Hospitalités — La Maréchalerie, centre d’art contemporain
Mixed media

Jennifer Caubet, Terrain d’occurrences, 2012
Acacia, aluminium, câble inox, boulon, pierre, bâche PVC micro perforée. 10 m × 4,50 m × 7 m
Production et exposition : Le vent des forêts © Camille Hofgaertner
La Maréchalerie, centre d’art contemporain
Past: Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 2:45 PM
La Maréchalerie is offering a tour of Jennifer Caubet’s exhibition La mécanique des interstices in the company of this artist who transgresses scale and has conquered the space of the Maréchalerie. Her works are a permanent reference to architecture due to her use of building materials, her forms and the spaces which she occupies.
78 Yvelines
78 Yvelines
Entrée via l’ENSA Versailles
au 5 avenue de Sceaux 78 000 Versailles
78000 Versailles
T. 01 39 07 40 27
Opening hours
Tuesday – Friday, 2 PM – 6 PM
Saturday & Sunday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Fermé les lundis et les jours fériés
Admission fee
Free entrance
Venue schedule
The artist
Jennifer Caubet