Ugo La Pietra
As an architect, designer and theoretician, Ugo La Pietra graduated in architecture at the university of Milan in 1964.
A member of Global Tools, an experimental design school, he was one of the leaders of the radical movement in Italy in the 1970’s. He opened his first agency in Milan and worked for editors such as Poggi, Boffi, Bernini, Tosi Mobili, for whom he drew the bedchamber Occultamento. (Compass d’Oro in 1979), and Busnelli (Pretenziosa armchair, Agevole and Flessuoa sofas in 1984…)
As a theoretician and critic, he ran the journals In, Area et Abitare con arte from 1971 to 1973 and was also in charge of the design section of Domus from 1979 to 1986. He is also the author of a few reference books : La Ricerca morfologica (1965), Autoarchiterapia (1970), La Riappropriazione dell’ ambiente (1977).
The bookshelf Uno su l’altro is one of his first design creations. In the end of the 1970’s, Ugo La Pietra elaborates bjects and urban equipment tools converted to domestic use (the Paletti et Catene furniture series, or Acangei Metropolitani lamps, in 1979).
He has taken part to over 300 either individual or collective exhibitions, in Italy and abroad: at the Triennale in Milan, the Biennale in Venise, the Centre Georges Pompidou… More recently, the FRAC Paris paid him hommage with a retrospective exhibition entitled « Habiter la ville, c’est partout chez soi » (“Living in a city is an everywhere home”).
Ugo La Pietra
Design, film, photography
Italian artist born in 1938 in Bussi Sul Tirino, Italy.
- Localisation
- Milan, Italy
- Website
- Themes
- Experimentation, fonctionnalisme
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