Le tapis de Sigmund — Anne Deguelle

Le tapis de Sigmund
Anne Deguelle
Past: February 2 → 25, 2012
First to question the presence of a qahqa’I carpet on the Freud’s famous sofa , Anne Deguelle weaves together the inventor of psychoanalysis and the presence of this amazing coverage whose grounds are rich of meaning and memory.
For his second exhibition at Galerie Dix9, the artist redeploys an installation shown at the Freud Museum in London and brought into the symbolic resonance of Sigmund’s rug and the exploration of the unconscious. Woven wire to wire through the hands of nomadic women from the province of Fars in Iran, the carpet is made of extraordinary floral motifs with meandering and labyrinthine. This research on the famous carpet questions the relationship that may exist between the position of the patient lying on a night full of stars , and his thought that explores the night of his dreams (to try to decipher the mysterious figures).
Building on the archeology and iconography of oriental carpets, Anne Deguelle updates a typology based on the study of old paintings which were often a base to classify ancient carpets.
Through composite works, the artist gives a contemporary reading of the connections that have existed in lost or buried languages, the ornamental carpet and the dreams. Working with “montage” and projection as a mise en abyme, Anne Deguelle takes us into the world of the unconscious. She projects on a carpet a video made from the famous carpet qaha’i in which are inserted black and white images of sleepers . It also reactivates the principle of «composite training» and mixes photographs of carpets from the Freud’s collection to fragments of paintings by Holbein or Ghirlandaio. By a set of formal echoes, it makes resonances, and give another interpretation of the decorative
Always studying the great figures that mark our time, Anne Deguelle offers us a new symbolic reading of the Freudian universe, carefully untangling (analysing) intertwined tapestry and convolutions of the soul.
Opening hours
Tuesday – Friday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment
The artist
Anne Deguelle