Ultima Thulé — Henrik Saxgren

Henrik Saxgren, Départ de chasse, Ikerssuaq (Hvalsund), mai 2015
Photographie, 120 × 150 cm
Henrik Saxgren
Ultima Thulé
Henrik Saxgren
Past: April 7 → May 27, 2018
For many years Greenland has been a source of inspiration for the great Danish photographer Henrik Saxgren. The photos were taken during seven trips between April 2014 and September 2016 in North West Greenland. An incredible anthropological portrait of the Thule region.
Opening Friday, April 6, 2018 at 7 PM
08 Paris 8
08 Paris 8
Charles de Gaulle–Étoile
George V
Opening hours
Every day except Monday, noon – 6 PM
Ouvert les jours fériés.
Admission fee
Free entrance
The artist
Henrik Saxgren