Marion Laval-Jeantet et Benoît Mangin (Art Orienté Objet) — Andachtsraum

Marion Laval-Jeantet et Benoît Mangin (Art Orienté Objet)
Past: January 23 → March 15, 2015
Warburg, the renowned German art historian, compares the Hopi culture to the possible expression of a space of contemplation where the link between myth and nature is yet unbroken. An indispensable space for constructing a thinking space and restoring his period of time back to health. Marion Laval-Jeantet and Benoît Mangin’s artistic output centres on this thinking.
Marion Laval-Jeantet et Benoit Mangin (Art Orienté Objet) — Andachtsraum Opening Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 6 PM
Le travail du visionnaire. Une réflexion des artistes autour du Rituel du serpent d’Aby Warburg Meeting Saturday, January 31, 2015 11:30 AM → 12:30 PM
Throughout the exhibition, Marion Laval-Jeantet and Benoît Mangin will be holding discussions with the public based on the thought of Aby Warburg. Free entry.
La conjuration du Vendredi 13 — Pour survivre à la complexité du monde telle que Jared Diamond l’expose Lecture Friday, February 13, 2015 6:30 PM → 7:30 PM
nspired by the writings of the evolutionary biologist Jared Diamond, Marion Laval-Jeantet and Dominique Lestel will talk about the disappearance of complex societies and the similarities between past civilisations and the current one. They will propose alternatives drawing from art and thought, in order to imagine an …
Entrée via l’ENSA Versailles
au 5 avenue de Sceaux 78 000 Versailles
78000 Versailles
T. 01 39 07 40 27
Opening hours
Tuesday – Friday, 2 PM – 6 PM
Saturday & Sunday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Fermé les lundis et les jours fériés
Admission fee
Free entrance