Per Morten Abrahamsen — The lake and other lies

Per Morten Abrahamsen, Lars von Trier, 2010
Photographie 107 × 100 cm
Per Morten Abrahamsen
Per Morten Abrahamsen
The lake and other lies
Past: October 17 → November 18, 2018
Over the last 20 years, Danish photographer Per Morten Abrahamsen has established himself as one of the most prominent photographers in Denmark. His radical and restrictive methods earned him a reputation as a true master of staged portraiture and storytelling. He is constantly looking for the uniqueness of his subjects, while simultaneously projecting them into his internal and autobiographical stories.
08 Paris 8
08 Paris 8
Charles de Gaulle–Étoile
George V
Opening hours
Every day except Monday, noon – 6 PM
Ouvert les jours fériés.
Admission fee
Free entrance
The artist
Per Morten Abrahamsen