Kirill Chelushkin — Foolishness


Painting, sculpture

Kirill Chelushkin

Past: September 10 → October 8, 2011

Chelushkin2 grid Kirill Chelushkin Du 10 septembre au 08 octobre, l'exposition Foolishness chez Rabouan-Moussion présente les dernières oeuvres Kirill Chelushkin. Ins... 2 - Bien Critique Deunff f2f2f2 3 grid Panorama 09/11 Un tour d'horizon à chaud des expositions parisiennes de septembre. Mis à jour chaque semaine.

Kirill Chelushkin was born on the outskirts of Moscow in 1968. After training as an architect, he devoted himself to illustrations and drawing.

He outlined sumptuous imaginary industrial architecture projects with graphite on plastic.
In the late 1990s, he made acquaintance with the artist and theorist Dimitry Goutov and his Livchitz Institute. This club for aesthetic and ideological reflection reinterprets the thinking of the Soviet art historian, Michael Livchitz, an ardent defender of socialist realism, and criticizes the formalist deviances of modernism. This encounter encouraged Kirill Chelushkin to practice an art essentially visual, but more axed on the reality surrounding him.

Rabouan Moussion Gallery Gallery
Map Map
03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

11, rue Pastourelle

75003 Paris

T. 01 48 87 75 91

Arts et Métiers
Filles du Calvaire
Saint-Sébastien – Froissart

Opening hours

Every day except Sunday, 10 AM – 7:30 PM

The artist

  • Kirill Chelushkin