Intentions fragiles


Drawing, installation, painting, photography...

Intentions fragiles

Past: June 30 → July 23, 2011

003 intentions fragiles. vue exposition rdc. p. pouvreau   v. mauger. grid Intentions fragiles Jusqu’au 23 juillet, la galerie des Filles du calvaires propose, avec Intentions fragiles, un parcours thématique et offre une expo... 2 - Bien Critique

The exhibition questions the notion of fragility as related to problematics of volume and space, bringing together works of a varied nature: photographs, sculptures, installations, drawings and videos. It associates artists from a number of geographic horizons, some recently discovered, others more recognized. And if the variety of languages might at first surpise, the exhibition creates a dialogue between polysemous practices, bringing forth intuitive links and unexpected visual affinities that are highlighted by the scenography.

Refusing all definitive classification, the works assembled here draw their strength from the opposite of the spectacular. Sometimes shaky, with apparently minimal stakes, they are however present through their form. Untalkative, they are far from affable, questioning the very aesthetic languages they employ. Going through the exhibition, several notions arise and interlink: self-destruction, the work as a fragment of the studio, work being subjected to formal or temporal variations. The works might in this way be qualified as open, in the same way as the door with double dead locks installed by Marcel Duchamp in his studio. Thanks to a inventive system patched together by the artist, this was neither exclusively open nor exclusively closed, but at the same time both one and the other, thus bringing opposites to co-exist. Here the artists have adopted a distanced attitude in face of reality. They play with aesthetic codes and processes to produce an ambiguous reality, whose most tangible remanence is this sense of fragility.

Translation by Erin Lawlor
03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

17, rue des Filles-du-calvaire

75003 Paris

T. 01 42 74 47 05 — F. 01 42 74 47 06

Filles du Calvaire

Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 6:30 PM
Please note that the gallery will observe its usual hours from May 11 to May 16, then from May 18 it will open Thursday — Saturday 11 AM to 6:30 PM

The artists

And 4 others…

From the same artists