Marine Veilleux Gallery
After two intimate years in an apartment (MV.Gallery), the Marine Veilleux gallery opened its doors 47 rue de Montmorency in January 2013. Devoted to the promotion of young French and international artists, it developed a program paying particular attention to in situ projects. Although the gallery’s line of work is more about sculpture and the primacy of experience over the finished work, it also focuses on a tensioning of protean practices — sculptures, installations, drawings, videos, photographies, multiples. The promoted artists share a common enthusiasm for materials and for the notion of creation as a performative, transitory and modular work.
Each artists’ work stems from a documentary process : loaning, collecting, documenting, rewriting. They all design materials that are ranging from alteration to hybridization. Even if fluctuating materials share various registers or stages of production, they are all situated at the crossroads between image, narration, experience, document or symbol. This implementation proves memory to act as a gesture, and shows a forging and working thinking, leaving a part of the story untold in the shadows.
They all reconnect with some post-minimalist principles like the anteriority of experience over the finished work or the interweaving of distinct spaces and times — those of the workshop and of the exhibition space. In this expanding modular writing, fronteers seem to be blurry between the draft and the finished work. The question of the presented works’ status is then put aside, unresolved.
Opening hours
Other times by appointment