Philippe Parreno — Anywhere, Anywhere Out of the World
Philippe Parreno
Anywhere, Anywhere Out of the World
Past: October 23, 2013 → January 12, 2014
Panorama 12/13 De la maison rouge au Palais de Tokyo en passant par le centre Pompidou, la rédaction pose un regard sans concession sur les expositions franciliennes du mois de décembre. Philippe Parreno, Anywhere, Anywhere Out of the World — Palais de Tokyo Le Palais de Tokyo offre un terrain de jeu formidable à Philippe Parreno qui fait de l’apparente économie de moyens et d'objets la possibilité même d’en goûter l’infinie sensation. Slash vous propose une plongée au coeur de cette exposition à travers une lecture forcément subjective de ses enjeux.Internationally eminent artist Philippe Parreno radically transforms Palais de Tokyo. In response to an invitation where he has been given carte blanche, PhilippeParreno devises a total exhibition driven by his dialogue with the architecture of the Petit Palais. This exhibition — and its unprecedented format — further establishes a French artist whose works, ideas, and approach exercise considerable influence and have incontrovertibly reshaped our idea of art.
Philippe Parreno rose to prominence in the 1990s, earning critical acclaim for his work, which employs a diversity of media including film, sculpture, performance, drawing and text. Taking the exhibition as a medium, Parreno has redefined the exhibition experience by exploring its possibilities as a coherent “object”.
He has conceived the show at the Palais de Tokyo, in collaboration with set designer Randall Peacock and sound designer Nicolas Becker, where the works are presented as a mise-en-scène in which a series of events rhythmically unfold. Parreno creates a meticulously mastered script where the visitor is guided through the galleries by a spectral orchestration of sound, image and performance.
The exhibition offers a journey through Parreno’s works, old and new, as well as those of others including Douglas Gordon, Liam Gillick, Dominique Gonzalez Foerster and Tino Sehgal. Parreno manipulates symbols, words and sounds to achieve changes in perception allowing the building itself to become a living constantly evolving organism. His interventions include permanent changes to the architecture of the building which will alter preconceived notions of the space itself.
Philippe Parreno lives and works in Paris.
Parreno is the first artist in its history to take over the entire extended space of Palais de Tokyo.
Opening hours
Every day except Tuesday, noon – midnight
Closed on tuesday
Admission fee
Full rate €12.00 — Concessions €9.00
Free admission under 18 years-old, job seekers, those in receipt of income support…
The artist
Philippe Parreno