Latifa Laâbissi — Desfigures toxiques

Latifa Laâbissi
Desfigures toxiques
Past: December 9 → 13, 2013
The expression “toxic figures” refers to shapes, images, bodies or gestures generated by representations and behaviours that in the social and cultural realm create fixed identities which are harmful for individuals and society because they reproduce existing inequalities, discriminatory procedures, differentiation and identity reification. The term also signifies a break, a transformation, resistance that takes place through the complex use of these objectifying representations, through their embodiment, their deformation, twisting and morphing them, all in order to upset these representations, deconstruct them, spin them round and crush the walls that this carefully policed subjectivity creates. The toxic figure is a reaction to the violence we are subject to; it is at home in the crisis. It is omnipresent in our society.
Desfigures toxiques will endeavour to identify the toxic figures that are current in today’s society. What are the constructions used? What are their effects? The body, as a host for symptoms and a place for overcoming them; performance as a space in which acts are exchanged, a space for circulation; the institution as a place for sharing experiences, these will be at the heart of this week of meetings and programmes at les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers. The event is based on the work of Latifa Laâbissi and a permanent research group set up in 2012 that came together with the aim of reflecting on aesthetic strategies developed in the field of art (particularly in France) in order to transform visual habits inherited from colonialism and what followed it. The first steps in their work were taken at the Ecole des beaux Arts de Nantes in January 2013 under the title Ruser l’image (Fooling images), dedicated to the ideas of stereotype, counter-stereotype and anti-stereotype.Des figures toxiques is this research group’s second work, bringing together artists (Mathieu Kléyébé Abonnenc, Patrick Bernier, Latifa Laâbissi, Olive Martin), theorists and historians (Lotte Arndt, Emmanuelle Chérel) from a variety of disciplines.
Guests will be invited daily to take part in their meetings, discussion platforms and conferences (Alice Diop, Marie-Laure Allain, Elena Agudio, Yves Borowice, Maxime Cervulle, Azouz Gharbi, Olivier Marboeuf, Zahia Rahmani, Karima Ramdani, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Ninette Succab-Glissant, Yolande Zauberman) as well as shows and performances with Nadia Beugré, Volmir Cordeiro and Latifa Laâbissi.
The exchanges, material and reflections will be made available through a display — a changing layout of images and texts at les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers. This tool will grow throughout the week with additions from every event to finally become an exhibition open to the public until 20 December.
Some discussions, intended as separate moments for research, will not be open to the public. They are included in this schedule in order to give readers an overview of all the issues that will be dealt with throughout the week.
monday 9 december
Ruser l’image: synthèse et rebonds. Overview of the session that occured on January 2013 at the Ecole des Beaux-arts de Nantes with the research group.
tuesday 10 december
Figure imposée: encounter around Europe nomadic populations. With Azouz Gharbi, social worker in Aubervilliers (“Régies de quartier”) and Patrick Bernier & Olive Martin, artists.
Nancy Cunard and the realization of Negro Anthology — 1931-1934 by Sarah Frioux Salgas Place aux femmes: encounter with the association Place aux femmes, based in Aubervilliers
thursday 12 december
Chanson, musique et stratégies de détournements “De la « figure toxique » à la « figure rythmique ». La « beurette modérée » comme modèle d’émancipation dans le R&B français” by Karima Ramdani, Phd. researcher in political science and “La chanson de variétés est-elle toxique ? Du rire de Joséphine à celui de Salvador”, by historian Yves Borowice.
Followed by a round table with all participants of the day.
friday 13 december
L’approche documentaire, by Yolande Zauberman and Alice Diop The two documentarists will evoke persones and encounters that made the fabric of their films. Past experiences and projects to come will be spoken about, between dialogues and screenings. “Toxic Phobics Love Affair”, intervention by Yolande Zauberman and “Penser le film entrain de se faire”, by Alice Diop.
Filipa César — Zaim Performance Monday, December 9, 2013 at 8 PM
In this first film-essay, part of the research project People are the mountain, César takes us on a wandering path to visit the work of the Guinean agronomist Amílcar Cabral, studying the erosion of soil in the Portuguese Alentejo region through to his engagement as one of the leaders of the African Liberation Movement.
Volmir Cordeiro — Ines, car elle mérite les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers Performance Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at 8 PM
Ines, car elle mérite les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (Ines, because she deserves Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers)
Ines has two merits. The first was at the Palais de Tokyo, in February 2013, a presentation as part of the ESSAIS open school master class, directed by Emmanuelle Huynh. The second was at the end o…
Corps agissants : lieux et expositions Meeting Wednesday, December 11, 2013 10 AM → 6 PM
To what extend do exhibition curators, through their curating practices and in the spaces under their direction, inhabit and serve toxic figures? Discussions moderated by Lotte Arndt and Mathieu Kléyébé Abonnenec.
Latifa Laâbissi — Self Portrait Camouflage Performance Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 8 PM
In a white apparatus, an overexposed body. A naked silhouette, no chance of escaping our attention. A gendered relief of tensed flesh, establishing an image that is slowly covered by other images, like with much symbolic clothing. Latifa Laâbissi proffers a journey with this motif, loaded with points of contention and discordant designs.
Gestes toxiques Meeting Thursday, December 12, 2013 9:30 AM → 1 PM
This discussion with Nadia Beugré, Latifa Laâbissi, Volmir Cordeiro, Emmanuelle Chérel and Isabelle Launay deals with the specificity of the work of these artists from the dance world, the more concrete measures by which they implement complex and ambivalent gestures, the expression of a malaise and the tensions created through its contradictions.
La sédimentation de l’invisible toxique dans les régimes de visibilité Meeting Friday, December 13, 2013 2 PM → 6 PM
How much disintegration is caused by racism directed against individuals? How is it generated? How does it work in the private sphere and within social structures? While the social order brings its controlling influence to bear on subjects, they sometimes find a remedy in the desire that grows as they overcome their suffering.
Nadia Beugré — Quartiers libres Performance Friday, December 13, 2013 at 8 PM Are there places where we can’t go? Places we aren’t allowed to explore? What if we went there? What would we do? What would happen to us? Quartiers libres and Nadia Beugré reveals and explores these taboo places from which we are excluded, these forbidden places where we choose to wander.
Latifa Laâbissi — Écran somnambule & La part du rite Performance Friday, February 28, 2014 8 PM → 10 PM
The second part of the choreographer Latifa Laâbissi’s residence focuses on the notion of ‘re-enactment’, notably exploring a body of scores which have been drawn from living arts and historical fact. This second part will open with the pieces ‘Écran somnambule’ and ‘La part du rite’.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 11 am to 6 pm
Admission fee
Free entrance
And on booking for events at
The artists
- Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc
Lotte Arndt
Latifa Laâbissi
Patrick Bernier & Olive Martin
Emmanuelle Chérel
Alice Diop
Marie Laure Allain
Elena Agudio
Yves Borowice
Maxime Cervulle