Hospitalités — Galerie municipale Villa des Tourelles
Mixed media

Olivier Nottellet, Centre de gravité, peinture in situ, théâtre en plein air, la conque (G. Gautier arch., 1937)
Parc des Anciennes-Mairies, Nanterre, juillet 2012 — juillet 2013
Galerie municipale Villa des Tourelles
Past: Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 11:30 AM
Meeting at the Villa des Tourelles’ conch focusing on the painting Centre de gravité, in the company of the artist Olivier Nottellet, with a surprise from Mathieu Godefroy on the violin. The “conch” — defined as a seashell used as a wind instrument — although here also an open air theatre, constitutes a monumental edifice of Nanterre’s heritage.
92 Hauts-de-Seine
92 Hauts-de-Seine
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 4 PM – 7 PM
Ouverture dès 14h le mercredi et le samedi.
The artist
Olivier Nottellet