Paris Gallery Weekend — 2020
Past: July 2 → 5, 2020
Paris Gallery Weekend are pleased to announce the participation of 57 Parisian modern and contemporary art galleries for its next edition that will take place from July 2 — 5, 2020.
Film, installation, painting...
Multiple venues
Another (M)other
Past: June 4 → July 21, 2018
« Toujours aussi monumentales et hypnotiques, les œuvres récentes d’Anish Kapoor contaminent avec brio les deux espaces de la galerie Kamel Mennour »
— Camile Tallent pour Slash
Installation, sculpture, mixed media
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Cameron Jamie — Exposition personnelle
Past: May 3 → 26, 2018
Kamel Mennour présente l’exposition inaugurale de Cameron Jamie à la galerie. L’artiste californien présente à cette occasion un ensemble d’œuvres en céramique, témoignant d’un renouvellement de son travail graphique et plastique au moyen de l’argile.
Ceramic, sculpture
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Petrit Halilaj — ABETARE (Fluturat)
Past: December 1, 2017 → January 27, 2018
Le travail de Petrit Halilaj est profondément lié à l’histoire récente de son pays, le Kosovo, et aux conséquences des tensions politiques et culturelles dans la région.
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Tadashi Kawamata — Nest
Past: December 13, 2017 → January 21, 2018
With Nest Tadashi Kawamata presents different structures composed of more than 100 000 Chinese wooden chopsticks.
Architecture, installation, sculpture
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Daniel Buren, Camille Henrot, Anish Kapoor, Lee Ufan, Claude Lévêque, Ugo Rondinone — Exposition collective
Past: March 3 → May 3, 2017
La galerie kamel mennour présente un accrochage collectif des artistes Daniel Buren, Camille Henrot, Anish Kapoor, Lee Ufan, Claude Lévêque, Ugo Rondinone dans son nouvel espace, au 28 avenue Matignon, 75008 Paris.
Installation, painting, sculpture...
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Martial Raysse — Suite de dessins, études et modellos
Past: March 16 → April 22, 2017
cet accrochage offre un regard intime sur l’œuvre de Martial Raysse, la mise au jour pour le grand public d’années de travail peu connues jusque-là. Le prisme du dessin donne souvent l’impression de surprendre l’artiste dans l’atelier. Il y a un peu de cela ici, dans la spontanéité des compositions et les assemblages poétiques, mais pas seulement.
Drawing, print
Kamel Mennour Gallery
David Hominal
Past: March 16 → April 22, 2017
The current exhibition continues the one presented at the Consortium which was held at the end of last year. In the words of Stéphanie Moisdon, the curator of last year’s show: ’David Hominal’s work stands right in the middle of today’s tumultuous landscape. It contains no hidden parts, neither revealed nor disguised.
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Liam Everett — Panem et Circen
Past: January 20 → March 4, 2017
Au premier abord, les Screen Paintings (peintures-écran) de l’Américain Liam Everett évoquent d’étranges cartographies, de chaotiques paysages parcourus de spasmes lumineux. La peinture d’Everett, de constructions en déconstructions, d’élévations en excavations, relève en effet de l’architecture et de la fouille archéologique.
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Robin Rhode — Force of Circumstance
Past: January 20 → March 4, 2017
A very particular kind of poetry emanates from the work of South-African artist Robin Rhode. Rhode speaks in connection with his works about ‘a form of theatre’ and even more so of ‘a kind of live cinema’.
Installation, performance, photography...
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Alfredo Jaar — Shadows
Past: April 22 → May 28, 2016
« I was glancing through an illustrated magazine. A photograph made me pause. Nothing very extraordinary: the (photographic) banality of a rebellion in Nicaragua: a ruined street, two helmeted soldiers on patrol; behind them, two nuns. Did this photograph please me? Interest me? Intrigue me? Not even. Simply, it existed (for me)". — Alfredo Jaar
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Gina Pane — Exposition personnelle / Solo show
Past: March 12 → April 16, 2016
Kamel Mennour presents the second solo showing of the work of Gina Pane. Pane is a seminal figure in the history of body art and more generally in that of the arts scene in France during the 1970s and 80s.
Collage, drawing, sculpture...
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Christodoulos Panayiotou — Theories of Harm
Past: March 12 → April 16, 2016
For ‘Theories of Harm’, his first solo exhibition at the galerie kamel mennour, the Cypriot artist Christodoulos Panayiotou has built a maze of enigmas that, paradoxically, elucidate the world and reveal its hidden stories.
Jewellery, ceramic, photography...
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Pier Paolo Calzolari — Ensemble
Past: January 29 → March 5, 2016
With “Ensemble”, his second solo exhibition at the galerie kamel mennour, Pier Paolo Calzolari is reactivating this quest for passageways, vibrations, basic configurations, by causing distances to collide.
Installation, performance, sculpture...
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Alberto García-Alix — Un Mundo traicionado
Past: October 18 → November 22, 2014
Suns die and the night comes. The Spanish photographer Alberto García-Alix has chosen this night as his companion, to illuminate his life — in times of turbulence, and of intoxication, and of giddiness. For his third solo exhibition at Galerie Kamel Mennour, Alberto García-Alix reveals the new perspectives of false horizons.
Photography, video
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Petrit Halilaj — Yes but the sea is attached to the Earth and it never floats around in space...
Past: October 18 → November 22, 2014
This is not an exhibition. This is a dream. Of the strength of those who make us Visionaries in Arthur Rimbaud’s sense of the word (“The point is to arrive at the unknown by throwing all the senses into disorder”). Petrit Halilaj, born in Kostërrc, Kosovo in 1986, creates a world both surreal and familiar at the galerie kamel mennour.
Drawing, installation, painting...
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Lili Reynaud-Dewar — VIVRE AVEC ÇA ? !
Past: September 6 → October 11, 2014
Despite its direct address to the viewer, VIVRE AVEC ÇA ? ! [LIVE THROUGH THAT?!] takes on multiple and ambiguous meanings. Is it a question asked of those who collect and live with artworks? A question that the artist asks of herself?
Performance, sculpture, sound - music...
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Michel François — Ciel Ouvert
Past: September 6 → October 11, 2014
Michel François’ sculpture is rhythm, movement, and breath — his works infuse his materials with the movements of the world. “Ciel Ouvert” [Open Sky] puts us in the presence of a fissured landscape where the sky and the asphalt, like contemporary vanities, question earthly existence, its fleeting nature, its conquests, and more.
Sculpture, mixed media
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Anish Kapoor & James Lee Byars
Past: May 27 → July 26, 2014
The eight works Anish Kapoor selected — four of his own, four of James Lee Byars — enable us to sense the deep community that presides over their art: a great amount of care and attention is paid to the materials used.
Kamel Mennour Gallery
François Morellet — C’est n’importe quoi ?
Past: March 29 → May 17, 2014
Devilishly mischievous, the exhibition’s title, “François Morellet, c’est n’importe quoi ?” [“Does It Make Any Sense?”], questions us and alerts us to the touch of mischief that animates the artist’s now well-known minimalist vocabulary of white monochromes, black lines, and neon lights all arranged under the auspices of mathematics.
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Camille Henrot — Grosse Fatigue
Past: February 5 → March 22, 2014
With Grosse Fatigue, Camille Henrot set herself the challenge of telling the story of the universe’s creation. Indeed, her fatigue is “grosse”, or hugely weighty, she who has condemned herself to carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders like the Titan Atlas.
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Latifa Echakhch — All Around Fades to a Heavy Sound
Past: February 5 → March 22, 2014
À l’occasion de sa troisième exposition personnelle à la galerie kamel mennour, Latifa Echakhch investit le nouvel espace de la rue du Pont de Lodi. Dans la lignée des œuvres présentées en 2012 au Kunsthaus de Zurich et en 2013 lors de la FIAC dans le cadre du prix Marcel Duchamp, l’artiste déploie ici encore l’idée d…
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Lee Ufan
Past: November 6, 2013 → January 25, 2014
The extreme formal simplicity of the work of Lee Ufan is as intriguing as its abstract sophistication. The artist’s work — the “art of encounter” as he himself puts it — connects pictorial marks, stone, metal, glass, shadow and light.
Installation, painting, sculpture...
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Pier Paolo Calzolari — Another
Past: September 14 → October 26, 2013
For his first exhibition at galerie kamel mennour, Pier Paolo Calzolari will make use of both exhibition spaces: a collection of mostly older works will be shown in the gallery on the rue Saint-André des arts, while the artist will be inaugurating the new space in the rue du Pont de Lodi with recent works.
Sculpture, mixed media
Kamel Mennour Gallery
L’image pensée
Past: June 27 → July 25, 2013
This exhibition constitutes an attempt to explore the forms of thought for which the image is the witness, the repository and the source. Bringing together contributions from eleven artists, all hailing from different chronological and geographical contexts, it presents this community that has come into being, at the centre of art, through its treatment of images.
Film, photography, video
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Ann Veronica Janssens
Past: May 16 → June 22, 2013
For her first solo exhibition at galerie kamel mennour, the Belgian artist Ann Veronica Janssens punctuates the space with works that play with the mobile states of matter, varied nuances of colours and the intensity of light.
Installation, sculpture, mixed media
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Alicja Kwade — Gegenwartsdauer
Past: April 3 → May 8, 2013
Gegenwartsdauer is somewhere between duration of the present and persistence of the moment. Alicja Kwade primarily treats the term in its more scientific sense. The duration of the present is determined by international norms: it is an infinitely small fraction of a second — imperceptible and fleeting.
Installation, sculpture, mixed media
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Mohamed Bourouissa — All-in
Past: February 2 → March 16, 2013
Mohamed Bourouissa does not pretend to deal with the immense and complex network that binds us to money. First and foremost, he seeks to emphasise its attractiveness and its power as a motor and model of integration and success, but also, in a significant dichotomy, the force and violence of its capacity to exclude.
Photography, mixed media, video
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Camille Henrot — Est-il possible d’être révolutionnaire et d’aimer les fleurs ?
Past: September 6 → October 6, 2012
In Camille Henrot’s exhibition, flowers take on the aura of powerful and destructive weapons. The artist puts in place a lapidary language whose phrasing liberates. Now we understand why revolutions appropriate the names of flowers: the Carnation Revolution in Portugal, the Hundred Flowers Campaign in China, the Rose Revolution in Georgia.
Photography, sculpture, mixed media
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Tadashi Kawamata — Under the Water
Past: December 10, 2011 → January 28, 2012
Made, in part, using reclaimed timber, the Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata’s works sometimes give the impression of pouring forth like a river bursting its banks. This is true for the Gandamaison project at the Maréchalerie art center in Versailles in 2008, for which the artist assembled 5000 wooden crates that appear to be tumbling down from the roof.
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Claude Lévêque — Basse Tension
Past: October 14 → November 26, 2011
Three rooms, three different atmospheres — yet all bathed in a muted, barely visible light. The sun has disappeared, and a generator-powered artificial moon has stepped in, shining its pale beams. “Basse Tension” is the world that is found at the end of the road. A world where there is just enough electricity to keep us alive. But for how much longer?
Installation, sound - music
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Marie Bovo — Grisailles
Past: September 8 → October 8, 2011
For her exhibition at galerie kamel mennour, the artist has chosen to present two recent series of works: Cours intérieuresand Grisailles, which together mark a turning-point in her work resulting from an increased prominence given to architecture.
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Anish Kapoor — Almost Nothing
Past: May 12 → July 23, 2011
For his first solo exhibition, Anish Kapoor is showing a series of works based on the idea of the void and immateriality — concepts that have been recurring since the middle of the 1980s. Following Pigment Pieces, which brought him to prominence, the artist began to hollow out stone with the aim of lining the interior with dark pigment.
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Kazimir Malévitch & François Morellet — Carrément
Past: March 17 → April 30, 2011
Les relations de François Morellet avec l’œuvre de Kazimir Malévitch sont à la fois on ne peut plus ambiguës et néanmoins carrément explicites. C’est avec une douce ironie que Morellet pointe la « malice » de Mondrian, « dénaturant parfaitement des tableaux carrés en les transformant en losanges grotesques ».
Installation, painting
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Alfredo Jaar
Past: February 11 → March 12, 2011
Let us begin with light and luminosity, transparency and illumination. When we think of these terms, we tend to relate them to the way things appear — to the quality of objects, spaces, images, and the like. But on a basic level, these associations are merely supplementary to the more fundamental, reactive, and metabolic sensations.
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Sigalit Landau — Working Title WM I+II
Past: October 21 → November 18, 2010
Les ouvriers agricoles qui ramassent les pastèques en Israël viennent tous, sans exception, d’un village arabe israélien proche de Nazareth – Manda. Pourquoi ? Ces derniers disent que c’est leur métier, qu’ils sont les meilleurs pour ce travail et qu’ils font cela depuis des milliers d’années…
Kamel Mennour Gallery
Daniel Buren & Alberto Giacometti, Œuvres contemporaines — 1964-1966
Past: April 29 → July 24, 2010
Juxtaposing the work of two artists sometimes leaves few alternatives apart from forming either a dialogue (searching for the affinity, the complementary nature of the works, or the complicity between them) or a disparity (highlighting the differences). All the more so when one of them is no longer with us.
Painting, sculpture
Kamel Mennour Gallery
06 St Germain
06 St Germain
47, rue Saint-André des arts
6, rue du Pont de Lodi
75006 Paris
T. 01 56 24 03 63 — F. 01 40 46 80 20
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM