Daiga Grantina — Toll


Installation, mixed media

Daiga Grantina

Past: February 16 → September 9, 2018

Daiga grantina palais de tokyo 123 1 grid Daiga Grantina — Palais de Tokyo Avec une fraîcheur et une énergie qui font écho au titre de l’exposition Toll, littéralement « fou » ou « épatant », cette jeune ar... 2 - Bien Critique

Daiga Grantina has created a vast sculpture from a range of materials with varying qualities: hard and soft, transparent and opaque. Blended together in a strange and colourful landscape, each one of these materials has a role of its own in this organism that is playful, furious, confused, and a little ‘toll’ (the German term meaning ‘mad’ or ‘astounding’ which lends Grantina’s work its title).

The different elements of this assemblage-sculpture, exhibited in an unfinished and imperfect state, come to life thanks to beams of light that unite the various materials and, in turn, delimit further spaces. The uncontrolled atmosphere takes on a material form through the foam that expands into space, echoing the power of childhood flights of fancy in which tables and whatever materials are to hand suddenly become the stuff of improvised and potentially habitable refuges.

Curator : Sandra Adam-Couralet

16 Trocadéro Zoom in 16 Trocadéro Zoom out

13, av. du Président Wilson

75016 Paris

T. 01 81 97 35 88


Alma – Marceau

Opening hours

Every day except Tuesday, noon – midnight
Closed on tuesday

Admission fee

Full rate €12.00 — Concessions €9.00

Free admission under 18 years-old, job seekers, those in receipt of income support…

The artist

  • Daiga Grantina