Le genre idéal — En principe, une tentative d’épuisement
In 2 days: March 21 → September 27
20 years of MAC VAL The museum where the future has already begun Chronicle of an exhibition
20 years ago, the department of Val-de-Marne inaugurated its museum, the MAC VAL. This anniversary is an opportunity to confirm the quality of the museum’s heritage, a unique collection that is the fruit of over forty years…

Mixed media
MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne
Jean-Luc Moulène — le point le puits le plein et la pluie
Past: October 16 → November 18, 2023
Galerie Chantal Crousel is pleased to host Jean-Luc Moulène’s seventh personal exhibition, featuring a selection of new sculptures and black and white photographs.

Photography, sculpture
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Sors de ta réserve #5 — Eurêka — Rang d’oignons
Past: April 16 → July 16, 2023
Pour cette édition de Sors de ta réserve !, une classe d’élèves de 1ère en filière Laboratoire Contrôle Qualité du Lycée Liberté de Romainville a été invitée à exercer le rôle de commissaire d’exposition. Partant de l’histoire du lieu et de leur spécialité, les élèves ont sélectionné des œuvres sur le thème de l’expérimentation entendue selon le double prisme artistique et scientifique afin d’en observer les zones de contact.

Mixed media
Frac île-de-france, les Réserves
Past: February 17 → May 14, 2023
Exposé·es: people did not choose to be exposed to a virus, an illness, an epidemic. Exposé·es: people did choose to be exposed in order to make visible this virus, this illness, this epidemic. Amongst these people were artists. Amongst these viruses, these illnesses, was HIV/AIDS, which caused the deadliest epidemic…

Mixed media
Palais de Tokyo
Je suis la chaise
Past: December 10, 2022 → February 4, 2023
The exhibition _Je suis la chaise_—borrowing the title of Michael Krebber’s eponymous exhibition at Galerie Chantal Crousel in 2007—explores the different symbols and interpretations given to this generic and daily used object.

Architecture, painting
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Le vent se lève — Dixième exposition de la collection
Past: June 17, 2020 → March 17, 2021
The exhibition follows a series of themes that connect and dialogue with each other, guiding visitors in their exploration. The works give a glimpse of the imbalance between the very long time-frame that preceded the appearance of Man and human and, recently, chemical time, in which experiments precipitate an impact that is all too often destructive.

Mixed media
MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne
Abraham Cruzvillegas, Jean-Luc Moulène, Melik Ohanian — Rhé
Past: January 23 → February 27, 2021
Rhé —from the Greek word “Panta Rei”— means that all is fluid. The Rhé project is an art initiative led by a number of fellow galleries worldwide whose purpose is to come together and share their vision on issues surrounding the theme of Water, its disappearance, outbursts and cultural value.

Mixed media
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Jean-Luc Moulène — Implicites & Objets
Past: October 22 → December 19, 2020
For his sixth exhibition at Galerie Chantal Crousel, Jean-Luc Moulène takes us through a sculptural landscape where abstraction manifests itself as a force of thought and imagination, intertwined with still, bold figuration on a ritualized stage.

Chantal Crousel Gallery
Demain est la question
Past: June 27 → July 25, 2020
Galerie Chantal Crousel presents the group exhibition DEMAIN EST LA QUESTION, gathering a selection of works by Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Mimosa Echard, David Douard, Melik Ohanian, Gabriel Orozco, Jean-Luc Moulène, Tim Rollins and K.O.S., Anri Sala, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Danh Vo and Haegue Yang.

Mixed media
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Scènes dans une bulle de cristal — Seen in a crystal ball
Past: January 25 → February 29, 2020
To start the new year with some reflexions on an ideal world, Galerie Chantal Crousel presents Scènes dans une bulle de cristal — Seen in a crystal ball, an exhibition that invites the visitor to explore works offering some suggestions on how to transcend the universe we are part of.

New media, painting, sculpture...
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Sculptures infinies — Des collections de moulages à l’ère digitale
Past: December 4, 2019 → February 16, 2020
Depuis une dizaine d’années, la technique du moulage a trouvé une nouvelle actualité. Elle appartient depuis longtemps déjà au monde industriel, mais elle s’est développée à la faveur de procédés numériques d’enregistrement et de duplication des modèles.

Photography, sculpture, mixed media
Beaux-Arts de Paris Palais des Beaux-Arts
Jean-Luc Moulène — La Vigie (extraits), Paris, 2004-2011...
Past: April 18 → May 18, 2019
In 2004, Jean-Luc Moulène notices a stalk of Paulownia growing in the cracks of the pavement and buildings throughout the Parisian urban landscape. This plant is enclosed by a security fence on both sides of the pavement. The experience begins on 26 November 2004 and ends in December 2010 with 299 photographs.

Photography, mixed media
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Inauguration du nouvel espace de la galerie — même adresse / nouvel espace
Past: Thursday, June 7, 2018
La galerie MiniMasterpiece inaugure un nouvel espace et vous fait découvrir à cette occasion les bijoux des artistes Jean-Luc Moulène, Phillip King, Pablo Reinoso, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Claude Lévêque, Faust Cardinali et les designers Fréréric Ruyant, Pierre Gonalons et Nestor Perkal.

Jewellery, sculpture
MiniMasterpiece Gallery
Past: March 10 → April 21, 2018
The exhibition traces the history of assemblage and the potential of recycling from Kurt Schwitters’ pioneering work, to the artists who have been articulating this practice through the 80s and until today. It does not only involve the idea of bringing new sense to everyday life material, but also investigates the relationship these artists express with the adopted objects.

Installation, mixed media
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Le Rêve des formes — Exposition collective
Past: June 14 → September 10, 2017
The exhibition “The Dream of Forms”, presented for the twentieth anniversary of Le Fresnoy school, has been conceived as an imaginary landscape, a monstrous garden with perishable forms growing in it, as well as germinating surfaces, protuberant organisms and flat figures.

New media, mixed media, video
Palais de Tokyo
La vie, mode d’emploi — Collection Joseph Kouli
Past: May 18 → July 9, 2017
Next to institutions and away from speculation, the figure of the collector seems essential to reveal the diversity of artistic thinking today. Driven by a shared desire to be surprised and kept posted about the least known aspects of art, the CACC has decided to give the floor to one of these forward-looking actors: collector Joseph Kouli.

Drawing, painting, photography...
Centre d'Art Contemporain Chanot CACC
Jean-Luc Moulène
Past: October 19, 2016 → February 20, 2017
While Moulène is largely known for his photography, his more recent, object-based work plays a central role today. Through these previously unseen works, the exhibition circuit invites viewers to grasp the richness and complexity, both abstract and physical, of the artist’s world.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Jean-Luc Moulène — Ce fut une belle journée.
Past: November 26, 2016 → February 11, 2017
For his fifth exhibition at Galerie Chantal Crousel, Jean-Luc Moulène presents a unique body of works, all created between 2012 and 2016, from the end of his last exhibition at the gallery until today. They were expressly intended for this event.

Drawing, sculpture
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Past: October 15 → November 19, 2016
The Ether exhibition explores its own mutations and its tales, through the illusion of a parallel world, a space of communion between the four elements.

Installation, photography, sculpture
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Royal Garden 6
Past: December 23, 2014 → December 31, 2015
The sixth installment of Royal Garden is designed as a prolongation of The Registry of Promise, a cycle of four shows developed by Chris Sharp and jointly mounted by four art venues in Europe. All of the artists who took part in the shows, along with the four venues’ directors who worked together to make this undertak…

Drawing, film, photography...
Le Crédac
L’Usage des formes
Past: March 20 → May 17, 2015
The program “The Use of Form” brings together professionals from the worlds of art, design, the visual arts and architecture to discuss the tool and the technical instrument. The exhibition proposes an exploration of the mechanisms of human ingenuity and the passionate relationship that exists between a creator and his tools.

Architecture, design
Palais de Tokyo
humainnonhumain — Une proposition d’Anne Bonnin
Past: June 12 → July 12, 2014
The “non human” instantly conjures up anything and everything that seems to contradict or destroy the idea of human, it brings forth images of robots, bionic prostheses, extra-terrestrials. The exhibition sees relations to non-humans from the viewpoint of the body, that is, of physicalities of every shape, size and form.

Mixed media
Fondation d’entreprise Pernod Ricard
B.A.B.E — The Best Artists Books and Editors
Past: September 20 → October 26, 2013
Pour B.A.B.E, les livres seront intégrés dans un dispositif reprenant la structure d’une molécule d’ADN, les livres formeront eux-mêmes cette structure en forme de double-hélice droite. Dans l’espace d’exposition des écrans présenteront des vidéos où l’on découvre l’intérieur de ces livres.

Drawing, installation, painting...
Museum of Modern Art and Western Antiquities — Department of Light Recordings
Past: June 28 → August 2, 2013
Marian Goodman is very pleased to announce an exhibition dedicated to contemporary photography curated byJens Hoffmann. This is second time Hoffmann has brought to life the imaginary Museum of Modern Art and Western Antiquities and for this new exhibition has invited forty five international artists whose works outline recent trends and developments in photography.

Marian Goodman Gallery
Bande à part
Past: June 22 → July 27, 2013
Bande à Part offers a selection of videos by artists of the gallery that were not or scarcely presented to the public before. Four monitors invite the spectator to navigate through the works. One can follow the program, or choose one’s own trajectory.

Chantal Crousel Gallery
Les Trois Grâces
Past: May 4 → June 15, 2013
The subject of The Three Graces has framed countless images, both known and fantasized. With no pretention of creating a scientific or museum exhibition, it is a contemporary reading of this subject, as old as the world.

Mixed media
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Les référents
Past: November 29, 2012 → January 26, 2013
Artist Aurélien Mole and the Art critic Etienne Bernard have been invited to propose a project for galerie Edouard-Manet Art Center in Gennevilliers. They have chosen to respond with a curatorial proposal which adds to the traditional methods of selecting a group exhibit a more collective logic, operating by ricochet.

Collage, drawing, graphic design...
Edouard-Manet de Gennevilliers Gallery
L’Homme de Vitruve
Past: September 7 → December 16, 2012
Planned with the Crédac’s new venue in mind (the Manufacture des Œillets, or Grommet Factory, in Ivry), this show features works of art that touch on the industrial world, the gradual disappearance of shop-floor know-how, and union movements in factories yesterday and today.

Installation, photography, sculpture...
Le Crédac
Past: June 23 → July 28, 2012
The Gallery Chantal Crousel is pleased to announce its group show, superbody.

Mixed media
Chantal Crousel Gallery
Paris-Delhi-Bombay… — L’Inde vue par des artistes indiens et français
Past: May 25 → September 19, 2011
Le Centre Pompidou présente une grande exposition qui invite à découvrir la société indienne contemporaine à travers les regards croisés d’artistes plasticiens indiens et français. Fondé sur une collaboration inédite entre l’Inde et la France, cet événement a pour ambition de tisser des liens durables entre les deux cultures.

Collage, film, painting...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Anarchisme sans adjectif — Sur le travail de Christopher D’Arcangelo
Past: June 19 → July 30, 2011
« Lorsque je déclare que je suis un anarchiste, je dois aussi déclarer que je ne suis pas un anarchiste, pour rester en accord avec l’idée (…) d’anarchisme. Longue vie à l’anarchisme. » Entre 1975 et 1979, l’artiste nord-américain a développé une pratique artistique remarquable pour sa radicalité et sa portée critique à l’égard du rôle de l’artiste.

Performance, photography, sound - music...
CAC Brétigny
La règle du Jeu — Exposition inaugurale
Past: October 21 → December 17, 2010
The inaugural exhibition is called “The Rule of the Game,” a title borrowed from the famous film by Jean Renoir, where protagonists with different characters and backgrounds are linked in an unexpected way, thwarting all expected grids with relationships and alliances.

Installation, painting, sculpture...
Chantal Crousel – La Douane Gallery