L’arbre de vie — Exposition collective en deux temps


Architecture, design, drawing, graphic design...

L’arbre de vie
Exposition collective en deux temps

Past: February 15 → July 28, 2013

College bernardins grid L’arbre de vie au Collège des Bernardins Parler de l’humain et de son rapport à l’art à travers le symbole de l’arbre, tel est le parti pris ambitieux de cette exposition c... 3 - Bravo Critique

In all cultures the tree symbolises life, its force, longevity, beauty and fecundity.

For artists past and present, to display the tree is to throw open questions about the body, the meaning of life and man’s being-in-the-world.

This exposition fills the different spaces of the Collège des Bernardin — the nave, the old sacristy, the moat and the garden — and presents works which manifest the richness and complexity of this greatly symbolic subject.

05 Paris 5 Zoom in 05 Paris 5 Zoom out

20, rue de Poissy

75005 Paris

T. 01 53 10 74 44


Cardinal Lemoine
Maubert – Mutualité

Opening hours

Every day except Sunday, 10 AM – 6 PM
Sundays and holidays from 2PM until 6 PM

Admission fee

Free entrance

The artists

And 13 others…