Hospitalités — 31 lieux d’art contemporain

31 lieux d’art contemporain
Past: May 25 → July 6, 2013
Hospitalités, an innovative contemporary art biennial event.
Hospitalités, a major artistic biennial event, organised by the Tram contemporary art network, brings together 31 different venues across Paris and the Île-de-France region (museums, art centres, schools, artists’ collectives, foundation and FRAC- regional contemporary art funds).
For its fourth edition, Hospitalités will focus on issues relating to territory, travel and transportation. It will draw a new map of the Ile-de-France region by creating a cluster of 7 archipelagos, each made up of four to five different venues, and will highlight the metropolitan dimension of the territory. The archipelagos will bring to the fore the distinctive characteristics of the provisional territories and will propose a specific artistic and cultural programme for a day or over a weekend, while putting into action the principle of hospitality.
An important characteristic and an integral part of the 2013 edition will be the intervention of the “Narrators” (artists, writers, storytellers …) who will accompany the visitors during each crossing, from island to island, as if a voice over and will create events and narratives that draw on the shared experiences of spaces that have just been discovered — public paths, exhibition venues, performances…
The narrators who will intervene are: Lætitia Paviani, Anne Steffens and Matthieu Botrel Dector & Dupuy, Gil Yefman, Olivier Nottellet, Mathieu Godefroy, Kenneth Goldsmith and Mathieu Copeland, Dominique Gilliot, Céline Ahond, Lætitia Badaut Haussmann and Laurent Isnard, Fabrice Reymond and Thierry Payet, Antoine Dufeu, Patrick Corillon.
The topography, the journey, its duration and the different modes of transport, will all be key constituents of the project. A variety of routes and transport methods (bicycle tracks, historical avenues, riverside paths, metro, tram, on foot …) will be used and the public will take ownership of these in crossing from island to island to visit an exhibition, meet with an artist, see a performance or walk in the landscape to reach the different venues.
Aude Cartier and Eric Degoutte, co-presidents of Tram, comment:
“For seven weeks, the Ile-de-France region will become an archipelago, made up of a number of contemporary art islands but no island will be an island unto itself. The provisional map will redefine the territory emphasizing the closeness and proximity of the venues, whereas in every-day life the distances may seem far and the journeys complicated.”
Hospitalités, which is jointly curated by all the venues in the Tram network, supplements the programming of each venue, and showcases the vitality of artistic creation in the Ile-de-France region.
Tram, which is in its 30th year, has 31 members. They are brought together by their commitment to producing and propagating contemporary art and increasing its relevance to diverse audiences in Ile-de-France.
The Tram contemporary art Network is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the Cultural Affairs Department of the Ile-de-France Region, the Regional Council of Ile-de-France and the City of Paris.
Archipel 04 — Saturday, June 15th & Sunday, June 16
Double double
Narrator : Dominique Gilliot
The program for this weekend:
Hospitalités — Les Instants Chavirés et La Maison Populaire Event Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 2 PM
Visite en 2 parties de l’exposition « Le Tamis et le sable 2/3 : L’Intervalle » aux Instants Chavirés à 14h
pour le finissage puis à la Maison Populaire à 15h30 pour la suite de la visite. L’exposition envisage la transmission à travers un ensemble d’œuvres intégrant la question des techniques de diffusion d’un message, d’un savoir, ou d’une expérience. -
Hospitalités — La Galerie, centre d’art contemporain Event Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 5 PM
Visite guidée de l’exposition « Le Deuxième Sexe — une note visuelle », un essai visuel inspiré par le livre éponyme de Simone de Beauvoir. Avec le travail d’artistes femmes de différentes générations, l’exposition présente et discute des stratégies féministes à travers une lecture réactualisée des concepts développés dans ce livre fondamental du féminisme contemporain.
Hospitalités — Espace Khiasma et Le Plateau / FRAC Île-de-France Event Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 6:30 PM
Visite de l’exposition « Mandrake a disparu » qui énonce une situation paradoxale : ce n’est plus le lapin qui disparaît dans un chapeau, mais le magicien lui-même dont on ne retrouve plus la trace, puis présentation du projet de Julien Prévieux, Datumo !, réalisé en collaboration avec le FRAC Île-de- France / L’Antenne.
Hospitalités — Micro Onde, centre d’art de l’Onde Event Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 11:30 AM
A tour and lunch at the heart of the Onde building, where the sculptural layout proposed by Vincent Mauger overturns the perceptions we have of places and space and plays them off against one another. From a compilation of independent works, the artist draws the contours of a new environment where materials are enlarged in fascinating volumes.
Hospitalités — La Maréchalerie, centre d’art contemporain Event Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 2:45 PM
La Maréchalerie is offering a tour of Jennifer Caubet’s exhibition “ La mécanique des interstices ” in the company of this artist who transgresses scale and has conquered the space of the Maréchalerie. Her works are a permanent reference to architecture due to her use of building materials, her forms and the spaces which she occupies.
Hospitalités — Maison des Arts de Malakoff Event Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 5 PM
The Maison des Arts de Malakoff is offering a chance to meet the artist in residence Élodie Bremaud who is presenting her approach involving paper huts. For her residence at the Maison des Arts, Élodie Brémaud launched a program of activity ranging across the town of Malakoff. The artist plays on the discord between acts undertaken and their documentation.
Hospitalités — Abbaye de Maubuisson Event Sunday, June 2, 2013 at 3 PM
A tour of the Chapuisat brothers’ exhibition and introduction to the ‘Siestes électroniques’, a festival dedicated to electronic music. Somewhere between architecture and sculpture, the brothers’ work conceives of sculpture as enlarged to encompass the whole of real space. Their works shatter perceptions of space, movement and gravity.
Hospitalités — Palais de Tokyo Event Sunday, June 2, 2013 at 6:15 PM
The journey through this exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo endeavours to make limits visible, to conjure intermediary spaces where the particular qualities of hospitality are made manifest. It’s very much this revelation of a ‘poetry of limits’ which will be the central theme, by means of the discovery of alternative spaces.
Hospitalités — Espace culturel Louis Vuitton Event Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 10 AM
A private tour of the Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton and performance by Gil Yefman. An inward journey into unknown and shifting lands, exploration of identity is an adventure into one’s deepest depths which, from the shores of the private self to the discovery of the Other, constantly pushes the limits of knowledge and self-awareness.
Hospitalités — Cneai = centre national édition art image Event Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 2:30 PM
The visitor is invited to journey through scenarios in six exhibitions: Les aventures d’Arthur, Odile et Franz, the books from Lubok Verlag, One Sculpture a Day by David de Tscharner, two studies on stamps published in 1930 supporting the “intellectual unemployed” and François Aubart’s bringing together of artists’ works.
Hospitalités — Galerie municipale Villa des Tourelles Event Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 11:30 AM
Meeting at the Villa des Tourelles’ conch focusing on the painting “Centre de gravité”, in the company of the artist Olivier Nottellet, with a surprise from Mathieu Godefroy on the violin. The “conch” — defined as a seashell used as a wind instrument — although here also an open air theatre, constitutes a monumental edifice of Nanterre’s heritage.
Hospitalités — Beaux-arts de Paris Event Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 2 PM
A private tour of the exhibition L’Ange de l’Histoire, Nicolas Bourriaud’s first exhibition. The Beaux arts de Paris’ exhibition galleries have readopted their historic name “Palais des Beaux Arts”. The building, which covers 1000m2, was entirely reconceived in order to accommodate a new programming philosophy reflecting the school’s identity.
Hospitalités — Jeu de Paume Event Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 3:30 PM
On the occasion of Hospitalités, the Jeu de Paume asked Kenneth-Goldsmith for a reading-performance of his work “ Je ne me tourne vers la théorie qu’après avoir réalisé que quelqu’un a consacré toute sa vie à une question qui m’avait à peine traversé l’esprit jusqu’alors ”. At the end of the reading there will be a discussion between Goldsmith and Mathieu Copeland.
Hospitalités — Ferme du Buisson Event Saturday, June 15, 2013 at 2:30 PM
Virginie Yassef and Julien Bismuth have exchanged ideas, talked and wandered together for years. In 2011, they realised a collaborative work for the first time: Untitled Dialogue, an encounter of the third kind between a man and a monkey, filmed in a Parisian palace bedroom. It was following this project that the idea came to reunite them for a dual voiced exhibition.
Hospitalités — Centre Photographique d’Île-de-France (CPIF) Event Saturday, June 15, 2013 at 5 PM
A meeting at the CPIF in order to discover the collective exhibition “Quel travail ?!” in the presence of the artists. Photography was being invented while the industrialisation movement of the 19th century was coming to the fore. A so called mechanical art, it mediated our perspective on ideologically tainted work and in so doing defined its place in society.
Hospitalités — Les églises, centre d’art contemporain Event Sunday, June 16, 2013 at 2:30 PM
Julien Clauss, both a visual and sound artist, presents “Isotropie de l’ellipse tore”, a sensory installation which fuses architecture, acoustics and the essence of its surroundings. Lying back on a circular wooden construction, the viewer is invited to immerse themselves in the work through the physical sensation of the sound vibrations.
Hospitalités — Parc culturel de Rentilly Event Sunday, June 16, 2013 at 4 PM
For his residency at the Parc Culturel, Lek was given carte blanche. Lek increased the number of formats: photo, video, installation or even painting; experimenting with these different mediums in order to create new works. In this vein, he has also invited artists from the street art scene to join him in this venture.
Hospitalités — Galerie municipale Jean-Collet Event Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 12 PM
The two winning artists of the 2012 “Novembre à Vitry” prize present a pictorial dialogue: Maude Maris’ paintings present glistening forms in an anonymous space, whose size and functionality eludes us, whereas Julien Pelloux presents paintings which find their origin in everyday images.
Hospitalités — MAC / VAL Event Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 12:30 PM
Invited to develop a project especially for the nave of MAC/VAL, the artist Dominique Blais focused on the various links between the museum, the architecture in which it is housed, the works which inhabit it and the public contemplating them and in a sense bringing them to life. The MAC/VAL has also invited Ange Leccia for an original monographic exhibition.
Hospitalités — le Crédac Event Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 2:30 PM
Invited in 2010 to carry out research on the Ivry-sur-Seine area, Lara Almarcegui turned towards the underground aspect of the town. The exhibition accordingly unites a number of the artist’s projects around a new publication entitled Ivry souterrain.
Hospitalités — Maison d’Art Bernard Anthonioz Event Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 4:30 PM
Clément Rodzielski’s work reflects on the conditions that lead to the appearance of images, the shadow of their reproduction and the meanderings of their circulation. In his works, it’s often a question of measuring the distance between what’s facing us and the provenance of the images, their usage, mis-usage and their destinations.
Hospitalités — Bétonsalon — Centre d’art et de recherche Event Saturday, June 29, 2013 11 AM → 12 PM
Bétonsalon, the art and research centre, is proposing a tour of the exhibition “Quelque chose de plus qu’une succession de notes” guided by the exhibition director and curator Mélanie Bouteloup, followed by a performance from “Fabula” de Violaine Lochu.
Hospitalités — CAC Brétigny Event Saturday, June 29, 2013 at 1 PM
CAC Brétigny presents a concert-performance by Romain Perrot aka Vomir, one of the central figures of the radical noise music movement Harsh Noise Wall, followed by a tour of the exhibition There’s a Riot Goin’On guided by Matthieu Saladin and a barbeque open to all.
Hospitalités — YGREC Ensapc Event Saturday, June 29, 2013 at 2:40 PM
Brion Gysin, father of Dreamachine and sound-poetry pioneer, has collaborated with creators and musicians throughout his life, creating a proteiform and experimental work. A tour of the exhibition Prerecorded Universe guided by the curator Alice Marquaille, a concert by Myriam El Haik and performances by students Leila Abdi and Shahrzad Fathi.
Hospitalités — la maison rouge Event Saturday, June 29, 2013 4:30 PM → 6:45 PM
The Maison Rouge invites you on a guided tour of the exhibition My Joburg. In a cycle of exhibitions devoted to the art scene in so called “peripheral” towns, the exhibition surveys the Johannesburg art scene, bringing to the fore a young generation of artists little known in France.
Hospitalités — Musée d’Art moderne Event Saturday, July 6, 2013 at 10 AM
Apartés is an ongoing project developed by artists invited to examine the permanent collections of the Musée d’Art moderne according to a predefined protocol. For this edition Leonor Antunes, Julien Prévieux and Marie Voignier have been invited to select pieces from the collections and present them alongside their own creations.
Hospitalités — École municipale des beaux-arts Event Saturday, July 6, 2013 at 12:30 PM
A welcome with Julien Prévieux’s sound based work followed by a tour of Adrien Missika’s personal exhibition. The artist’s work is fundamentally linked to his travels. His output, marked by a strong attraction to the “forgotten monuments” of modernism and natural phenomena, are as much a means of conveying a physiological relationship with the world.
Hospitalités — Synesthésie Event Saturday, July 6, 2013 at 3:30 PM
An original and exotic stopover in the company of Thierry Payet. As part of his residency at Synesthésie, the artist has come up with a project of redesign of the urban landscape of Saint-Denis, using “cartes sensibles” (touchable maps) of the area. His approach started by taking stock of local usage and perspectives.
Hospitalités — Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers Event Saturday, July 6, 2013 at 7 PM
An evening of performances organised as part of Degré 48. During the ten months of his writing residency, Daniel Foucard invited writers and artists to release their own manifestos to the public. These manifestos were formatted and circulated in the public domain by the graphic designers g-u-i.
- Zoom La Ferme du Buisson, Centre d’art contemporain
- Zoom CPIF — Centre photographique d’Ile-de-France
- Zoom Les églises centre d'art de Chelles
- Zoom Frac île-de-france, le château / Parc culturel de Rentilly - Michel Chartier