Thomas Huber — extase

Thomas Huber
Past: January 21 → April 2, 2017

Nearly thirty years after his exhibition at the Centre Pompidou, Thomas Huber is literally taking possession of the large room at the Centre Culturel Suisse, where his work is wholly focused on the figure of Eros. This exhibition by the Berlin-based Swiss painter is made up of drawings, watercolours and large-scale wall paintings made on-site. “What I want to do is articulate the genius loci, that is to say, the exhibition space, by painting this Eros that connects us all.”
Protuberant and receding domes, constituted by gigantic vulva–fountains, are painted directly onto the walls. Reflectively imaged in these wall paintings, the exhibition space also houses a set of drawings and watercolours. For the artist, this manipulation by means of images offers magical possibilities: the representation of the space acts on the space itself. Huber thus transcends the image of the sexual organs, which are often considered unaesthetic, or even ugly, by giving them an aesthetic form, by making them “beautiful.”
The exhibition is accompanied by an artist’s book, also titled extase, containing a selection of 80 erotic drawings and watercolours taken from the 66 sketchbooks that the artist has used since 1972, and never previously published.
Opening Friday, January 20, 2017 6 PM → 9 PM
Meeting Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 7 PM
En écho à l’exposition, Thomas Huber prononcera un discours, intitulé Séance
Opening hours
Every day except Monday, 1 PM – 7 PM
Librairie lu-ve 10h-18h / sa-di 13h-19h
Admission fee
Free entrance