Evi Keller — Matière — Lumière


Film, installation, new media, painting...

Evi Keller
Matière — Lumière

Past: May 31 → September 27, 2015

The Galerie Jaeger Bucher is delighted to exhibit, in its Marais Rive Droite space, the work of artist Evi Keller.

After the original presentation of Matière — Lumière at the most recent Nuit Blanche, and the ensuing exhibition as part of the YIA Art Fair in the Saint Denys du Saint Sacrement church, this exhibition embodies the initiatory journey of the artist and marks the presentation to the world of this new form of artistic expression.

A projection room is dedicated to showing the audiovisual work Matière — Lumière [Towards the light — silent transformations], the veritable cradle of Matière — Lumière, at 7 rue de Saintonge. Her photographic imprints, bearing witness to a transformation process, crystallise the experiences of life and embody them in spaces of transition, outside the simple markers of the real. The Matière — Lumière experience continues with installations at 5 rue de Saintonge. The passage from one to the other unites the real and the imaginary, the exterior and interior worlds, materiality and spirituality in an experience outside of space and time, leading from absolute darkness towards the light.

The complexity of Matière — Lumière, having neither references nor affiliations, is part of its great richness. There is no affiliation to a «defined» artistic current, nor reference to any particular means of expression. It’s about a fusion of different means of expression, the crystallisation of artistic approaches such as photography, painting, sculpture and audio-visual work.

On the occasion of its 90th anniversary, the Gallery is opening up to photography, audio-visual creation and a new artistic form.

  • Meeting Sunday, September 27, 2015 12 PM → 6 PM

    À l’occasion de l’événement Un Dimanche à la Galerie, organisé par le Comité Professionnel des Galeries d’Art en partenariat avec la Mairie de Paris, rencontre avec l’artiste Evi Keller.

03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

5 rue de Saintonge

75003 Paris

T. 01 42 72 60 42 — F. 01 42 72 60 49


Saint-Sébastien – Froissart

Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 10 AM – 7 PM

The artist

  • Evi Keller