O! Watt Up — De Watteau et du theatre
O! Watt Up
De Watteau et du theatre
Past: May 18 → July 23, 2017

Through the prism of this legend and leaving the Fêtes Galantes aside — the location of the Maison d’Art Bernard Anthonioz being enough a reference — the invited artists directly or indirectly explore the topic of the theatron — as did Watteau about three centuries earlier.
As a place where people come to watch, it also raises a dual issue in that it is both a place of representation of reality and a sham, which (re)plays, mimics and puts distance with the latter. At the same time, it works like a magnifying glass of the world.
While theater refers to representation, this Watteau-‐inspired exhibition intends to reflect on the representation of representation and questions the recurrence of theater as a topic, a characteristic, and a form in contemporary plastic creation.
Even though a place intended for group experience, transmission, education and entertainment, one should not however forget its subversive nature, in that it also facilitates the distortion and twist of values. Eminently dangerous it would seem.
Kindly loaned by a collector, an original drawing of Watteau displayed at the entrance of the exhibition will work as a reminder of the extraordinary story behind the listing as a historic monument of this Nogent-sur‐Marne estate at the beginning of the 20th century, given to the state by the Smith‐Champion sisters in 1944, and today managed by the FNAGP.
Opening Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 6 PM
Opening hours
Monday, Wednesday – Friday, 1 PM – 6 PM
Saturday & Sunday, noon – 6 PM
Fermé les jours fériés — Ouvert durant les congés scolaires — Fermeture exceptionnelle à 16h les samedis 24 et 31 décembre, fermée le dimanche 2 janvier 2022.
Admission fee
Free entrance
The artists
- Maude Maris
- Emmanuelle Villard
Anne Brégeaut
Patrick Corillon
Anne Laure Sacriste
Alex Cecchetti
Kris Knight
Ad Minoliti