Jeune Création — 66e édition — Performances


Drawing, installation, new media, painting...

Jeune Création — 66e édition

Past: Saturday, January 23, 2016

By invitation of Rémi Uchéda.

To give substance to an event celebrating — for the 66th time — young creation, it is important to devote a series of moments to performance art. The afternoon and evening of Saturday, January 23, are thus thought of as a time for presentation but also exchange and encounter.

The artists, gathered by Rémi Uchéda who is once again curating the performance programming, question the relation to one’s peers in terms of physical as well as political porosity, using the body as well as language.

93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom in 93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom out

69, avenue du Général Leclerc

93500 Pantin

T. 01 42 72 99 00

Église de Pantin

Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 10 AM – 7 PM

The artists

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