Comment bâtir un univers qui ne s’effondre pas deux jours plus tard 1/3 : Simulacres

Comment bâtir un univers qui ne s’effondre pas deux jours plus tard 1/3 : Simulacres
Past: January 13 → March 26, 2016

Curators in residence: Marie Koch and Vladimir Demoule
Where does the world occur ? And when ? What do we know about the world, and indeed, what can we know about it ? What do we see of it ? What do we hear of it ? Through what filters ? And what is our place at the heart of it ? Such questions, which philosophers, researchers, and artists have been asking for centuries, cannot be answered in this exhibition, but can continue to be explored. « Reality is that which, when you stop believing it, doesn’t go away », Philip K. Dick answered a student in 1972 ; but though this is perfectly well put, what is it then that remains ? Whereas a copy strives to imitate something that exists, and can only survive through the original, the simulacrum is a variation on reality as we think we know it. Chimeras, fantastical geographies, non-places, non-time, “Simulacra” offers a selection of contemporary art works as so many experiments questioning reality, its limits and our relation to it… works that in themselves are not always what they seem to be.
Opening Tuesday, January 12, 2016 6 PM → 10 PM
Conférence / Performance — The LP Collection, les trésors cachés de la musique underground Performance Tuesday, January 12, 2016 8 PM → 10 PM
Soucieux de transmettre les principes et les enjeux de la méthode créative qu’ils ont mis au point sous l’enseigne « Imagination is Music », Laurent Schlittler & Patrick Claudet proposent des conférences-performances qui s’appuient sur des images projetées, de la musique diffusée et la présentation d’objets.
Entrée libre — Réservation conseillée
Performances Webjays Performance Friday, February 5, 2016 8 PM → 10 PM
Des artistes du cycle d’expositions « Comment bâtir un univers qui ne s’effondre pas deux jours plus tard » et les participants à l’atelier WJ-S proposent une série de performances de « WebJaying », des lives conçus à partir de contenus en ligne manipulés directement d’Internet.
Table ronde Les Lieux de l’Œuvre Lecture Friday, March 18, 2016 8 PM → 10 PM
This meeting deals with the spaces and materialities that artworks inhabit at the borders of our physical worlds, as well as the critical questions raised by artists in respect of the notion of the simulacrum.
Opening hours
Monday – Friday, 10 AM – noon / 2 PM – 9 PM
, 2 PM – 9 PM
Saturday, 10 AM – 5 PM
Fermé les dimanches, jours fériés et la deuxième semaine des vacances scolaires.
Admission fee
Free entrance
The artists
Harun Farocki
Edouard Sufrin
Eva Chettle
Côme Di Meglio & Eliott Paquet
Colleen Flaherty & Matteo Bittanti
Joe Hamilton
Floriane Pochon & Alain Damasio
The Lp Company
Davey Wreden