Cesser d’être un — Laurent Goldring et Marika Rizzi



Cesser d’être un
Laurent Goldring et Marika Rizzi

Past: June 8 → 9, 2016

As part of the JUNE EVENTS festival, the Atelier de Paris-Carolyn Carlson/Centre de développement chorégraphique and LE BAL have joined forces to present Laurent Goldring’s performed artwork.

More in French

18 Montmartre Zoom in 18 Montmartre Zoom out

6, impasse de la Défense

75018 Paris

T. 01 44 70 75 50


Place de Clichy

Opening hours

Wednesday – Sunday, noon – 7 PM
Late night on Wednesday until 8 PM
Fermeture de l’exposition à 18h les jours de BAL LAB

Admission fee

Full rate €8.00 — Concessions €6.00

The artist

  • Gerard Petrus Fieret