Scènes du geste — Programme Diurne


Dance, performance, video

Scènes du geste
Programme Diurne

Past: November 6 → 8, 2015

La fabrique des gestes

Saturday, november 7TH — Sunday, november 8TH 2015

Based on dance and music performances and the use of the many available sources (codex, music scores, treaties by dancing masters, correspondences, dissertations, manifestos, articles, essays, testimonies, literary texts), the “Fabrique des gestes” invites you to this factory where various constellations of danced movements are dreamt, devised and fashioned. Late Renaissance, baroque or classical eras, the ‘Fabrique des gestes’ brings to light the historical conditions leading to often silent transformations of what is referred to as “dancers”, “dance” or “choreography”.

Dancers’ Repertoire and Practices from the Baroque Period to the Enlightenment

Irène Ginger and Hubert Hazebroucq invite the audience to learn about the various aspects of the rich dance and music repertoires since the 17th and 18th centuries.

Art Direction: Hubert Hazebroucq/Irène Ginger
First episode: Entre règle et caprice
Second episode: Du naturel au caractère
Dance: Olivier Collin, Irène Feste, Hubert Hazebroucq and Irène Ginger
Music: students of the ‘Département de Musique Ancienne du Conservatoire de Paris (directed by Pascal Bertin).

The Modernity of Danse: Movement Practices and Techniques

Isadora Duncan; Rudolf Laban; Mary Wigman; Martha Graham; Ted Shawn; Kurt Jooss; Doris Humphrey

Series of dance practices and body techniques at the basis of the Western dance modernity. It draws on a number of unreleased sources from the collections of the CND media library and other collections entrusted to the ‘Centre national d’écriture du mouvement’. Exercises, dance steps or choreographic fragments, all are performed by dancers currently studying with the ‘Département de danse du Conservatoire de Paris’.

Art Direction: Noëlle Simonet, in collaboration with Amadine Bajou, Iréné Blin, Aurélie Berland, Virginie Mirbeau, Maud Pizon
Dance and music: the music students of Paris Conservatoire


Laboratoire des chœurs

Friday, November 6TH — Saturday, November 7TH 2015

A work on gestures focusing on the issue of the plurality of rhythms experienced as part of collective dynamics. The presentation of a few figures of the choral nature correlated with different historical perceptions of the danced movement is conceived as a way of being together and testifies to separate practices from the Renaissance to the first decades of the 20th century.

Martin Gleisner: Maispiel (May Play, 1929)

Art Direction: Noëlle Simonet, Marie-Charlotte Chevalier and Axelle Locatelli
Dancer: dance students of the ‘Département de danse du Conservatoire de Paris’.

Isadora Duncan: Variations on The Mother (circa 1920)

Based on the solo piece The Mother composed by Isadora Duncan in the early 1920s, Laetitia Doat asks a group of women to work, based on the title in a simple step, on the issue of narrative dance: how can walking or moving one arm’s carry a whole story?

Art Direction: Laetitia Doat
Dance: women of Pauline Rolland CHRS (centre for emergency housing and social reintegration), 19ème arrondissement — Paris; amateurs and children involved with the CND dance initiation class.

Ball in the Renaissance

5th grade pupils from a school in Pantin will present some of the main ball dances from the 16th century. These round dances, chains or processions are a collective experiment carried by the music and combining the dimensions of the ritual, the celebration and the pleasure. The public is welcome to participate.

Art Direction: Hubert Hazebroucq
Dance: 5th grade pupils of Paul Langevin school in Pantin.
Music: musicians from the ‘Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Paris’


L’atelier des archives

Saturday, November 7TH — Sunday, November 8TH 2015

Speakers/storytellers: Carole Boulbès (art historian); Dominique Brun (choreographer); Marie Glon (dance historian); Elisabeth Lebovici (art and feminism historian, critique and curator); Nathalie Lecomte (dance historian); Pierre Leguillon (artist); Marcella Lista (art dance historian and curator); Laurent Sébillotte (Head of the Heritage, Audiovisual and Publishing Department — CND).

The artists and researchers that will lead this workshop share, through their respective activities, involvement in a thorough practice of the archive in constant dialogue with the issues connected with artistic gestures. The public will be invited to meet each speaker in various areas of the CND and discover the documents displayed and explained. Using a selection of rare or unsuspected sources, these journeys are like fables or narratives setting the plot to better trigger what is at the heart of the aesthetic experience and related issues.


Scènes du Geste Exhibition

Valeska Gert
Film fragments (1925-1978)

Kazuo Ohno
Film fragments (1925-1978)

Tacita Dean
Merce Cunningham performs Stillness (in three movements) to John Cage’s composition 4’33" with Trevor Carlson, New York City, 28 April 2007

Pierre Leguillon (performative installation)
The Great Escape (2012)
Performance: Cyriaque Villemaux


Artist Films

Special screening in Ciné 104 in Pantin
Presented by Christophe Wavelet
Sunday, November 8th 2015
Tacita Dean (16mm films)
Craneway Event (2008-2009; 16mm anamorphic film/colour/optical sound; 1hour 48 min)

CND — Centre National de la Danse Independant
Map Map
93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom in 93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom out

1, rue Victor-Hugo

93507 Pantin Cedex

T. (0)1 41 83 98 98


Opening hours

Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 7 PM

Admission fee

Full rate €15€ — Concessions €10€

Tarifs spectacles avec LA CARTE CND : 10€ (plein), 5€ (réduit)