

Film, installation, new media, performance...


Past: May 20 → July 8, 2017

with Kihoon Jeong, Violaine Lochu, Joongho Yum, Raphaël Tiberghien and Jin Ham

Substance is, in the classic meaning, what establishes an object. Formerly, susbtance contained the mass and the volume but quantum mechanics scientists discovered these notions do not establish the attributes of an object itself, but the object transforms according to parameters and external circumstances. The words substance and object are similar. However substance is a notion closer to the being while object is closer to knowledge.

Kihoon Jeong (born in 1980), lives and works in Seoul, South Korea. Jeong comprehends and reinterprets social semiotics that are prevalent in a city space, not in the existing perspective, but in the new one. His video works poetically unfold the stories of time and labor, but subtly confront with the competitive social structure that coerces speed and efficiency.
In 9 to 5, the artists assigned to himself the work hours of general workers. He gives variation to ordinary objects through simply repetitive actions from 9am to 6pm everyday. Tools for construction are in full blast for destroy and dissolution during his labor hours. He deconstructs or grinds up various ordinary objects.

Violaine Lochu (born in 1987) lives and works in Montreuil, France. Graduated from the ENSA Paris Cergy, her work is an exploration of the voice and language. She crosses her own vocal researches with a free new reading of various written or oral traditions, of theoretical reflections, and a sound material collected during her various encounters her artistic practice allows. For each intervention, she explores all the esthetical possibilities of her own voice and tries taking it to a place beyond uttered.

E — Space, realized during a residence in the Centre d’Art Contemporain la Synagogue de Delme, is extracted from the vast project L’Abécédaire Vocal in which every letter sends back to a specific dimension of the voice and/or language. In this video, Violaine Lochu repeats in a obsessive way a ritornello which tone varies according to the spaces accrossed.

Joongho Yum (born in 1965 in South Korea), graduated from the Chung-Ang University in Seoul and the University Paris VIII. He works between Seoul and Paris. Yum represents the marginal place instead of the glittering facade and the structure on top of the metropolis. In the non-recognized corners of the city, he uses his deep observation to examine in a microscopic way our lives for commonplace things. However, he does not get on with objects in his images, and rather takes an indifferent attitude.
Yum realizes a work about the differences of interpretations and considerations between East and West on a same object. For that purpose, he uses a stone, in Stone of Monster. According to Eastern philoshopy, such as understands Yum, the stone contains a spirit, a soul, while in the West, it only remains as an object.

Raphaël Tiberghien (born in 1988) is awarded a diploma at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2013 where he receives the multimedia installation prize for his participation in the school exhibition of the graduated. He explores the borders between the language and plastic shapes, using mainly sculpture, edition and sound installation. He seeks to register his interventions in a mobility between disciplines to release new coherences.
According to Agnès Werly, in La Poussière, fragments of words bounce and mix, rhymes are created in the shock of the sections of words. In this visible stammering, the poem takes shape and the words are charged with material, they become dense, physical. Words and sounds that became materials are sculptured in the layer of the vinyl record and allow us to enter insdie the language, to dig the surface of the words and the meaning.

Jin Ham (born in 1978), is a South Korean artist living and working in Seoul. He developed a particular artistic practice while presenting his works on the international stage. He works on the small scale, the trivial and makes micro sculptures which seem sometimes abstracted and sometimes figurative, but they have their own stories. These micro sculptures are made intuitively, even with a playful dimension.
For the sculptures entitled Untitled, they are realized with clay. When he uses black clay, while minimizing colour, the perception of the spectator focuses on the complex shapes that accumulate in the composition. Looking like small pieces of dust or points and lines, the established microcosm emerges inside the psyche of the spectator.

“Hypokeimenon” means “substance” in Ancient Greek.

  • Opening Saturday, May 20, 2017 6 PM → 9 PM


    with Kihoon Jeong, Violaine Lochu, Joongho Yum, Raphaël Tiberghien and Jin Ham

    May 20th — July 08th 2017

    Performance by Violaine Lochu on June 03rd 2017 at 6 pm

    Substance is, in the classic meaning, what establishes an object. Formerly, susbtance contained the mass and the volume but quantum mechanics scientists discovered these notions do not establish the attributes of an object itself, but the object transforms according to parameters and external circumstances. The words substance and object are similar. However substance is a notion closer to the being while object is closer to knowledge.

03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

73-75, rue Quincampoix

75003 Paris

T. 01 42 77 05 97 — F. 01 42 76 94 47


Les Halles

Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment

The artists

  • Violaine Lochu
  • Raphaël Tiberghien
  • Joongho Yum
  • Kihoon Jeong
  • Jin Ham