Christian Andersson — From Lucy with love (Palais)


Installation, mixed media

Christian Andersson
From Lucy with love (Palais)

Past: October 7 → November 6, 2011

Sparse yet sophisticated, Christian Andersson’s installations play with appearances. in exploring the relationships between shadows and light, transparency and reflection, the artist creates true “perception traps.” Systematically, viewers are confronted with a mechanism that obstructs and diverts their preconceptions.

with From Lucy with love, visitors are invited to a journey through to the origins: a contemporary cabinet of curiosities that negotiates between the museum’s roles as both conservation archive and conveyor of truth. with the help of thorough research and humor, Christian Andersson gives us a new, personal version of history. The artist poses questions about how we think and how we see in order to make us conscious of the ideological systems that surround us and that are constantly changing over the course of history.

16 Trocadéro Zoom in 16 Trocadéro Zoom out

13, av. du Président Wilson

75016 Paris

T. 01 81 97 35 88

Alma – Marceau

Opening hours

Every day except Tuesday, noon – midnight
Closed on tuesday

Admission fee

Full rate €12.00 — Concessions €9.00

Free admission under 18 years-old, job seekers, those in receipt of income support…

Venue schedule

The artist

  • Christian Andersson