Jean-Luc Moulène — Implicites & Objets



Jean-Luc Moulène
Implicites & Objets

Past: October 22 → December 19, 2020

For his sixth exhibition at Galerie Chantal Crousel, Jean-Luc Moulène takes us through a sculptural landscape where abstraction manifests itself as a force of thought and imagination, intertwined with still, bold figuration on a ritualized stage. It will be an occasion to discover a new ensemble of hand-crafted concrete sculptures entitled Implicites (2020) recently produced at the artist’s studio. Resulting from the same production protocol as the Tronches series (2014-2017), the figures are upside-down and inside-out, interiorized then filled with concrete —effigies with distorted faces and bodies.

03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

10, rue Charlot

75003 Paris

T. 01 42 77 38 87 — F. 01 42 77 59 00

Filles du Calvaire

Opening hours

Tuesday – Friday, 10 AM – 6 PM
Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM

The artist

From the same artist