Arco 2015 — Galerie Lelong


Mixed media

Arco 2015
Galerie Lelong

Past: February 25 → March 1, 2015

Booth 9B07

Highlights Jannis Kounellis

Jannis Kounellis has been chosen to appear in the Solo Objects program with a spectacular work, a tribute to Yves Klein which has only been exhibited once before. It is made of three steel panels on the wall and dozens of hat, coat and shoes laying on the floor in front of them.

Galerie lelong paris pierre alechinsky pole iii medium
Pierre Alechinsky, Pôle III, 2013-2014 Peinture acrylique avec marginalia sur papier de Chine marouflé sur toile — 124 × 125 cm Courtesy of the artist & Galerie Lelong, Paris

Pierre Alechinsky will have his first retrospective in Madrid at the Circulo de Bellas Artes (opening Feb. 19th). Lelong gallery shows several dynamic and colorful recent paintings by this important European painter, born in 1927 in Belgium.

08 Paris 8 Zoom in 08 Paris 8 Zoom out

13, rue de Téhéran – Second espace au 38, avenue Matignon

75008 Paris

T. 01 45 63 13 19 — F. 01 42 89 34 33


Opening hours

Tuesday – Friday, 10:30 AM – 6 PM
Saturday, 2 PM – 6:30 PM

Venue schedule

The artists

  • Steven Le Priol
  • Morgane Denzler
  • Matthias Reinmuth
  • Thomas Broomé
  • Pablo Lobato
  • Giancarlo Scaglia

From the same artists