Faits divers — Une hypothèse en 26 lettres, 5 équations et aucune réponse


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Faits divers
Une hypothèse en 26 lettres, 5 équations et aucune réponse

Ends in about 1 month: November 15, 2024 → April 14, 2025

Macval%202024 faits%20divers 25 grid Faits divers — Mac Val, Vitry-sur-Seine Radicale, forte et percussive, l’équation à multiples inconnues de l’exposition Faits divers du Mac Val joue de la stupeur et du qu... 2 - Bien Critique

Under the curatorship of director Nicolas Surlapierre and Vincent Lavoie, an art historian and professor at the Université du Québec in Montréal, the Musée d’Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne has undertaken a major investigation into the subject of the fait-divers, resulting, this autumn, in a major exhibition bringing together no fewer than 80 artists from a wide range of backgrounds and formal practices. “Faits divers” has been awarded the “national interest” label, not only for the originality of its content, but also for the museum’s strong commitment to reaching out to all kinds of audiences, from experienced viewers to newcomers. Visitors will be able to decipher the workings of the genre through an innovative scenography that provides interpretative keys to the many artistic proposals that explore the fait-divers. And as is suggested by the exhibition’s subtitle, “A hypothesis in 26 letters, 5 equations and no answers,” here each visitor can give free rein to their imagination and personal judgement.

This group show marks the 20th twentieth anniversary of the founding of MAC VAL, an event that will be celebrated throughout 2025. The inspiration for the theme came from Roland Barthes’ essay “Structure of the Fait-Divers” (1964). Described by the semiologist as the “unorganised discard of news,” the fait-divers helps us to name and identify the aberrant causalities and coincidental relationships that disrupt everyday life. This exhibition offers a broad and comprehensive overview, allowing for comparison, and plays on the principles of enigma and trickery. The fait-divers is the revelation of the unfathomable mystery of banality. It is the grain of sand that causes dull routine to seize up, brutal anomie, the explosion of violence beneath still waters, the cruelty of good honest folk. It is also the revenge of the obscure, of the nobodies.

With: Absalon, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Mac Adams, David Ancelin, Eduardo Arroyo, Julien Audebert, Delphine Balley, Lewis Baltz, Ben, Carole Benzaken, Pascal Bernier, Ode Bertrand, Maurice Blin, Samuel Bollendorff, Christian Boltanski, Corinne May Botz, Véronique Boudier, Halida Boughriet, Mohamed Bourouissa, Xavier Boussiron, Joël Brisse, La Brodeuse masquée, Brognon Rollin, Benoît Broisat, Bureau of Inverse Technology, Sophie Calle, Jérôme Cavalière et Stéphane Déplan, Stephen Chalmers, Grégory Chatonsky, Nicolas Cilins, Claude Closky, Julien Creuzet, Claire Dantzer, Nicolas Daubanes, Nicolas Descottes, Éric Dubuc, Michel François, Sylvain Fraysse, Agnès Geoffray, Camille Gharbi, John Giorno, Ana Maria Gomes, Pierre Huyghe, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Michel Journiac, Nina Laisné, Abigail Lane & Mathew Weir, Jean Le Gac, David Levinthal, Caroline Macdonald, Marko Mäetamm, Teresa Margolles, Pascale Mijares, Joachim Mogarra, Sabine Monirys, Jacques Monory, Yan Morvan, Natascha Niederstrass, Didier Paquignon, Christian Patterson, Éric Pougeau, Alain Pratte, Lidwine Prolonge, André Raffray, Philippe Ramette, Virginie Rebetez, Antonio Recalcati, Jason et Carlos Sanchez, Alain Séchas, Bruno Serralongue, Nancy Spero, Angela Strassheim, Kiran Subbaiah, Taroop & Glabel, Julien Tiberi, Yann Toma, Nils Vandevenne, Cecilia Vicuña, Bob Watts

94 Val-de-Marne Zoom in 94 Val-de-Marne Zoom out

Place de la Libération

94400 Vitry-sur-Seine

T. 01 43 91 64 20


Opening hours

Every day except Monday, 11 AM – 6 PM

Admission fee

Full rate €5.00 — Concessions €2,5

Entrée gratuite pour tous les premiers dimanches de chaque mois

Venue schedule

The artists

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