Barbara Luisi — Œuvres Récentes

Barbara Luisi
Œuvres Récentes
Past: March 26 → May 25, 2014
Barbara Luisi was born in Munich and lives and works in New York and Camogli in Italy. As the philosopher Françoise Gaillard writes, “Barbara Luisi takes up the challenge that the sea throws down to painting. But hers is not the diurnal, lambent sea that allowed Monet, Renoir, Manet and many others to play with shades of blue, grey and green; it is not the tamed sea that offers a tempting venue for bathing — a fashion that was not slow to catch on during that period. Hers is a nocturnal, shadowy, inky sea, now black, now blue — a blue so dark it borders on blackness. And only what the poet so aptly dubbed ‘the dark light that falls from the stars’ punctures this dark surface with its cold light”.
The exhibition presents two series making up a total of fifteen recent works by Barbara Luisi: her seascapes from the Dreamland series (until 4 May), and her nude photographs, from the series entitled Fragility.
Opening hours
Wednesday – Sunday, 11 AM – 8 PM
Jeudi 11h — 22h — Le samedi 10h — 20h — Fermeture les 25 décembre et 1er janvier (fermeture des expositions à 17h les 24 et 31 décembre)
Admission fee
Full rate €12.00 — Concessions €7.00
Gratuit aux moins de 8 ans, personne handicapée, personnel de la Ville, carte presse et les mercredis entre 17 et 20h
The artist
Barbara Luisi