the Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris/ARC. Dynasty gathers over forty artists in nearly 5000 m2, and indicates the strong commitment of these two institutions to emergent talent as well as a new phase of collaboration between the building’s two wings.

Drawing, installation, painting...
Palais de Tokyo Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris
Past: February 19 → May 16, 2010
1916 — Le Corbusier builds the Villa Schwob, flanked by a *pergola, in La Chaux-de-Fonds. Some years later, he publishes photos of it in L’Esprit Nouveau. On the ground, in front of the villa, a white smear betrays retouching: the pergola has disappeared from the reproduction.

Installation, sculpture
Palais de Tokyo
16 Trocadéro
16 Trocadéro
Alma – Marceau
Opening hours
Every day except Tuesday, noon – midnight
Closed on tuesday
Admission fee
Full rate €12.00 — Concessions €9.00
Free admission under 18 years-old, job seekers, those in receipt of income support…